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Stupid Girl Speaks Against Feminist Movement

dingens (Member Profile)

Christian Bale Knows That Line!

EDD (Member Profile)

jacobrecker says...

i think i saw the original vid without credits before i saw this. bale has this "i want to punch your face for that but the cameras are on so i'll just smile and act like it was funny" look on his face. then in a tired daze i labeled this unterrible vid as terrible because i was thinking of the original.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Also, why is this in Terrible?

Christian Rock: Condoms Are Not Safe!

Terminator: Salvation. Entire Movie in 4 minutes.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'terminator, john connor, saray connor, christian bale, mcg' to 'terminator, john connor, sarah connor, christian bale, mcg' - edited by calvados

Guardrail Crash Test Doesn't Go As Planned

QI - Alan Rickman, Kevin Costner and Brit Villains on Film

EDD says...

Here we go again, the never-ending whiners' argument. UK actors always cast as villains by Hollywood? Puhh-leaz.

Forgot your own cinema legend Laurence Olivier, did you? Oh, we're in the 21st century now? What about Jack Bauer? Huh? Forgot Hugh Laurie, America's No.1 male sex-symbol, too? Christian fucking Bale? Gerard Butler? James McAvoy? Starting to remember some, are you now? Jude Law. Idris Elba. Sir Ian McKellen. Patrick Stewart. Ralph Fiennes. Michael Caine. Clive Owen. Ewan McGregor. I bet I could name thrice as much if I started googling.

If you want to whine about Brits occasionally being cast as baddies, first acknowledge that Arabs, Russians, and Chinese have long had it way worse. Wankers.

Jamie Hienemen - Actually a Douchebag (to work for)

ponceleon says...

Gonna abstain on this one. I feel it is kind of douchey to call this some sort of revelation about Jamie when this is something which they make fun of him on the show from time to time. The video makes it seem like this is some sort of secret, when it really isn't. The guy is fussy and admits it, it's not like Christian Bale flipping out or Billy Bob Thorton harshing on the radio guy. It's just Jamie being Jamie.

Britains Got Talent - The Most Impressive Magic Trick!

House - The Endless Elevator (April Fools Prank)

The Christian Bale Freakout, Remixed for Dancing

Smug Atheist Regrets Mocking "that Christian Rapture Thing"

New footage of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon

Sift and Tell (Talks Talk Post)

EDD says...

I genuinely believe my is one of the finest pieces of unintentional TV comedy on the Sift.

As for the unsifted, I thought my recent would shoot straight through the queue. Guess it didn't because of all the *bleeps* on f-bombs

And did I get this right, we can now each give a single *quality for a sift talk post? Cause this is a really great idea

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