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"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Psychologic says...

>> ^NobleOne:
F ck his affiliation whether it be rep or dem... I respect this man based on the truth... that he has the balls to come clean...being that most politicians still lie or are lying...

Yea, it's amazing how willing politicians are to come clean after getting caught.

One must wonder if he would have said anything if no one had noticed his vehicle sitting at the airport while he was supposedly hiking the App Trail.

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

NetRunner (Member Profile)

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

quantumushroom says...

Eminent domain is a back burner issue.

Obsama's thugverment is full speed ahead in other ways.

The Supreme Dolts' failure to review the Chrysler deal allows unsecured creditors (union) to be placed ahead of secured creditors. This is a clear violation of contract law and the bankruptcy laws, and our basic right to property.

If you bought/had Chrysler bonds you are screwed, and any property YOU own can now be seized since the law of contracts has been broken and the sheeple follow the pied piper into tyranny.

The arbitrary and secretive closing of car dealerships is appalling. Contract law means nothing to these tyrants. One dealer in Minn has
been in bus for 90 years and is very profitable. The tyrants are forcing them out of business, they will lose all they have invested.

Would you like that???

The tyrants won't answer the dealerships' question: why us??

If we do not wake up the question becomes: when will the tyrants come for your business/property on some flimsy pretext?

The goal of the tyrants in power is to nationalize private enterprise (like Argentina) and control the means of production.

Either Obamarx goes, or freedom goes.

10 Questions For The Dalai Lama

What Fits in Russia?

gourmetemu says...

>> ^demon_ix:
So sad that all I manage to think about is how he's not utilizing his space efficiently.
Argentina could have fit better near the edge a bit up and right, and he should have shoved Australia at an angle to the bottom left to leave less wasted space!
There. Now I'm done. OCD drugs, anyone?

There's really no need to save space when Mother Russia is so huge that all can fit inside of her!

What Fits in Russia?

demon_ix says...

So sad that all I manage to think about is how he's not utilizing his space efficiently.

Argentina could have fit better near the edge a bit up and right, and he should have shoved Australia at an angle to the bottom left to leave less wasted space!

There. Now I'm done. OCD drugs, anyone?

Man Can These Guys Dance the Tango!

gargoyle says...

From the Los Angeles de Tango 2009 festival brochure here:
"A unique couple bursting of ideas and energy, not only because there are two men doing the tango together. Yet Los Macanas are everything else but a modern couple. Deliberately they call themselves traditional tango dancers. Thus they take up an important part of tango history, when at the beginning of the last century men danced with each other. A consequence of the lack of ladies in the immigration country Argentina."

A tram ride through Barcelona in 1908

rosser99 says...

Maybe I'm wrong, but... Set the video to 6:15 (at this point in the video we are on Av. R Argentina) and pull up Google Maps in another tab. Enter "228 Avinguda de la República Argentina, Barcelona, Spain," enter the street view, and make sure you are facing in the Northwest direction. Notice the hills on the horizon. A second or two later in the video, it looks like the tram begins to turn left and then it announced "Calle Graywinckel." Click ahead a few clicks in Google Maps and you can make the same turn on to "Carrer de Craywinckel." Google walk yourself west to the end of Craywinckel where you come to the typical European 3 road intersection. Compare this with the intersection we are approaching at 6:50. ??????

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

yaroslavvb says...

While formally The Fed is a "private corporation" in actuality it's a public agency. It's actions are controlled by the board of the governors which are picked by president and confirmed by the Senate. The Congress audits the Fed and can amend it's activities by a statute.

When the elected representatives have direct access to the printing press, like you are suggesting, there's too much temptation to pump out extra cash before the elections to give economy a temporary boost, and let the successors deal with the long term harms of inflation.

A look at the stability of dollar in the last 80 years compared to some currencies where the government would "print money on their own" (Argentina in 2001, Russia in 1998, Zimbabwe now) would show you that a "private corporation" can do a better job managing money supply than elected officials

Glen Beck The Crash Of 2009 Is Coming!!!!

Watch This Clip W/ Joe Stiglitz,& Be Smarter Than Obama

The pinnacle of miseducation

BreaksTheEarth says...

Speaking as a scientist who utilizes evolutionary theory: I am shitting myself. It has taken this one nameless girl to point out the sham that I and others have been carrying out against the righteous morality of Christianity.

Why do we do this? There are many reasons, but first and foremost is that we hate God. We also hate those with love in their heart, and we hate it when people hold Bible meetings at a Starbucks complete with guitar sing-alongs.

According to this nameless girl, my cover has been blown. Perhaps I and my evolutionist friends can book one way passage to Argentina and seek refuge in the hidden villages created by the Nazi escapees.

Obama U-turns for Raytheon

vairetube says...

Hey, since you're into checking out stuff that other people have to copy and paste because no one wants to google, here's a quiz:

1. According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush made considerable profits off Auschwitz slave labor. President Bush himself is an heir to these profits from the holocaust which were placed by his father, former president George Herbert Walker Bush in a
b)blind trust
c)custodial account

2. Throughout the Bush family's decades of public life, the American press has gone out of its way to overlook one historical fact – that through Union Banking Corporation (UBC), Prescott Bush, and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, along with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, financed Hitler
a) before WWII
b) during WWII
c) before and during WWII

3. A classified Dutch intelligence file which was leaked by a courageous Dutch intelligence officer, along with newly surfaced information from U.S. government archives, "confirms absolutely," John Loftus says, the direct links between Bush, Thyssen and genocide profits from
a) Auschwitz
b) Belsen
c) Dachau
d) Buchenwald

4. In 1988, then Texas governor George Bush Jr., reportedly telephoned Rodolfo Terragno, Argentina's Public Works Minister, to ask him to award this company a contract to build a pipeline from Chile to Argentina.
a) Halliburton
b) Carlyle
c) Enron
d) Harken Energy

Get back to us on those please.

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