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Daily Show: Blackstone and Codere (Sam Bee Wrecking Ball)

Daily Show - Fraud is legal

Daily Show - Fraud is legal

Daily Show - Fraud is legal

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Jon Stewart on FIFA 2022 World Cup Stadium in Doha, Quatar

Jon Stewart on FIFA 2022 World Cup Stadium in Doha, Quatar

Jon Stewart on FIFA 2022 World Cup Stadium in Doha, Quatar

Grimm (Member Profile)

Cops tazed father trying to save son?

Lawdeedaw says...

Never said your problem was that you "think." I reflected your idea that I don't let you think before adding my basis. Your problem is that my "thinking", or the "basised" writing on the subject is invalid. That was my opinion. If it affected yours, oh well. As you said, I am like every human being.

And this facts bs is really making me peeved. You watched the Daily Show where we agree 100%. But did John Stewart provide proof and facts about the FBI report? Did he link them? No, 100% not. He just said a bunch of bullshit that we kind of trust (So much so that we upvote.)

And yet his "basis" is not questioned...

Yogi said:

The problem is I think? You can't not think before watching something, it has a title so you automatically assume things based on the title. So what you're accusing me of is what every human does.

So no I am not wrong to criticize you on how biased your description is. I was pulling you up and it and informing you that your description was not needed. Perhaps next time you could include some facts or research instead of your personal musings.

TDS: Jason Jones wants to know where to S#*T!

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'Daily Show, TDS, Workplace, NFL' to 'Daily Show, TDS, Workplace, NFL, Richie Incognito, Jonathan Martin, miami dolphins' - edited by eric3579

Daily Show Sexy Costumes for Halloween

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'Daily Show, Halloween, Costumes, Kristin Schaal' to 'Daily Show, Halloween, Costumes, Kristen Schaal' - edited by eric3579

quietlyhardcore (Member Profile)

Daily Show: GOP admits to racism and voter suppression

VoodooV says...

I suspect, bob, that you probably couldn't even convert 3/5 to decimal, so I hope you'll forgive me if I choose not take your advice on the 3/5ths compromise. I'm sure you didn't even know it was a compromise and not just some liberal hoax.

Yeah, if you're going to accuse someone of being dumb, you might want to check yourself first that you've got the whole basic spelling thing down.

"Your <sic> just pissed".... you sure you're not just projecting? We've seen before how your spelling and grammar get even worse than usual when you're upset.

Back to actual issues since you seem intent on bathing in distractions and logical fallacies. Yet again, I notice that you fail to even talk about the whole voter fraud issue. Once again, you seem to focus on the whole lazy aspect, just like your buddy in the video here. It seems a bigot's weakness is just to let them talk and they admit to their desires of disenfranchising citizens.

Keep it up with that GOP strategy of including people by accusing them of laziness. I see you're taking notes from Romney on that. Got any other comments on the 47% that he forgot about? I'm sure that strategy is working out for you so well in the elections.

Thanks for proving the Daily Show's point. Really saves time

bobknight33 said:

You need to read what 3/5 mean.

Your just pissed that this law does nothing wrong except puts 1 extra step in voting by having to have an ID.

And if you are too lazy to get an Id then you probably don't have a clue on whats going on and should not vote anyway.

Lazy dumb Democrats. Any you want to stand for them.

Daily Show: GOP admits to racism and voter suppression

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Daily Show, Jon Stewart, racism, voter suppression' to 'Daily Show, Jon Stewart, racism, voter suppression, aasif mandvi' - edited by xxovercastxx

VoodooV (Member Profile)

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