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dag (Member Profile)

bmacs27 says...

I don't think many of these companies (Google, Apple, etc) were in cahoots with the NSA. My suspicion is directed towards the conspicuous absence of Cisco's name from the conversation. Almost like - redacted - conspicuous. How else could something like this be implemented?

I found this article interesting:

Softbank can't buy sprint unless they promise not to use Huawei (Chinese) routers? It's all about the core node. If you own the core node, you own everybody on it. They don't need anyone else to play along.

I also considered this one:

What better way to get all their traffic on your switch than by offering to censor the internet for them?

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think it's a mistake to think of "the government" as a single entity and capable of doing good or bad - it leads to all kinds of problems.

There are bad policies, bad laws, misguided individuals within government, people driven by self-interest, fear and prejudice, internal cultures that lead to incompetence and bad actions - all of those things - but no Emperor Palaptine in the woodworks - covertly angling for more power for its own sake.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant and that's what's needed in the US government. I like the French idea that a government should fear its people (as it does in France) and not the other way around.

Just the fact that Obama and his intelligence chief try to justify the program by saying that it only targets foreign individuals blows my mind - I mean WTF?? Don't we deserve privacy here in Australia? It's like a giant fuck you to the near 7 billion people who don't happen to live within the US borders.

It makes me so angry - especially that all of these American tech companies were in cahoots with the NSA - yes even Apple.

Room 427 Has A Very Strange Addition.

Bill Hicks - Censored Letterman Appearance 15 Years Later

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

bareboards2 says...

I don't think we need a moderator either. If someone is egregiously and personally attacking someone, they can get temporarily or permanently banned by our Benevolent Dictator @dag. Some folks don't like that, but I think it is why the Sift is such a grand place -- the trolls are moderated and if they DON'T self censor, out they go. That doesn't bother me in the least (even though I miss Bone, I get why he is gone.)

What bothers me -- and I have started to write this a couple of times, but I SELF CENSORED -- is when these long "discussions" devolve to essentially two people going back and forth. It ceases to be about the particular video, and becomes about the two Sifters. Nothing wrong with the exchange, but why can't they move it to their personal profiles? Anyone who wants to follow it, can.

But I have learned here on the Sift to never ask anyone to do anything, because all of Holy Hell will descend upon my head, and I will be accused of a host of sins for making a request.

So no request here. Just a suggestion that maybe if you find yourself in a duo-logue (or dueling monologues?), you might consider just sliding over to your personal page.

Or not. Whatever. It's just pixels.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

messenger says...

Community cannot develop when you have official moderators. It's like having police officers standing inside every bar -- they prevent most of the fights, but kill the atmosphere -- not because people were going to break the law, but because people behave differently around the po-po.

If you don't like these threads, you're always free not to read them, but if conversations I like get moderated out of existence, I can't go read them. Further, if I know there's moderators about, I'll self-censor like in the bar example above, and that's even worse. Moderation/no moderation is a trade-off either way. I think the sensible move is continuing not to have any of it here.

VoodooV said:

@messenger this is EXACTLY why moderation is needed because this thread demonstrates exactly how there is NO self-moderation going on. Things are blowing up now until the next time someone falls for the chigalera/shinyblurry trap and we do this all over again lather rinse repeat and zero progress.

This sift keeps naively assuming that everyone wants to contribute constructively. Not everyone does. Some people are just attention whores. Dissent and offense is fine as long as it can be done constructively and you can at least make a decent argument to back it up. Most of us do that here, but non-insignificant number of us don't And sometimes you have to pull out the weeds.

Not every opinion is equal. You want debate and discourse here? Well there are rules and a structure to that. If you can't back your shit up or you commit blatant logical fallacies or are non-constructive, expect to get your ass kicked. That isn't squashing dissent, that's enforcing a standard.

The Pre-Mortem One-Liner

Zawash says...

The Commando bit was epic in Norway. It was heavily used in trailers show at the start and end of other video tapes, but was censored and cut from the video release itself. When Arnie gets back to the car, and the others ask where the captive was, he just answers "I let him go". Well - in a slightly different fashion, anyway.

Healthy Homemade Hamburger - Gordon Ramsay

shang says...

I loved his show "The F Word" it was a truer Gordon, He took a bunch of heat from PETA cause he showed his son how to kill a rabbit on the air, they trapped one and broke it's neck backwards for insta kill. Then he had his son dispatch the next one. On a later show he cut a lambs neck to bleed it as it hung upside down then butchered it. Then on another episode brought a deer in draped over his shoulders to the kitchen.

and another episode killing puffin in Iceland got him a lot of PETA controversy.

I love that show The F Word, you can download every uncensored episode on torrent sites like or since it doesn't air anymore all 4 seasons and they don't censor any of the episodes.

it's his best work.

The Boondocks - Prisoner Demands

Gay Couple or Straight Friends?

Fletch says...

For the movie ratings system here, that's actually pretty close to the truth. As far as network tv, they're still pretty parochial. However, some basic cable channels, Comedy Central for instance, don't censor anything after a certain time. "Asshole" seems like a pretty tame thing to bleep to me, but I'm a potty-mouth, and Kimmel is in a 4-way battle for ratings.

shatterdrose said:

Because our censors are role-model *Christian* citizens chosen at random . . . and then never re-chosen.

Gay Couple or Straight Friends?

Gay Couple or Straight Friends?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The weird thing about US late night is that it's OK to say "scissor sisters" but they bleep out asshole. I just don't get it anymore - maybe it's like asshole is just a piece of symbolic profanity that is censored because it's censored.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

silvercord says...

Just read this quote from Robert Fripp and thought of your channel:
"One of the ideas that was important to me was that you could be a rock musician without censoring your intelligence. Rock music has a very anti-intellectual stance, and I didn't see why I should act dumb in order to be a rock musician. Rock is the most malleable musical form we have. Within the rock framework you can play jazz, classical, trance music, Urubu drumming. Anything you like can come under the banner of rock. It's a remarkable musical form ...

Louis C.K. on David Letterman [3 April, 2013]

EvilDeathBee says...

hahaha! Censoring it because a kid might watch it on the internet! Somebody please think of the children! Oh, be careful! They may even come across some porn too! I hear if you look really hard, you may find some.

Also, I said I don't watch TV, but I watch "TV shows" all the time, I just don't sit down in front of the TV and channel surf and watch any old crap on the TV. Actually, usually through the internet and I find very few things on the internet are bleeped or censored

ForgedReality said:

You missed the point.

This is the internet. Time doesn't matter here. Kids will see it regardless of when it airs. You say you don't watch TV, nor do I, but you're watching a TV show on the internet, and wondering why some words are bleeped out.

White Zombie - More Human Than Human

All Time 10s - Banned Video Games

Ajkiwi says...

NZ is, however, considerably more lenient about games than Australia, whose lack of an R18+ rating has resulted in numerous bans and cuts.

Bans in NZ are interesting in that the media in question has to be EXTREME to be banned: NZ has an AO rating for games which is accepted by the gaming public and regularly used.

Manhunt and Manhunt 2 were banned as "injurious to the public good", in that the only way to succeed in the game was to escalate the violence against characters in increasingly horrific manners, and the game rewarded greater and greater brutality in such a way as to desensitize the player.

Postal 2 was banned by the chief censor with the comments: "...The quantity and cruelty of the violence can be gradually accommodated and increased as the player becomes more callous and inured to the violence inflicted...The constant crass racist, sexist, and homophobic references motivate the player's crimes and tend to further encourage the player to accept and escalate the violence he or she inflicts."


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