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Asteroid 2005 YU55 Close Approach

Our Future In Space, panel w/ Nye, Tyson, Gay and Krauss

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Neil misappropriated Kraus on the the whole terra-forming/space travel issue.

I don't think Krauss meant that we'd go to Mars or somewhere else close by in case of an asteroid (or that it was an either/or proposition, of course we would still try to deflect a potentially catastrophic object, presence on Mars or not) or to avoid one, but in preparation for the inevitable death of our sun or to take it much further into the future, the isolation of our galaxy from the nearest galaxies due to the expansion of our universe.

Galaxies will still be producing life-giving stars for awhile even when they exist in total informational isolation from each other, so we best start spreading human goo everywhere, just to be safe.

Though it may be pure hubris to think humanity would still be around when that time comes, it still makes for interesting thinking. Great, thought provoking Sift.

TEDxBOULDER - Phil Plait

Awesome Asteroid Impact Simulation Set to Pink Floyd

Asteroid destroys the Earth in Hi Definition.

How to Deflect a Killer Asteroid

NASA Finds DNA Components in Meteorites

poolcleaner says...

>> ^TheGenk:

This proves my holy Book was right all along. And no, I am not talking about the Bible, I'm talking about the Great Book of Space Pool. Which says that the creator of all things, the three legged, three armed space pool player called Zn'oort created life on earth by playing nine ball in space with asteroids and meteroids. And, well, we all know the rest.

Yeah, and I gotta clean it all up afterwards.

NASA Finds DNA Components in Meteorites

TheGenk says...

This proves my holy Book was right all along. And no, I am not talking about the Bible, I'm talking about the Great Book of Space Pool. Which says that the creator of all things, the three legged, three armed space pool player called Zn'oort created life on earth by playing nine ball in space with asteroids and meteroids. And, well, we all know the rest.

Asteroid 2010 TK7 - Earth's Trojan

Boise_Lib says...

Thanks for the sift. I always wondered if we had a trojan asteroid. I wonder if it would be easier to visit this than others--probably not because of the delta V needed.

[edit] Nope. It moves too far out of the ecliptic.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

my15minutes says...

aloha, lucky -
can't seem to get an embed working.
i just submitted this:
...but none of the videos i try to embed:
...ever actually show up in the frame once i validate & save changes.

Anonymous Video Submitter Contest (Sift Talk Post)

Evidence of advanced pre-historic civilizations

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^westy:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
So, before humans, there were dinosaurs. Is it possible that there were periods of life before that - perhaps intelligent life - whose evidence has been erased by asteroids, weather and time?

That's deffinatly possible you would have thought there would be some evidence left maby its just in a place we have yet to look at , Atlantis , or underground .
but until there is evidence found then its like ghosts or yeties its just speculation and imagination.
Im not very knowlageable on the subject but due to the amount of earth thats populated by people and the different methods for testing things and all the looking around we have done ( geographical maps and servays ) if an inteligent or undustreal race of people existed before we probably would have found evidence for it by now , so that makes it less likely that there was another race unless they cleaned up very well.

Ever read, "Fingerprints of the Gods"? Fascinating book. It can easily be dismissed as quackery but he builds a solid enough case that it can pique a person's interest.

I would recommend it to anyone looking for something entertaining to read.

Evidence of advanced pre-historic civilizations

westy says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

So, before humans, there were dinosaurs. Is it possible that there were periods of life before that - perhaps intelligent life - whose evidence has been erased by asteroids, weather and time?

That's deffinatly possible you would have thought there would be some evidence left maby its just in a place we have yet to look at , Atlantis , or underground .

but until there is evidence found then its like ghosts or yeties its just speculation and imagination.

Im not very knowlageable on the subject but due to the amount of earth thats populated by people and the different methods for testing things and all the looking around we have done ( geographical maps and servays ) if an inteligent or undustreal race of people existed before we probably would have found evidence for it by now , so that makes it less likely that there was another race unless they cleaned up very well.

Evidence of advanced pre-historic civilizations

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Incredible Opening Cinematic

Asmo says...

>> ^Ornthoron:

I felt a lot of the same as @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 25th, 2008" class="profilelink">Morganth watching this video. The story is supposedly set 3500 years before the events of the original movies, yet everything looks almost exactly the same. I will admit that I know very little Star Wars lore, but were the culture of the Old Republic really that similar? Among the things that looked almost exactly alike in this video were
-Star Destroyers
-Tie Fighters
-smuggler ships
-door control panels
When I think of the Old Republic I want something old-fashioned and exotic, not the same stuff that I've seen hundreds of times before.

Yep, basically all content is ancesteral to Ep 4/5/6. Same schtick Lucas did with Ep 1, 2 and 3.

The thing that bothers me is that they keep trotting the exact same scenarios out.

-cocky smuggler a carbon copy of Han, check
-standard "enemy can't hit for shit" when a main character is striding in to combat with them
-freighter is 'fastest in sector' and 'looks like junk'
-ppl in the gun turrets ala New Hope
-Asteroid chase ala Empire
-Flying up the belly of a SD ala Jedi
-Flying through superstructure ala New Hope/Jedi

as if it's something new and fresh... The characters in this are infinitely more likeable than Ep 1/2/3 (although the smuggler character just annoys me) but the whole thing is so damn derivative it's like they're going down a checklist of homages they have to hit... I didn't hear a Wilhelm but I'm guesssing there's probably one of those in there somewhere as well.

I'm honestly surprised the hyperdrive didn't conk out and the smuggler started up "It's not my fault!"

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