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TYT: Sanford Should Apologize to Gay Community

burdturgler says...

>> ^shiner_man:
I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.
But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?
Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?

I'll tell you what it has to do with it. You have this hypocrite liar Sanford who is cheating on his wife, leaving his kids at home on Father's day, to fly on the taxpayers dime to Argentina to screw around .. and somehow this twisted degenerate fuckwit thinks he has the moral authority to tell gay people they should not be allowed to get married. Where does he get off telling anyone ANYTHING about marriage? And he was making these speeches while he was cheating.

He was 5 months into his affair when he did this interview:

To make it short, I upvoted the "partisan hack" here because he's absolutely right.

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

burdturgler says...

>> ^imstellar28:
comments > votes. always funny.
whooo carreessss who this guy has sex with.
"Percentage of marriages where one or both spouses admit to infidelity, either physical or emotional: 41%"
why are you surprised that an elected official has an affair? 4/10 adults have affairs which means in any given relationship theres a 64% chance someone in the marriage is having an affair.
besides, hes probably a jack-ass even if he is faithful.

So if, in the future, one more person out of ten says in some poll that they are not unfaithful in their marriage, does that mean I can start caring about right and wrong again? Is that really how you evaluate things?

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Psychologic says...

>> ^Fjnbk:
Mark Sanford has been an idiot on the fiscal and monetary front, but he's never said that much about moral matters. Yes, he voted for Clinton's impeachment, but it's disingenuous to paint him as a Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell type politician.

He supports teacher-led prayer in schools along with displaying the 10 commandments in school. He defines marriage as "one man, one woman" (and mistress?) and stated that South Carolina should not recognize same-sex civil unions. He also opposes adoption rights for gay couples.

Sure, there are far more vocal (and extreme) people out there on such issues, but that doesn't change Sanford's stated view of the importance of marriage and opposition to allowing homosexuals to take part in it.

He's certainly free to not like homosexuals, but it kinda sucks to see people use political office to promote religious "morality" at the expense of the rights of others. His infidelity doesn't change my view of him, it just makes his stance on marriage even more laughable.

Random Sanford quotes:

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Fjnbk says...

Mark Sanford has been an idiot on the fiscal and monetary front, but he's never said that much about moral matters. Yes, he voted for Clinton's impeachment, but it's disingenuous to paint him as a Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell type politician.

>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^deedub81:
YEAH!!! We should just lower the standards! Anyone who isn't perfect can't talk about morals! You have to be flawless in order to encourage others to be good!

What about people who try to pass off their personal prejudices as "morality"?

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Psychologic says...

>> ^deedub81:
YEAH!!! We should just lower the standards! Anyone who isn't perfect can't talk about morals! You have to be flawless in order to encourage others to be good!

What about people who try to pass off their personal prejudices as "morality"?

Psychologic (Member Profile)

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

peggedbea says...

this is the first "ive cheated on my wife" press conference ive seen in a longtime where the wife is not standing beside the ass gleaming of composure.

also, i dont really care that he cheats on his wife. and i dont care that he does it in argentina.

i sort of care that used tax $$ to do it.

and i sort of care that he did it while pushing the idea that homosexuals will ruin the sanctity of marriage.

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

deedub81 says...

YEAH!!! We should just lower the standards! Anyone who isn't perfect can't talk about morals! You have to be flawless in order to encourage others to be good!

>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^NobleOne:
oh and another thing the people of videosift must be perfect and never do anything wrong.... i am only guessing since everyone is so quick to condemn someone else...I am sure i am the only videosifter with skeletons in the closet.

Actually I don't care about him leaving the country or cheating on his wife. No one is perfect, so he's guilty of being human.
What I have a problem with is him using his political power to block any form of civil union or same-sex marriage. He acts like he is so morally superior to others and that marriage is too "important" to give to homosexuals.
The fact that he is a complete hypocrite just makes it funny.

Citrohan (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

True that!

My point is that I hate when we play the "Democrats are ALWAYS right and republicans are always wrong game (or vice versa)." Just call a spade a spade.

Again, those were just off the top of my head and I just remembered another one: David Paterson, current Gov. of NY. I'm sure there are others, I just don't care to look.

I just want to make sure you have the facts straight. Paterson is still Gov of NY so he obviously didn't resign, Newsom didn't resign, Clinton didn't resign, Edwards didn't resign (he had already removed himself from the Presidential race), and Condit didn't resign. Only Spitzer and Hart resigned, not 'all but one' like you stated.

Edwards and Clinton have continued to be active in politics since their affairs were made public. Clinton remains popular among some democrats and Edwards gave an interview last week in which he stated, "What happens now? If you were to ask people during the campaign who's talking most about [poverty], it was me. There's a desperate need in the world for a voice of leadership on this issue. . . . The president's got a lot to do, he's got a lot of people to be responsible for, so I'm not critical of him, but there does need to be an aggressive voice beside the president."

I guess he thinks the world needs him. Doesn't sound like a resignation to me.

In reply to this comment by Citrohan:
In reply to this comment by deedub81:
^I'm pretty sure he's not gay. Didn't he cheat with a lady?

...and don't try to make this a partisan thing. It's a SCUMBAG thing. I could give you a few examples of the infidelity of prominent Democrats from off the top of my head:

Bill Clinton
John Edwards
Eliot Spitzer (Gov of NY involved in Prostitute Scandal)
Gary Hart (Ran against Bush Sr. in '88)
Gary Condit (The guy involved in the Chandra Levy Murder Scandal)

...but Republicans ARE on a roll right now. Pitiful.
Gavin Newsom (Dirtbag Mayor of San Freaksisco)

Yes, the Republicans are on a roll NOW compared to the list you provided. This is the second such incident in so many weeks where as the examples you listed are old news. I mean come on, Gary Hart? That was over twenty years ago! Yes, Democrats do get caught up in a mess like this, but the difference, as in the case of Spitzer, they RESIGN or step aside (as all but one of your examples did). Ensign, the mens room toe tapper Craig, prostitute and diaper aficionado David Vitter stay on, despite the wishes of their constitutes. These examples are off the top of my head as well, but a big part of why I remember them is because they happened with in the last two years or less.
As fair as it being a partisan thing, if Al Gore’s home’s carbon footprint and his use of private CO2 spewing jets are fair game in the “Who’s a Hypocrite Game” , then any Family Values politician that acts like this is fair game as well. You know, that thing about what people in glass houses should avoid doing.

BTW Gary Hart did NOT run against Bush in 1988. Hart didnt even make it past two primaries.

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Psychologic says...

>> ^NobleOne:
oh and another thing the people of videosift must be perfect and never do anything wrong.... i am only guessing since everyone is so quick to condemn someone else...I am sure i am the only videosifter with skeletons in the closet.

Actually I don't care about him leaving the country or cheating on his wife. No one is perfect, so he's guilty of being human.

What I have a problem with is him using his political power to block any form of civil union or same-sex marriage. He acts like he is so morally superior to others and that marriage is too "important" to give to homosexuals.

The fact that he is a complete hypocrite just makes it funny.

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

burdturgler says...

>> ^NetRunner:
<snip>...I almost guarantee you he'll still try to run for President in 2012. Republicans have no shame.

I'd be pretty shocked to see that happen. If it turns out that he used taxpayer money to fly to Argentina for an affair, I'd be surprised if he isn't forced to resign as Governor.

"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

NetRunner says...

When I heard he had been in Argentina this morning, I was thinking it would be something really serious, like he's selling secrets to some Latin American country, or coordinating operations with a drug cartel.

I'm not sure he's really ruled that out, but it seems a bit odd for the Governor of a state to think he can have an ongoing affair with a mistress in another country and not get caught.

As for the hypocrisy, I almost guarantee you he'll still try to run for President in 2012. Republicans have no shame.

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