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Julian Assange on Bradley Manning conviction

Engels says...

He probably misspoke, but I found it interesting that Asange refers to the constitutional rights as 'obligations'. I like the idea that we should consider a right an obligation as well. That we should -all- defend the constitution by not simply 'exercising' our rights, like some sort of demented legal workout video, but as a duty much like a sworn military duty. I know for an unclouded fact that our government isn't upholding the constitution whatsoever these days, and they're just a self perpetuating behemoth that's likely to bring this country to its knees, so maybe the average citizen has to be a Manning in his own right. We don't have national secrets, but we do have a voice in every conversation we have with the rest of our friends and neighbors, and a lot can be done if we all just break the pact of silence the government and media have imposed upon our culture.

rise against on monsanto-rise against the machine-may 25th

enoch says...

2/3 rds of all food sold in america is GMO.
that would qualify as "almost all".
which is friendly to the GMO debate.
not so friendly to the debate.

while i will agree this is not a one dimensional discussion i cannot agree with your statement that this video would be considered uneducated slactivism.

corporations are amoral,not immoral,by design.
monsanto has purchased legislators and judges to enact laws which solely benefit them at the cost of society.veiled in secrecy and an army of lawyers that would make scientology blush.

you should really check the documentary channel out.there is a wealth of information concerning this behemoth corporation and how it does far more harm to our future food supply than good.

shveddy said:

"This means that almost all of the food you see in a typical grocery store is pure poison, genetically modified."

More important than simply being factually untrue, this statement shows that whoever put this information together doesn't take any time to understand the complexities of the issue.

Don't get me wrong - I'm definitely a local farmer's market kinda guy - but this kind of uneducated slactivism really pisses me off and does more harm than good because the people that actually make a difference can somewhat justifiably write them off.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Behemoth Beast Dubbed Goliath

Behemoth Beast Dubbed Goliath

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

kceaton1 says...

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
That blurry guy is a complete cunt. Don't care what religion you are, you discuss things with an open mind and try to see the other's point of view rather than seeing them as an opponent. I'd be said if you stopped providing your input. Ignoring him is a solution - a LOT of people do.

Thanks for your response I'll think on it.

The other thing that usually drives me insane is that he'll ask questions about something I've JUST answered! BUT, his literal lack of knowledge (in this case general relativity and special relativity) is making him spout buffoon and sadly very uninformed statements or opinions, often aimed at me and my previous post (well-informed and standard--backed up with testing and experimentation); which as I said is hilarious as I already answered it in that post "right above" and he can't read between the lines to see that the answer is sitting the for all to see, he just doesn't understand the answer, nor do I think he ever will see it very soon to be VERY fair and blunt. His main issue is with telling himself the truth in the first place and he can't yet do that with simple children's stories--not to be a snob or complete snide remark, but it is merely a fact that he will not accept the truth--faith and platitudes are far more important to him in his life right now than are being able to build:

An arena that can fit 100,000 people at night and day with the top open and closed; elevators, cashiers, electricity, Wi-Fi, air-conditioning, heating, sound, seating, walk-paths and stairs, vendors--food and accessories, security, camera & video, HDTV and a HD-JUMBOTRON, housing for teams and workers/staff, office space, etc, etc, etc... Places that are amazing to behold in their construction and if you're part of the management of the construction at any level or you have to be THE manager that keeps the building going once it's done you will find out very soon that a lot of what he says is utter rubbish; especially if you are the engineer that designed this Behemoth with every life in mind so that they would NOT be die to some kind of mental lapse; this is a job (like no other really) that has a HUGE amount of pressure on it and ALL THAT you have to rely on is: Physics (and that little brain of yours + a good calculator and drafting tools ). Does he have even any idea of how incredibly smart these people are, then he comes in and mocks Einstein like he's just this buffoon that of course NEVER thought of the COMPLETELY OBVIOUS stuff. He would NEVER do that; Einstein made people that build the greatest structures on Earth look like idiot children! I'm guessing that was skipped in seminary!? That little thing he thinks is so utterly useless to talk about in the grand scheme of things is so vitally important to everything he does EVERY day (and I really wonder if he knows HOW MUCH we depend on Science and it's discoveries--I mean your whole house would basically disappear without the inventions, it's a complete joke and I really do think he takes it for granted.

It's hard to EVER have a conversation with someone that loves their God SO MUCH they have their OWN God complex! I refuse to talk to a brick wall I'm not a damn mad man!

Anyway, thanks again.

BLAARGH!!! It just gets frustrating, especially when they don't seem to be trolls--so ignore it is.

Ask Archer or Archer Answers Inane Questions

kceaton1 says...

And yet AGAIN Archer can't answer the damned last question and completely plants his own question in place, "What would happen if Archer and Bruce Reynolds, as bad-assed as any of his characters, join forces to fight a disabled robot?", the answer is his limited, "but we know it", response of, "...that would be awesome and then we'd get on the Air Boat...", and they'd work on their bromance--then most likely give each other blow-jobs, but we don't talk about that as he'll shoot on sight (take that one as you will, just don't get in front of it).

Archer is awesome. Seriously, one hell of a cartoon comedy--you'd have to be an idiot at FX™ to have said no to that Behemoth...

The Simpsons does "Game of Thrones"

Krupo says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

Hmm. An tired aging behemoth trys to stay relevant by artlessly shoehorning the title sequence of a superior TV show into it's own. Where's the joke / satire / parody in this sequence? Why did they even bother?

You know that giant donut that ran down Hans Moleman? You're next!

The Simpsons does "Game of Thrones"

Payback jokingly says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

Hmm. An tired aging behemoth trys to stay relevant by artlessly shoehorning the title sequence of a superior TV show into it's own. Where's the joke / satire / parody in this sequence? Why did they even bother?

Ya, because it's TOTALLY Fox executives that do every part of the show. Dan Castelenta has been replaced by that Japanese artificial voicebox too.

The Simpsons does "Game of Thrones"

alien_concept says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

Hmm. An tired aging behemoth trys to stay relevant by artlessly shoehorning the title sequence of a superior TV show into it's own. Where's the joke / satire / parody in this sequence? Why did they even bother?

Because essentially they know what's shit hot and they're tipping their hat?

The Simpsons does "Game of Thrones"

U.S. v. Whistleblower Tom Drake - CBS News 60 Minutes

criticalthud says...

i'm not convinced the NSA does more good than harm.

and, i believe the data backs up the idea that the vast majority of terrorist activities foiled are done so by local law enforcement (and, not to mention, as opposed to invading a country, is a cheaper way to do things).

and if such is the case, then why do we fund this grotesque behemoth? so they can spy on us?

and that's not even touching on the billions the US spends on private industry security firms.

the "security" industry is as out of hand as the financial industry, and the military industrial complex. imho

Great Dane stuck in a tub

Maverick Banker On Greek Default And Economic Stimulus

radx says...


I can name a country: Argentina, 2002. They had a turn-around of more than 23% by basically taking the advice of the IMF and doing the exact opposite. Default, debt restructuring, let the fucking investors take some pain for change. Then again, they were not trapped in a monetary union with economic behemoths (by comparison) like Germany and France.

Beautiful Scary Wave in Slow Motion

gwiz665 says...

Just imagine lying on a surfboard in front of a behemoth like that, and when you get ready to stand up a shark jumps out and shoots you with his head-mounted laser.

You'll never be able to explain how you got burned surfing.

Think about it.

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