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Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist?

longde says...

There is no black group-think status quo. That is a myth created by people who want to discount prevailing black opinions and thought. That's the premise of this video, and why its logic is deeply flawed. >> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

I would normally agree with your "Token blacks" statement buuuut..
This isn't a group of black republicans defending Rush Limbaugh for calling all poor black single mothers deadbeat swindlers because they accept assistance.
If anything, this proves the magnitude of the situation "our country" is in.
When blacks would rather vote for an old homophobic racist rather than help re-elect "one of their own".. You know there's something up.
I'm not going to suggest some malarkey about how "this is the beginning of a new post-racial society" because that will never happen..
Tho it is nice to see the black group-think status quo busted up a bit more, for the better.
>> ^longde:
I hate when white people use token blacks to excuse anti-black behavior.

Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist?

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I would normally agree with your "Token blacks" statement buuuut..

This isn't a group of black republicans defending Rush Limbaugh for calling all poor black single mothers deadbeat swindlers because they accept assistance.

If anything, this proves the magnitude of the situation "our country" is in.

When blacks would rather vote for an old homophobic racist rather than help re-elect "one of their own".. You know there's something up.

I'm not going to suggest some malarkey about how "this is the beginning of a new post-racial society" because that will never happen..

Tho it is nice to see the black group-think status quo busted up a bit more, for the better.
>> ^longde:

I hate when white people use token blacks to excuse anti-black behavior.

Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist?

therealblankman says...

>> ^bobknight33:

However how could any black person vote Democrat, the party that created the KKK to keep people from voting Republican? The Vast majority of Blacks were Republican all the wall up through Dr. Martin Luther King. Then things changed. Strange that the party of lynching became the party of entitlements which in-turned re-enslaved people. >> ^therealblankman:
All good points but I still can't believe Ron Paul, as smart as that man is, allowed that hateful racist shit to be published under his name.

Well, what happened was that the southern Democrats and "Dixiecrats" abandoned the party in droves thanks to the civil rights reforms started under JFK and consummated under Lyndon Johnson with the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the later Voting Rights Act. Those same southern rednecks and racists found a warm reception in the Republican party and now form the base for that party and its radical wing, the "Tea Party". These same people are also behind the more recent gerrymandering in Texas and elsewhere, as well as the blatantly racist tactic of denying poor blacks and other minorities their franchise under the guise of "Voter Registration Reform".

Lyndon Johnson. Man, you've got to hand it to him. The man had them all fooled... they thought he was one of them, a "Good Old Boy", and would maintain the status quo of racism and segregation. He turned out to be the greatest Presidential advocate for civil rights since Lincoln. Call me a revisionist, but leaving Vietnam aside (which is impossible, I know) Johnson was truly heroic in forcing civil rights down their collective bigoted throats. A lot of heroes came out of that time, a lot of martyrs too- including Martin Luther King.

Do Black Americans Believe Ron Paul Is Racist?

bobknight33 says...

However how could any black person vote Democrat, the party that created the KKK to keep people from voting Republican? The Vast majority of Blacks were Republican all the wall up through Dr. Martin Luther King. Then things changed. Strange that the party of lynching became the party of entitlements which in-turned re-enslaved people. >> ^therealblankman:

All good points but I still can't believe Ron Paul, as smart as that man is, allowed that hateful racist shit to be published under his name.

Mr. EBT aka H-MAN "My EBT"

quantumushroom says...

There is no rational argument to be had here. The left doesn't view life through the prism of right and wrong, only rich and poor (or rich versus poor).

On the one hand, the video is amusing and at least there is an attempt at creativity. On the other, this is nothing to celebrate, and while some use these cards as intended, many are sold or traded for cash, drugs and booze, yet another wasteful government system with no oversight or accountability (but who cares as the intentions are good).

The top 1% wealthy already pay 40% of the taxes. Forcing them to pay more will weaken the economy but snag a few more voters seeking "revenge" for perceived economic injustices.

Maybe the wealthy aren't "creating jobs" at the rate the left wants (that is, enough to stay in power) but what we DO know for certain is the socialist retards of this regime can't create a single job for less than half-a-million dollars each. Hasn't the Kenyawaiian already blown 4 trillion in fiat money with nothing to show for it? I'll take my chances with the 'evil' rich investors.

PS who are the real racists, the one who demand Black Americans need special gummint help at all times or those holding them to the same standards as everyone else?

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

So let's ignore the whole wealth & income inequality reality..
to wallow in the fantasy that uneducated darkies & leftists are really to blame for "stealing all taxpayers' money"..

Hey, Mushroom.. I think one of your masters needs another 100k or so.
You know, so he can hurry up and "create jobs" for you and all your friends. ; ]

Do Police Target Black People?

Lawdeedaw says...

I will upvote but I will say this--all sections of America, including black Americans, target black Americans. Period. I am disappointed by every side.

Slavery was accepted by nearly all powers at one point or another. And it still is--just in other forms than slavery. It is sadly how nations are built. And Genji's point in all this is what? That life is harsh? That it was harsh? That it was human nature? That everyone did it? That they still do? Illegal immigrants?

Sorry, I have been drinking. Yes, laws fuck black people. So do police, drugs, employers (Even black employers) and so forth. Even those who try to help somehow fuck things up. Citizens, it's all messed up.

"The State Against Blacks" - how government hurts minorities

longde says...

You know what, the government helps most americans, regardless of income, and I never hear middleclass people or rich people complain about the direct and indirect benefits they themselves receive. In fact, I would argue that at my high income, I get alot more financial help than some "ghetto" person. My mortgage tax writeoff alone is probably bigger than most people's yearly WIC/food stamp budget. Last year, the government gave middle class people lots of free money to buy houses.

On Walter Williams, that tool is so intellectually dishonest it's ridiculous; him and Stossel make a good team in that respect. Talk about racial quotas: the only reason WW is given a platform (syndicated columns, etc) for his opinion is because he is an extreme right wing black person that is willing to loudly criticize african americans to white audiences.

But to facts. If you look at every economic statistic, black americans are much more better off than they were in the 60s. Before 1960, most blacks were under the poverty line, now most are above. The number of middle class black people since then has widely expanded. There are more black managers and executives. Surely the Great Society and affirmative action had something to do with this great progress? This video was from the early 80s; we can also see that there has been significant progress since 1980 in terms of poverty, education and other areas. To suggest that government programs have not only not helped but have hindered this progress requires a stronger argument than huxters like WW and JS can muster.

We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

bobknight33 says...

The point I was making was not to make a raciest joke or remark but to point out the fact that when the average white American see such disgraceful behavior coming from young black Americans that thought does come to mind. I agree that it is sad to see that these thoughts still exist in America. I did not mean to utterly offend anyone and for that I am sorry.

Do to the history of of fathers and grandfathers, we all need to rise above actions that can be construed in a negative light. That kind of behavior shown in the video does not help the cause of the Black American. Conversely, A KKK rally also does a great injustice to Black Americans and sadly makes all whites appear to be racists.

I like this site. It sifts really good and really bad videos (depending on ones point of view). Then again isn't this what this site is about, different points of view?

As far as instaban or perm banning I think the insta - ban is a good thing. It allowed the community to discuss and come to a concusses. Kind a of a time out thing. It also allowed myself a chance to read your comments and reflect about them.

They ultimate ban / not ban decision belongs to the community.

Rape in Oslo: "non-Western" perps, "Western" victims

SDGundamX says...

Ah, the classic case of correlation versus causation.

In the U.S., between 1974 and 2004, 52.2% of all homicides were committed by those who listed their race as black, despite blacks accounting for 12.6% of the population (according to the 2010 census).

This of course will lead most racists to conclude that black people are inherently violent or cold-blooded, etc. Nevermind the socio-economic status of the majority of black Americans (almost a quarter of them live on wages below the poverty line, much higher rates of unemployment, etc.) which is a much more likely to be a reason for the crime statistics. Nevermind the justice system that has a much higher conviction rate for black offenders (probably also tied to the socio-economic status since if you can't afford a private lawyer you're going to get stuck with an over-worked and underpaid public defender).

It seems to me much more likely that these attacks are the result of immigrants who are coming from countries (Iraq, Somalia, and Pakistan seem to be where most of the rapists have come from) where they were likely already successful predators due to a lack of law enforcement and crumbling social structures. Old habits die hard. They move to Oslo and continue their predatory ways.

But could Islam really be the cause of this? Let's look at another statistic:

In Oslo, there are approximately 163,000 Muslims. Let's be generous and assume that only a quarter of these are adult males (40705) and the rest are women and children. Let's also be generous and assume that for every rape reported in Oslo, 10 rapes go unreported due to fear or shame (86 reported rapes x 10 unreported = 860 rapes). Let's further be completely unrealistic and assume each rape is the result of an individual offender (no repeat offenders or serial rapists). So now we have...

860 rapists / 40705 adult male population = 2.1% of the population

I've been hugely generous with these numbers, but I think you can see that this particular statistic does not really implicate Islam as a cause of the rapes. Wouldn't we expect to see a much higher percentage of the male population rampaging through Oslo if Islam was truly the cause of this behavior?

I'm not implying Islamic attitudes towards women don't contribute to the behavior of those who commit these crimes. But it seems hard to believe Islam is somehow responsible for these crimes any more than Christianity is responsible for pedophile priests (though the Catholic Church is certainly responsible for covering the abuses up).

Bill Cosby is NOT HAVIN IT ! put up or shut up Donald Trump

quantumushroom says...

Liberals don't like this Dr. Cosby as much:

We Cannot Blame the White People any Longer

By Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.

I can't even talk the way these people talk:

"Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...".

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.

And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.

In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.

People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.

$500 sneakers for what?

And they won't spend $200 for "Hooked on Phonics."

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.

Where were you when he was 2?

Where were you when he was 12?

Where were you when he was 18, and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?

And where is the father? Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward. Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?

Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles (piercings) going through her body?

What part of Africa did this come from?

We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa.

I say this all of the time — it would be like white people saying they are European-American — that is totally stupid.

I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany, Scotland, England, Ireland, or the Netherlands.

The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa — so stop, already!

With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap...and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.

We have got to take the neighborhood back.

People used to be ashamed.

Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' — or men or whatever you call them now.

We have millionaire football players who cannot read.

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks, have to do a better job.

Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard....

Racist 'Pro-Life' Billboard

longde says...

Using your logic and the logic of the billboard, one could easily replace the word "african american" with "white", "latino", or any substantive racial or ethnic group.

Again, why pick on and stigmatize african american women? >> ^bobknight33:
The billboard is about black American woman
>> ^longde:
>> ^bobknight33:
I guess then the real question is Who kill more blacks?
Black mothers having Abortions or Blacks being killed by all other methods?
From the 2006 state abortions data, NJ had 15,165 Abortions by black women.
The total( Black White other) murder rate for the NJ in 2006 was 428.
So I guess the poster is correct. Offensive yes but correct

Then you could say that about any ethnic group. Why single out african-americans?

Racist 'Pro-Life' Billboard

bobknight33 says...

The billboard is about black American woman
>> ^longde:

>> ^bobknight33:
I guess then the real question is Who kill more blacks?
Black mothers having Abortions or Blacks being killed by all other methods?
From the 2006 state abortions data, NJ had 15,165 Abortions by black women.
The total( Black White other) murder rate for the NJ in 2006 was 428.
So I guess the poster is correct. Offensive yes but correct

Then you could say that about any ethnic group. Why single out african-americans?

Ron Paul-Enough Is Enough..TSA Legislation November 17, 2010

chicchorea says...

With all due respect, hijackings are not the primary threat as the means to accomplish such deeds have been handily remedied by fairly simply and minimally intrusive procedures and technology.

Things that go boom....
>> ^L0cky:

>> ^quantumushroom:
You all know who we REALLY need to profile: primarily swarthy Middle Eastern men ages 18 - 40 and behind them Middle Eastern women wearing any kind of "cloak". Unfortunately, the acolytes of political correctness don't give a sh!t if their cowardice is lethal.

I challenge that as an assumption, one that is generally held by most people (even liberals). So I actually decided to do some research; imagine that!
Before I started I'd say my opinion was that I was sceptical about any useful correlation between terrorism and race or citizenship but if any strong correlation could be found then it may be possible to convince me that it becomes a question of weighing the security benefits against the offence caused to individuals.
It's also my opinion (and still is) that the mainstream media continues to portray correlation between terrorism in the US and UK and Islamists through consistent inference, without ever stating it as fact; and therefore not requiring validation or providing opportunity to be directly contested.
I looked at the list of notable aircraft hijackings on wikipedia and followed them up via the references and/or additional searching. My conclusion is that if any profiling is used in America then it would be most useful to target middle aged white American men; and any Americans citizens with flying experience.
Here are names of people who did board a plane at a US airport and then subsequently hijacked the aircraft:
John J Divivo
D. B. Cooper (pseudonym)
Billy Gene Hurst Jr
Garret Trapnell
Melvin C. Cale, Louis Cale, Henry D. Jackson, Jr.
Clay Thomas
Aubern Calloway
There was a spate of hijackings by both Americans and Cubans in the 60's and 70's; mostly for political reasons that was mostly quelled by a Cuban-American agreement; and there was a notable incident of a hijacking by Croatian separatists in '76. Other than that, hijackings were overwhelmingly committed by white and black Americans.
Doing a more general search I couldn't actually find any hijacking of aircraft by middle eastern or Muslim passengers who boarded a plane at a US airport, apart from 9/11.
The most recent hijacking prior to 9/11 was Aubern Calloway; a black American and former pilot for FedEx who had a personal beef with his employees.
I also continued reading about non air related terrorism in the US and UK and found that the vast majority of incidents are domestic and carried out by non Muslim, non middle eastern men. I also noticed that whenever the individual perpetrators of an incident are unknown, then it will generally be attributed to an Islamic organisation; but when the perpetrators are found they are almost always non Muslim. This remains true in recent times, as well as in past history.
You can make a pretty decent start with this list of terrorist incidents; however it must be pointed out that it's generally difficult to define what is and what is not an act of terrorism; and as the issue is about security then I think what we're really interested in is any destructive and harmful incident.
To be honest I was quite surprised by the extent to which there is a lack of correlation; as well as the extreme rarity of terrorist incidents when compared to the media representation that we get of them.
If you ever find yourself wondering if anyone around you is a terrorist then the only people you can really discount are women and children. I'd therefore offer that it would be much more useful and give you a much happier day if you just stopped wondering altogether.
Hey, maybe D. B. Cooper was secretly a Muslim.

Ron Paul-Enough Is Enough..TSA Legislation November 17, 2010

L0cky says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

You all know who we REALLY need to profile: primarily swarthy Middle Eastern men ages 18 - 40 and behind them Middle Eastern women wearing any kind of "cloak". Unfortunately, the acolytes of political correctness don't give a sh!t if their cowardice is lethal.

I challenge that as an assumption, one that is generally held by most people (even liberals). So I actually decided to do some research; imagine that!

Before I started I'd say my opinion was that I was sceptical about any useful correlation between terrorism and race or citizenship but if any strong correlation could be found then it may be possible to convince me that it becomes a question of weighing the security benefits against the offence caused to individuals.

It's also my opinion (and still is) that the mainstream media continues to portray correlation between terrorism in the US and UK and Islamists through consistent inference, without ever stating it as fact; and therefore not requiring validation or providing opportunity to be directly contested.

I looked at the list of notable aircraft hijackings on wikipedia and followed them up via the references and/or additional searching. My conclusion is that if any profiling is used in America then it would be most useful to target middle aged white American men; and any Americans citizens with flying experience.

Here are names of people who did board a plane at a US airport and then subsequently hijacked the aircraft:

John J Divivo
D. B. Cooper (pseudonym)
Billy Gene Hurst Jr
Garret Trapnell
Melvin C. Cale, Louis Cale, Henry D. Jackson, Jr.
Clay Thomas
Aubern Calloway

There was a spate of hijackings by both Americans and Cubans in the 60's and 70's; mostly for political reasons that was mostly quelled by a Cuban-American agreement; and there was a notable incident of a hijacking by Croatian separatists in '76. Other than that, hijackings were overwhelmingly committed by white and black Americans.

Doing a more general search I couldn't actually find any hijacking of aircraft by middle eastern or Muslim passengers who boarded a plane at a US airport, apart from 9/11.

The most recent hijacking prior to 9/11 was Aubern Calloway; a black American and former pilot for FedEx who had a personal beef with his employees.

I also continued reading about non air related terrorism in the US and UK and found that the vast majority of incidents are domestic and carried out by non Muslim, non middle eastern men. I also noticed that whenever the individual perpetrators of an incident are unknown, then it will generally be attributed to an Islamic organisation; but when the perpetrators are found they are almost always non Muslim. This remains true in recent times, as well as in past history.

You can make a pretty decent start with this list of terrorist incidents; however it must be pointed out that it's generally difficult to define what is and what is not an act of terrorism; and as the issue is about security then I think what we're really interested in is any destructive and harmful incident.

To be honest I was quite surprised by the extent to which there is a lack of correlation; as well as the extreme rarity of terrorist incidents when compared to the media representation that we get of them.

If you ever find yourself wondering if anyone around you is a terrorist then the only people you can really discount are women and children. I'd therefore offer that it would be much more useful and give you a much happier day if you just stopped wondering altogether.

Hey, maybe D. B. Cooper was secretly a Muslim.

Black news-anchor handles confused caller remarkably well

quantumushroom says...

And as long as the Right Wing can use racism as a means of raising money and getting votes, REAL racism will never die.

And now for something you'll REALLY like. "Racism" is no longer an issue in today's world. There are more imbeciles on every corner screaming RAY-SISM! than there are actual racists.

If 90% of Black Americans, either from peer pressure or ignorance, want to follow the pied pipers of victimhood that's their problem. It shows a lack of character to demand unearned rewards, especially based on discrimination past generations endured.

Other races, including Blacks from the Caribbean, arrive here in America and thrive. A huge advantage they have over those born here is never having been brainwashed to embrace defeat and entitlement.

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