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Scotland's independence -- yea or nay? (User Poll by kulpims)

blankfist says...

So Monarchies are oppressive? Hmmm. Interesting. Got it.

But doesn't Norway also have a Monarchy? And in this comment, didn't you extoll the values of their nationalized and socialized industries? Would you not then also give a pass to Norway's people who might reject that form of government and feel the need to secede? Same for Denmark, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, the UK, and most of the civilized Western world for that matter?

ChaosEngine said:

Because one is secession from a monarchy after centuries of mistreatment and the other is basically "we don't want no uppity lib-uhrl nigger telling us what to do"?

Jon Stewart's "Rosewater" Trailer

blackoreb says...

Maziar Bahari appeared in a Daily Show segment 10 days before he was arrested. The footage was used against him while he was being interrogated and tortured. Jon Stewart had a personal stake in this particular story.

Also, no one is complaining about your feedback - it is the here-is-an-unrelated-topic-that-I-care-about bit that is cringe worthy.

billpayer said:

Love J.S. but I think a film about how Guantanamo has locked up and tortured 86 innocent people for 10 years might be more relevant for a U.S. audience. Yes, 86 prisoners cleared for release, still locked up.

Instead we get a film about how evil Iran is, by an U.S. director

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

chasoclass says...

I like John Oliver's program, but let me see here: the white male headlining the show, who probably got this gig on HBO when he substituted for another white male on the Daily Show, is telling us about how unfair corporate America is when it comes to gender? Every Late Night talk show host is a male. So it irks me when a male-dominated business preaches to me about unfairness towards women. Classic pot calling the kettle black.

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

enoch says...

did you just compare a famous nazi warmongering propagandist (who got his playbook from an american *edward bernaise*) to a political satirist?

a political satirist who is skewering actual so-called "journalists"?

jon stewart is NOT a journalist and this segment is not about reporting on ferguson but rather pointing to the absurdity of some news outlets and how THEY propagandize.

nobody knows for certain the details of what went down,mainly in part to "news" outlets such as the daily show is revealing to be muppets rather than journalists but ALSO how the police department is handling the situation.

the news outlets are also ignoring the under lying reasons why there was rioting and looting.

or do you actually believe that people in this community just decided to blow up businesses and take to the if it were inherent to their nature and that rioting is fun!
yaaay rioting! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEE!

but maybe...
juuuust maybe.
there had been an ongoing persecution brought on by years of flagrant abuse of authority and a disproportionate focus on this poor community?
think that could be possible?
not only is it possible but probable,because thats exactly what many of the residents have actually said.

a few decades of bad policing will have that effect on people.

who is the blame?
do we blame the residents?who after years of police stepping on their necks resorts to violence?
well,they do hold some responsibility.though we may understand,we cannot condone.

or do we blame the police?

well,several weeks ago you made the argument that it was actually those in command that set the tone for the entire force.

that was a good argument.
i agree with that argument.
being former military i understand the chain of command and how vital it is to a working and successful force that wields immense power.

so here is my basic problem with your commentary:
you chastise stewart for ignoring the violence,rioting and protesting,while at the VERY SAME TIME ignore the REASONS why that that violence erupted.

you appear to be very vocal in your support of the police,ANY police,which commendable...even noble,but you,yourself,noted that those in command could be corrupt,vicious and incompetent.

so my question is this:
why would you defend those cops?

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap

rancor says...

Folks, just ignore the trolls. The ignore button is right there. There's a clear distinction between rational counterpoint argument and these guys' bullshit. Over a course of years visiting this site, it has become painfully (literally) clear to me that they are not worth listening to, and it sounds like many of you have reached the same conclusion. They're on my ignore list, but I end up reading their comments anyway because you guys put their comments in quote blocks, which makes me sad.

Now, slightly more on topic, I'm always amazed at how well satire shows like this, The Daily Show, and Colbert produce the most interesting investigatative material. It's an interesting line to walk where they are not performing purely journalistic functions, so they're technically more free to cherry-pick parts of the topic for comedy/satire, but you can also tell they ARE trying to get to the nut of the matter most of the time. Further, the discussions we've been having on this page (the productive posts, at least) illustrate that we're actually holding them to journalistic standards anyway. Or at least argumentative standards; we see the segments of their shows as "not just jokes". What a great format. It also allows them to instead produce whole segments on calling out others (usually Fox) on their journalistic failures, which is an extremely important function but one not undertaken by most of big media.

Sorry for the essay. I like productive contributions on VS because reading the comments on CNN is just worse than YouTube...

"Dear Mom and Dad." About demented US gun culture.

billpayer (Member Profile)

lurgee (Member Profile)

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

Trancecoach says...

A TV show is not science (regardless of what Neil deGrasse Tyson would have you believe).

"Cosmos" is not a scientific study or proof of anything (nor is The Daily Show). Now, Tyson or Stewart can, if they care to, write papers on climate change and show their proofs of whatever claims they want, but their papers would be subjected to peer review if they're to have any scientific validity whatsoever.

Alas, television is strictly entertainment for the serfs. (Next, you're going to tell me that Michael Moore has "proven" how great the Cuban health care system is... Oh, that happened already. Issue settled.)

dannym3141 said:

The only climate change "debate" going on is between those who are not capable of understanding the science.

People have come to respect television and talking heads way too much. If you want a scientific opinion, why don't people ask a scientist? If you asked one at random you're 99.5% sure to get a "yup, the evidence says it's true." -- that's the approximate ratio of scientific opinion.

"It's not news, it's CNN"

Muslims Interrogate Comedian

asynchronice says...

Can anyone give some background on what kind of show this is ? It seems fascinating, but I can't grasp the context here (and the odd cutaways to random dudes, some mention of bimbos, etc.) Is it like the daily show with Muslim commentators ?

Jonah Hill and Morgan Freeman Share Awkward Moment

Xaielao says...

One of the reasons I enjoy this show is because of the regular, shoot-the-shit kind of talk between celebs. Same with The Daily Show.

Most of us are used to canned 7 minute 'pre-approved' questions interjected with a not-that-funny story and a 30 second clip that is modern american late night talk shows. I mean the reason John Stewart has won so many concurrent Emmies is because he actually interviews like a real person and not a robot, he gets the meat of the topic, the interesting stuff. It's just so much less 'scripted'. Sure Graham Norton has the 'not-so-funny stories and the one liners but his show often involves a more casual dynamic between the guests. It's something I'd much like to see on US late night.

Vermont Becomes The First State To Pass Wolf PAC Resolution

VoodooV says...

sure there are unions that are corrupt, but I'd rather correct that corruption instead of completely gimping collective bargaining.

Even The Daily Show had a piece a while back showcasing how stupid/lazy/corrupt some unions could be.

I think even that Hostess situation was the product of the combination of shitty unions, and a greedy CEO

If someone has a better idea for how workers can band together and prevent being exploited without taking it too far, then let's hear it, until then, we need unions.

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