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Billy West Voices

Billy West Voices

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

longde says...

1- Of course not. It is well known and documented that police stop and harass people depending of factors such as color, where they live, class, etc. The drug war is a prime example of a set of laws that everyone breaks, but are selectively enforced. There are many others, if you want to get into it.

Ah, yes, LA, that epicenter of police justice. Home of dirty cops who make up evidence to convict folks. Didn't they recently have to overturn hundreds of convictions due to dirty cops' behavior?

>> ^volumptuous:
1- Bullshit point. Citing/ticketing a person for breaking the law happens on every "side of the track", or whatever you're calling it. In fact, this "side of the track" is the officers beat. This is where he is every day. These are the people he is served to protect.
2- If you read this thread, you'd see my earlier account of my friend being ticketed for this same thing. My friend is also white, blonde, blue-eyed and makes a lot of money. But, cops didn't care, they saw a guy jaywalking and pulled him over. He wasn't suckerpunched because I didn't try to intervene and then push the officer like the girl in this video!
3- One girl was 19. Not a minor. The other (who pushed him) is 17. You're treating them like they're 8 or 9 years old.
4- Someone in the crowd yelled out "there's going to be a riot, right here".
5- The officer needs more training in subduing a perp. Otherwise, he ended the situation appropriately.
6- I've been arrested three times in my life. I didn't fight back during any one of them, nor did I call the officers names, or try to run away.
I lived for years in downtown Detroit, and now I live in one of the most violent, gang ridden parts of Los Angeles. Please do NOT tell me anything about color prejudice or police conduct. It seems the one here with no experience with law enforcement, or gang voilence, are the ones so quick to point the finger at us.
I'm one of the first to point out police misconduct, and basically have very little respect for authority. But that disrespect doesn't make me blind and cry wolf every time a cop arrests someone.
btw: Longde - your post above shows exactly what happened. People were breaking the law, the cop tried to stop them, they resisted, one pushed the cop, the cop ended the situation. The end.
>> ^longde:
1) I think the girls were stupid and should be taught how to deal with officers who have no respect for your age or gender, especially if you live on the wrong side of the tracks
2) I just can't imagine this happening to some of the skinny blonds I knew in high school, some of whom were just as crazy. I can't see them being suckerpunched. can you?
3) Despite some of you wanting to make an exception for these girls because they don't fit the phenotype you prefer, they are kids and minors, with the same mentality as such. It absolutely does matter in this situation.
4) The crowd was not hysterical, not a mob, not a riot. Look at their behavior, not their skin color. They were very restrained, not physically interfering at all. Just paying attention and recording to make sure this didn't turn into another 'accidental' cop murder. Given the history of cops, I can't blame those folks for being wary.
5) The officer obviously needs more training. To let a jaywalking infraction escalate into punching a 17 year old girl is unacceptable.
6) You law and order types would not be quiet and respectful if you thought some officer arresting you was in the wrong. You feel the way you do because you seldom encounter aggressive cops. Well, some people deal with that type everyday.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

volumptuous says...

1- Bullshit point. Citing/ticketing a person for breaking the law happens on every "side of the track", or whatever you're calling it. In fact, this "side of the track" is the officers beat. This is where he is every day. These are the people he is served to protect.

2- If you read this thread, you'd see my earlier account of my friend being ticketed for this same thing. My friend is also white, blonde, blue-eyed and makes a lot of money. But, cops didn't care, they saw a guy jaywalking and pulled him over. He wasn't suckerpunched because I didn't try to intervene and then push the officer like the girl in this video!

3- One girl was 19. Not a minor. The other (who pushed him) is 17. You're treating them like they're 8 or 9 years old.

4- Someone in the crowd yelled out "there's going to be a riot, right here".

5- The officer needs more training in subduing a perp. Otherwise, he ended the situation appropriately.

6- I've been arrested three times in my life. I didn't fight back during any one of them, nor did I call the officers names, or try to run away.

I lived for years in downtown Detroit, and now I live in one of the most violent, gang ridden parts of Los Angeles. Please do NOT tell me anything about color prejudice or police conduct. It seems the one here with no experience with law enforcement, or gang voilence, are the ones so quick to point the finger at us.

I'm one of the first to point out police misconduct, and basically have very little respect for authority. But that disrespect doesn't make me blind and cry wolf every time a cop arrests someone.

btw: Longde - your post above shows exactly what happened. People were breaking the law, the cop tried to stop them, they resisted, one pushed the cop, the cop ended the situation. The end.

>> ^longde:

1) I think the girls were stupid and should be taught how to deal with officers who have no respect for your age or gender, especially if you live on the wrong side of the tracks
2) I just can't imagine this happening to some of the skinny blonds I knew in high school, some of whom were just as crazy. I can't see them being suckerpunched. can you?
3) Despite some of you wanting to make an exception for these girls because they don't fit the phenotype you prefer, they are kids and minors, with the same mentality as such. It absolutely does matter in this situation.
4) The crowd was not hysterical, not a mob, not a riot. Look at their behavior, not their skin color. They were very restrained, not physically interfering at all. Just paying attention and recording to make sure this didn't turn into another 'accidental' cop murder. Given the history of cops, I can't blame those folks for being wary.
5) The officer obviously needs more training. To let a jaywalking infraction escalate into punching a 17 year old girl is unacceptable.
6) You law and order types would not be quiet and respectful if you thought some officer arresting you was in the wrong. You feel the way you do because you seldom encounter aggressive cops. Well, some people deal with that type everyday.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

longde says...

1) I think the girls were stupid and should be taught how to deal with officers who have no respect for your age or gender, especially if you live on the wrong side of the tracks

2) I just can't imagine this happening to some of the skinny blonds I knew in high school, some of whom were just as crazy. I can't see them being suckerpunched. can you?

3) Despite some of you wanting to make an exception for these girls because they don't fit the phenotype you prefer, they are kids and minors, with the same mentality as such. It absolutely does matter in this situation.

4) The crowd was not hysterical, not a mob, not a riot. Look at their behavior, not their skin color. They were very restrained, not physically interfering at all. Just paying attention and recording to make sure this didn't turn into another 'accidental' cop murder. Given the history of cops, I can't blame those folks for being wary.

5) The officer obviously needs more training. To let a jaywalking infraction escalate into punching a 17 year old girl is unacceptable.

6) You law and order types would not be quiet and respectful if you thought some officer arresting you was in the wrong. You feel the way you do because you seldom encounter aggressive cops. Well, some people deal with that type everyday.

Bob Saget Does An Old English Folk Song

Porksandwich says...

More power to you, I am not sure if either version of the song is "as old as the hills" or one of those "when I was your age" uphill, snow, man eating rabbits stories that some how is supposed to make the story true because it might be old.

Hope you at least checked out the animated version before deciding. Personally I look at it like paid performer Bob Saget ran out of material, so I hope the song is old or he's not giving someone credit.

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Porksandwich:
Reminds me of.....which with the animation is a better version.

Ugh sorry to be picky, but when i hear someone say that an animated, modernised version of a folk song posted on newgrounds is better than a man sat singing a song as old as the hills to a crowd of laughing people using an instrument as old as the hills, i die a little inside

2009 Amnesty Bill: Another Steaming Piece of Sh*t

quantumushroom says...

"2010 can't get here fast enough."

Keep telling yourself that QM. If all you've got is your dreams, I don't want to be the one to spoil it for you.

You won't spoil anything. The idiots have already punished themselves and the rest of America by electing a clueless community activist. It may take 20% unemployment to wake up the rest, but change is coming, my friends.

QM, how come you can't express an opinion without sophomoric name-calling?

Ask the same question over at Daily Kos and Huff Post. More perfect terms speed along the message in today's ADD environment. For example, by using "Taxocrat" instead of "Democrat" I don't have to explain every time that the Democratic solution for all problems is to raise taxes.

You're, if I'm not mistaken, among the oldest members of this site (referring to your age, not your time as a member) and yet you're also among the worst, most childish debaters.

It's not the flavor you're upset with, it's that I'm serving you something that's not on the menu. Unlike your unionized teachers, kollij proffs, goofball gangstaz, hollywood and enter-stainers like Colbertowitz, I have nothing to gain by lying to you about life and consequences, and as I like to point out from time to time, if you can present facts that prove liberal policies do anything but make life harder for a much wider swath of the population than they claim to help, I'm all ears.

And how can you seriously post a CNN clip? Aren't they the Communist News Network? Isn't everything they say a lie? Shouldn't we just ignore this as anti-American propaganda?

Dobbs--not a favorite of liberals, a proponent of lawful borders and therefore a "racist"--isn't making stuff up here like some Olbermann, he's reading off an actual proposed bill. That's what's truly frightening.

2009 Amnesty Bill: Another Steaming Piece of Sh*t

xxovercastxx says...

QM, how come you can't express an opinion without sophomoric name-calling? You're, if I'm not mistaken, among the oldest members of this site (referring to your age, not your time as a member) and yet you're also among the worst, most childish debaters.

And how can you seriously post a CNN clip? Aren't they the Communist News Network? Isn't everything they say a lie? Shouldn't we just ignore this as anti-American propaganda?

deputydog (Member Profile)

thepinky says...

I'm sorry I corrected your spelling. I should have been nice, but I didn't like your insinuatioin that I'm a liar. You have to forgive me when it comes to grammar and stuff. I'm studying English, and while mine is not perfect, I am slightly annoyed by people who completely disregard grammar and capitalization like you do. But that really isn't your problem, because it doesn't matter. Just a pet peeve of mine.

How long can you go without watching porn?

In reply to this comment by deputydog:
>> ^thepinky:
DeputyDog, I'm not a counseller or even a counselor...

are we pouncing on spelling now ms pinky? ok then. 'heroin' is a drug, whereas 'heroine' is the word used to describe a female character much admired for her heroic actions.

you should clean your own stinking kitchen before reporting my cockroaches to the authoritays.

>> ^thepinky:
...but why is it so hard to believe that I know three guys who have talked to me about their porn dependency? I talk about serious topics with lots of people, not just you guys. One of my good friends told me this after I knew him for about 2 weeks. I'm very open with other people about my own experiences, and they often confide in me.

it's not impossible for you to know that many porn addicts by chance, that much i admit, but it's extremely unlikely. either a) you're incredibly 'lucky', especially at your age, to have randomly met these guys, b) you haven't met these guys, or c) they're feeding you a lot of bullshit (maybe through fear after realising you want to end porn's life).

if you have somehow met all these tragic porn addicts, please realise that this is not the norm. it's very much the opposite. i also talk to people about serious topics (it's not whoopee cushions all the time) but don't know a single man, or woman, who has a problem with porn, and that includes friends of friends of friends (and so on).

i'm actually surprised you haven't boycotted the sift anyway. i take it you've seen pornbumper?

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

deputydog says...

>> ^thepinky:
DeputyDog, I'm not a counseller or even a counselor...

are we pouncing on spelling now ms pinky? ok then. 'heroin' is a drug, whereas 'heroine' is the word used to describe a female character much admired for her heroic actions.

you should clean your own stinking kitchen before reporting my cockroaches to the authoritays.

>> ^thepinky:
...but why is it so hard to believe that I know three guys who have talked to me about their porn dependency? I talk about serious topics with lots of people, not just you guys. One of my good friends told me this after I knew him for about 2 weeks. I'm very open with other people about my own experiences, and they often confide in me.

it's not impossible for you to know that many porn addicts by chance, that much i admit, but it's extremely unlikely. either a) you're incredibly 'lucky', especially at your age, to have randomly met these guys, b) you haven't met these guys, or c) they're feeding you a lot of bullshit (maybe through fear after realising you want to end porn's life).

if you have somehow met all these tragic porn addicts, please realise that this is not the norm. it's very much the opposite. i also talk to people about serious topics (it's not whoopee cushions all the time) but don't know a single man, or woman, who has a problem with porn, and that includes friends of friends of friends (and so on).

i'm actually surprised you haven't boycotted the sift anyway. i take it you've seen pornbumper?

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

deputydog says...

>> ^thepinky:
I know no less that three other guys who quit using pornography for personal reasons. Two of them, years later, expressed to me how difficult it was to quit. At times it felt impossible. And they are both still tempted. I have another friend who is manic depressive and he says that he can't get over his emotional dependency on porn, though he has been trying for years. One guy I talked to compared porn addiction to "chasing the dragon," a phrase that is used in reference to heroine. Another guy said that porn images still haunt him.

serious question thepinky (i know nothing about you so apologies if this should be common knowledge): are you a counseller? if not, how the hell do you know all these guys with extreme porn dependency? it's not common enough for them to just be your friends. i could maybe understand it coming from a 60 year old with 30 years experience working in therapy but not someone your age. i'd honestly like to know.

personally, porn is fucking awesome. pornhub is actually on my bookmarks toolbar, and for good reason. regarding regulation though: what gwiz said.

Homeless "Cave" Uncovered In Los Angeles

imstellar28 says...

>> ^peggedbea:
the homeless i have known and loved were either teenage runaways- victims of abuse and addiction

If you were homeless as a young adult, it is unsurprising that you would identify with, and hang out with people your age.

I'm sure you have days worth of interesting stories from when you were homeless, but you really don't fall into the group I was discussing (after all, presumably, with internet access, you aren't homeless anymore?)

The median age is somewhere around 40 years in most studies of the homeless. Thus, while certainly many teenagers run away due to abuse, they are probably not representative of the overall homeless population.

The mean time homeless, from one study in Chicago was just under 2 years, with the median at 8 months, and the mode at 2 months; which confirms what I am suggesting -- most people wouldn't relegate themselves to being homeless forever. The majority are only homeless for a few months or years before getting back on their feet.

Clearly, bad things can happen to anyone which can quickly result in homelessness; but thats not what I'm talking about -- I'm talking about people who upon becoming homelessness, take it as a career, people like those in this video who are making an overpass their home and living there for the foreseeable future.

Theres nothing wrong with being homeless during a tough period, but I would say there is something wrong with the mentality that homelessness (sleeping on a bench, begging for change) is "good enough" and accepting it as your way of life with no plan to leave it behind.

"Satan Was Tempting Me" - Miss California

deputydog says...

full transcript...

Dobson: It sounded, Carrie, like your first reaction was to hedge, to say "Well, this is a free country" and then something took over.

Prejean: It really was a switch.

Dobson: And you did one of the most courageous things I've seen anybody your age or anybody else do. What was going on in your mind?

Prejean: I started off by saying I want to win this pageant so bad, I've worked so hard, I wanted to sound politically correct but still stay true to my values. But I just knew at that moment that God was just telling me "Carrie, how bad do you want this? Are you willing to compromise your beliefs for a one year crown of Miss USA." And I just knew right there . . . And I said you know what and the switch went off. And I said, "A marriage should be between a man and a woman and that's how it should be. "

. . . . And I knew there was no way I was going to win Miss USA. No way.

Dobson: So you put it on the line, that's what I mean when I said you're courageous because this was the goal of your life to that point. And yet you gave it up. And yet the Lord is using you all over this country.

Prejean: And we are all faced with that at times. And just by me being here, I want to encourage other people that when you're faced with an issue which you know in your heart what to say, but you're faced with someone asking it, don't ever compromise that just for pleasing them. Your goal should be to please God, not to please man . . . .

Dobson: Why did you give the answer you did with regard to the affirmation of marriage?

Prejean: . . . I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking me this question. And then God was in my head and in my heart saying, "Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for me and you need to share with all these people . . . you need to witness to them and you need to show that you're not willing to compromise that for this title of Miss USA."

And I knew right here that it wasn't about winning. It was about being true to my convictions.

Dude makes same dumb face in every damn picture

ForgedReality says...

Why is he so fucking ORANGE?! I swear he has the skin tone of an oompa loompa. And his hair? What the fuck? Dude, you're like 40 years old. Time to grow out of childish things. Why are you acting like that at your age? Wow.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Wait, you're not an Objectivist? Color me shocked.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:

I've not read your book or the Communist manifesto, nor do I care to. I'm sure they are both of historical interest, but they have nothing to do with the here and now. While I am more of a socialist than, say, George W. Bush, I have no desire to live in the kind of by-the-numbers, pure socialist system that haunts your sheltered existence. I'd just like a decent health care system, more effective schools and a better life for the everyday working stiff. If that makes me a commie in your book, then so be it.

We have evolved past the early 20th century capitalist/socialist tintypes to which you cling. Both systems have their pluses and minuses and neither seems to work well in the absence of the other. Capitalism works well for a great many things, but fails in situations where making money is not the measure of success, like education, healthcare, medicine, infrastructure etc...

You are very quick to dismiss those who see things differently than you as close minded. Maybe it's time you took a look in the mirror. In a decade (at most), you will look back at some of these comments and cringe. When I say this, I'm speaking from experience, as I believed in all that Ayn Rand nonsense at your age too.

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