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Bill O'Reilly Sends Producer To Stalk Alan Grayson

Skeeve (Member Profile)

Bill O'Reilly Sends Producer To Stalk Alan Grayson

EndAll says...

I just got this e-mail from his campaign newsletter:

Dear ---,

On Wednesday, Fox News's professional stalker Griff Jenkins stalked me all day, and then ambushed me, just so he could get some footage of me asking him to make an appointment. And sure enough, Bill O'Reilly put that footage on the air, and I was deluged with angry phone calls from Republican voters who think it's my job to be at Fox's beck and call. This is not surprising. The Republican Party is a now a wholly owned subsidiary of Fox News.

Well, I won't be taken down by Fox's weapons of mass distraction. I'm focused on saving lives and saving money. On Wednesday, on the House floor, I read the names and stories of some of the 44,000 Americans who die each year from a lack of health care.

I did this to honor them. These unnecessary, senseless deaths. That's real news, which Fox didn't spend one minute on. Instead, Fox News hectored me about whether I hurt Dick Cheney's feelings. Enough is enough.

Please join me and show Fox News and the Republican Party that we won't be bullied by them. Show them what's important to us: saving lives. On November 2, one year before my reelection, we will have a "money bomb," where progressives from all over the country are joining to support our reelection. Please pledge to our campaign here:

These Republican bullies are opposed to the change that America wants, America needs, and America voted for last year. 88% of Fox News viewers voted for George W. Bush in 2004. Fox News sends a memo to its mouthpieces every day, giving them "talking points" designed to damage Democrats. And they call this "news"!

I am a strong voice for justice, and so they stalk me.

Let's stand together and fight back.

Please show your support at

More than 3,000 people have pledged over $200,000 for our November 2 "money bomb," one year before the next election. Show them that the people, united, will never be defeated. Show them that we will have the support we need to get reelected and keep fighting for a better America. Please join us.

It is time to get greed off the agenda. It's time to put conscience back on the agenda. Fox News has a perpetual news blackout on people without health coverage who die from it, people with health insurance who don't get the care they need, seniors who can't pay for the medicine they need to stay alive -- in short, everything that actually matters in the lives of ordinary people. Fox News has a news blackout on everything but fake tea party protests and ambushes in the halls of Congress. Enough is enough.

Thank you for helping us stay focused and save American lives.


Alan Grayson

marinara (Member Profile)

Bill O'Reilly Sends Producer To Stalk Alan Grayson

shiner_man says...

>> ^EndAll:
>> ^shiner_man:
Grayson is a coward.

Not at all. He just refuses to indulge FOX's guerilla-style pseudo-reporting - all they want is some controversy. They wanted him to huff and puff and defend his remarks, but he knew better than to get into that. That's not cowardice, that's common sense.

O'Reilly said they have called him at least 10 times to come on his show to explain his comments. They have never heard back from him.

He's a coward and a blowhard. The fact that people are actually rallying behind this idiot just goes to show how far out in left field people can be.

If a Republican said something comparable like "Democrats want our troops to die." you'd never hear the end of it. We'd have a full on assault of whoever said such a hyperbolic statement. But when someone like Grayson spouts nonsense like this people rally behind him?

It's a perfect case study in left-wing hypocrisy.

Bill O'Reilly Sends Producer To Stalk Alan Grayson

EndAll says...

>> ^shiner_man:
Grayson is a coward.

Not at all. He just refuses to indulge FOX's guerilla-style pseudo-reporting - all they want is some controversy. They wanted him to huff and puff and defend his remarks, but he knew better than to get into that. That's not cowardice, that's common sense.

Alan Grayson on Chris Matthews

Avokineok says...

>> ^Throbbin:
This is why the U.S. needs more Political Parties. The 2-party system forces people like Grayson to caucus with Blue-Dogs and Democrats of convenience.

Your 2-party system gives the voters the illusion they have choice. But I don't call it choice when both sides are talking nonsense.
In the future political debates will be interrupted by commercial brakes. Just so you know

longde (Member Profile)

Alan Grayson: Fox and Republicans "The Enemies Of America"

d3bas3r says...

>> ^swedishfriend:
You might think Fox News has a bigger audience because that is what the mainstream media (who are also in the pockets of the rich few) would like the public to believe. Two scales:
What rich fat cats want us to believe:
NPR = Public Radio
MM = Mainstream Media
FN = Fox News
Fox News exists to make the Mainstream Media seem more balanced and to make NPR seem too lefty.
I listen to hours of npr every day and they have slowly been moving away from catering to the public and are now starting to seem quite the corporate supporters and still teabaggers would consider npr lefty propaganda. The only reason they think that is because of how crazy to the right FN and MM are.

Where would you put Air America on your chart?

Alan Grayson: Fox and Republicans "The Enemies Of America"

TYT: Franken Kicks Conservative Ass

NetRunner (Member Profile)

HaricotVert (Member Profile)

NetRunner (Member Profile)

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf says...

I'm still a little cloudy on the subject, but I guess that's because I'm not informed enough about politics, but I think I get your drift. Thanks NetRunner

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
Glenn Greewald wrote a great article on this topic that really digs into this, including Supreme Court decisions.

Re: the Franken amendment, it's completely nonspecific. The KBR case was certainly the catalyst, but the law is aimed at the behavior, not the individual.

With the push to defund ACORN, the reverse is true.

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