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Icicles Form on Ceiling Fan Amid Freezing Temperatures Texas

newtboy says...

And more Derp..
Reported today, the Texas governor and numerous other officials were warned days ahead of the storm by the then chair of the public utility commission of Texas DeAnn Walker that the state did not have nearly enough natural gas on hand to get through the storm. This, she warned, was guaranteed to cause power outages during the deadly freeze which would result in Texans dying unnecessarily.
They made no moves to get more.
Because they refuse to meet minimum federal standards, they could not just go to their neighbors during the emergency begging for help, but could have purchased more natural gas beforehand...they had plenty of warning to prepare.

Instead the asshats ignored the shortages, ignored the deadly storm, and pretended the power went out because their wind turbines weren't weatherized (which they would have been if they ran like California, especially California before deregulation destroyed our systems decades ago). This led to many deaths by freezing. Foreseen, avoidable deaths and billions in damages.

Once again, since you seem ignorant, California's power problems are due 100% to lack of maintenance by the companies that took over when we deregulated decades ago under Republican Pete Wilson's administration. (Btw, because I don't think you know, between '82 and 2011 California was under Republican leadership for all but 4 years) The for profit companies deferred maintenance so much that now they are the main cause for billions in wildfire damages... and the solution? Not catch up on maintenance, just shut down if there's wind. That's what deregulation gets you. That's what you advocate for and support....then deride as a liberal idea when it fails miserably.
So much ignorant delusion. It's all the right is based on today. Baseless lies and morons who believe it and NEVER verify. Lol indeed.

TangledThorns said:

When the Democrats take over Texas they can run its power just like California's because everyone knows California never has power problems, lol!

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

nock (Member Profile)

Biden, Illegals, detained, fail.

newtboy says...

I went there a few years back, (the original Hotel California, not the Satanic church in SF that the song is really about) in Todos Santos, they had a sculpture in front that was two bent pieces of metal that, when viewed from the right spot across the street, made a giant red cock and balls!

Beyond that, it's just a tourist trap with few tourists.

BSR said:

And I was thinking to myself,
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California

Biden, Illegals, detained, fail.

BSR says...

And I was thinking to myself,
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California

newtboy said:

"Jesus Hitler,
Adolf Christ.
Is this the second coming,
Or the fourth Reich?"

Mom Says Neighbors Repeatedly Call Cops On Her Kids

newtboy says...

She doesn't seem to realize she's a Karen too....assuming the rules don't apply to her and creating drama when told they do. Someone should cross out "neighborhood", "full", and "of" on her sign.
7 kids skating in the street until dark every day would be maddening. It may sound petty, but it wouldn't if she was your neighbor.
She says she doesn't know what to do....try telling your kids to skate at the skate park, or find a parking lot or alley not in a residential area. She knows they annoy the neighborhood but obviously hasn't told them to go elsewhere.
Skating in the street in California is a is denying your neighbors the peaceful enjoyment of their property. They should keep calling until she understands that, or file a lawsuit for a few thousand a month (per neighbor) until they quiet down.

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

but I'm in California. I'll just wait for the ring of fire to do the job for me.

BSR said:

Not a problem. Would you like an "in the dark of night" pickup?

Florida is void of volcanoes so there will be a small upcharge for the second final destination.

Uber driver speaks out after passenger mask confrontation

newtboy says...

One arrested for assault with a caustic chemical, assault and battery, and violation of the health and safety code, one expected to turn herself in on similar charges.... sounds like maybe no charges for the girl in the middle.

Update: second girl arrested for violating covid mandates, battery on a transit employee, conspiracy to commit a crime and the big one, first degree robbery! That charge alone could be 9 years upstate because robbing a taxi/uber/lyft/bus driver is a special circumstance in California that adds 3 years.

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yep. I live in Humboldt. Moved up here from the bay area, a completely different culture. They are also totally different from Southern California, which itself is a completely different animal from Central Valley California. There was a time when splitting the state into two, north and south, was considered, but no one wanted the bay area in their half, and Sacramento didn't belong in either half either. If we split, it should be into at least 4 distinct states, north, central, south, and Bay area California, and even then there would be many communities in the wrong states.

surfingyt said:

truth, california is too diverse to group it the way they did

newtboy (Member Profile)

What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?

newtboy says...

It bears noting that more people are born here than left, even when you subtract deaths the population is still growing. Note, there's a housing shortage of near 4 million according to them, if California was the failed state they pretend it is, there would be a housing glut.

It also bears noting that with all the "anti business" regulations California remains the fifth largest economy in the world. Note how many billionaires that made their fortunes here are in the exodus crowd, California produces billionaires like a product.

I lost count how many times they mentioned Austin as a main destination, but I know Texans, and especially Austonians, HATE Californians and for decades have complained that Californians have ruined Austin, over regulated everything, and made it nearly uninhabitable. It also bears mention that one reason the state went dark and dry is they privatized their utilities with little oversight and predictably those companies deferred repairs and upkeep. That's pretty bad for is the less skilled and educated workforce.

Don't let these dishonest people fool you, San Francisco is not representative of the state, and using it as a measure of housing costs is as dishonest as can be.

I noticed, most people leaving make under $100000 per year and can expect to make less where ever they go, while most moving here make over $100000 a year and can expect their earnings to rise.

This piece was incredibly biased.

What’s Driving California’s Mass Exodus?

HugeJerk says...

I keep hearing about how everyone is leaving California, yet more and more housing is being built in my area. Tons of "Luxury" condo's in the Orange, Anaheim, Santa Ana area has been going up over the last decade.

The Truth About Pumped Hydro | Real Engineering

newtboy says...

Not a silver bullet, but a useful system where it's feasible. I would like to see home systems designed that could store home solar/wind/thermal generation for later use. Batteries suck, are expensive, wear out relatively quickly, and are usually not "green". Micro pumped hydro could eliminate distribution issues (a big deal in California where they shut down the grid during wind storms now), and decentralizes power storage/generation, eliminating a major terrorist target, the power grid.

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