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Rick James DIO - Holy Mary Jane

siftbot says...

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hundreds of European women have just found out that the felon’s campaign has stolen their identities and are using fake online profiles (using their images and sometimes names) that are supporting the felon as attractive social media influencers (much like the terrible “blacks for Trump” AI created fakes and “Swifties for Trump” fake photos and fake endorsements)….which must mean you don’t have any real influencers to draw from. 😂

MAGA has to go outside of the country to even find fake women to support the rapist.

Meanwhile the disgusting disrespectful attack by the felon and his campaign against the fallen soldiers at Arlington is just growing as another scandal, with the military itself speaking out about the disgusting, complete lack of respect or decorum of Trump both verbally and physically abusing the guards and illegally abusing a solemn ceremony on hallowed ground to make a cheap political tic tok advertisement and pretend he cares about the military (funny, he never showed up before).
Edit: He now claims it was somehow a setup by the Biden administration that caused his team to ignore the repeated law and rules and common decency, all of which he was unaware despite being told, then caused them to physically force their way past the guard (who now fears for her life from rabid maggots) and use the hallowed ground as a political backdrop for a photo op….Biden’s fault.
Also meanwhile, Vance spoke to the same union Walz spoke to days before, and was booed mercilessly because everything he said was a blatant bold faced lie, like he and Trump stand with unions (despite every single action taken by either one being direct attacks against unions and the felon saying last week that anyone who strikes should be fired immediately along with their entire union).
😂 Meanwhile Republican organizations have started saying (and claim to be preparing lawsuits claiming) Harris is not a valid candidate because of Dred Scott which they say means no non white person can be president, indeed claiming no black person is a citizen…ignoring the 13th and 14th amendments. This is your “black outreach”, telling non whites they aren’t citizens and never can be because they are barely human…”but we aren’t racist, you are.”-maga. 😂
Meanwhile the architect of project Trump 2025 (who went on vacation until after the election for optics) has postponed his project2025 book release (with forward by JD Vance) to help the felon because it is clear that anyone knowing anything about the Trump project 2025 agenda is a death sentence for the campaign. Unfortunately for them early copies are released, and it is UTTERLY HORRIFIC! Not just an end to reproductive freedom, end all forms of contraception, and enact a 100% ban on abortion with the death penalty, now we know it includes FORCED PREGNANCY. “Having children should not be considered an “optional individual choice” but a “social expectation or transcendent gift.” because having your daddy/brother’s 7 toed rape baby is a blessing. And that’s just one page of the over 900 page agenda to create Christian Sharia law in America and become Afghanistan.

So…turned away women, turned away minorities, turned away non heterosexuals, turned away the military, turned away civil servants, turned away teachers, turned away the educated, turned away union workers, turned away under 25 year old voters…besides old uneducated white men, who is left? 😂

Wells Fargo Employee Found Dead At Desk After Four Days

BSR says...

She should be getting a pretty nice paycheck!

A decomposing body can start to smell within 24–48 hours, and the smell can intensify within 4–10 days.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus fucking Christ, now he tried to force his way into Arlington Cemetery with a commercial camera crew to use it as a backdrop for a campaign commercial and when cemetery staff tried to stop them because that is 100% not allowed by federal law by anyone at Arlington his staff had a verbal and physical fight trying to physically force their way in and take photos and video footage anyway by assaulting the service men stationed there, then took photos and videos anyway using their phones…then lied and claimed the on duty service man who was doing his job and protecting the sanctity and enforcing the rules/laws of the national cemetery was having a mental health episode and went crazy. In fact, it was just another instance of zero respect for the military except as a prop in campaign advertising and zero respect for rules or laws to the point of assault when they are applied.

Again, it is 100% illegal to take photographs at Arlington for campaign purposes, and no waiver CAN be given to that firm law except by act of congress.

Every excuse given so far has fallen apart immediately because they are blatant lies, he and his people just don’t think laws and rules apply to them, ever. They claimed they would release footage to prove they had permission (which they did not, permission is NEVER given to use Arlington in political ads…NEVER…it would require an act of congress) but have not released any footage because it doesn’t exist.

This morning he lost his mind and tweeted dozens upon dozens of Qanon posts, just in case anyone forgot he is Qanon, which is a terroristic misinformation spreading treasonous organization advocating sedition again, and the felon is 100% on board.

What unbelievable pieces of shit you follow. Getting in physical fights at military funerals because they want to illegally use the event as advertising for their anti military anti democracy candidate.

4 new felony charges brought by another new grand jury today. 😂

😂 MAGAT George Santos, the face of maga corruption, plead guilty to every felony charge (8+) in hopes of reducing his sentence from over 20 years to as little as 2 (but likely 8 ). 😂

Have fun with replacing homosexual transvestite Vance with the road kill eating brain worm.

Bonus- DJT is at 1/3 it’s day one price and falling like a stone as the day when the felon sells out nears…he’s going to get a huge $75 in the end. Another massive business failure despite having every single advantage possible…all at the expense of his investors, not himself.
Also, while Taylor Swift hasn’t sued for $100 million for abuse of her image when he claimed she endorsed him, her fans HAVE started a REAL organization called “Swifties For Harris” in response to his fake AI generated movement using her fans he called “Swifties for Trump”. 😂

Australian TV Host Loses It Over 'Muff'

noims says...

There's a town in Ireland call Muff and they definitely make the most of it. The Muff diving club, for example, is extremely popular, and I recently found out about the Muff liquor company that's more interesting because the term 'liquor' isn't used all that much over here.

Technically R Kelly Is Not A Pedophile

noims says...

*promote this good example of the difference between being smart and being wise.

Technically R Kelly Is Not A Pedophile

siftbot says...

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 11:11am PDT - promote requested by noims.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Because you have been convinced the economy is tanking despite all evidence to the contrary, I point you to google the JP Morgan article where it’s pointed out that the US is the only major economy that has met or exceeded the pre pandemic 2019 predictions for gdp in the world, and we did it despite one of the worst responses to Covid in 2020 with up to 50% more deaths and far more economic damage than most other countries as a result.
But let me guess…JP Morgan is fake news?

Jake is so polite

newtboy says...

Every video of this doggy daycare pickup service I see I can’t believe how well behaved and quiet they all are.

AI You Need is Love

noims says...

I'm not normally a fan of those AI-generated vids, but I'm a sucker for all those puns.

Now shut up, vid, and kiss me.

Cockroaches And A Fly : Dark Destruction

newtboy says...

Strictly speaking, a bug is an insect in the group Hemiptera – it must have piercing mouthparts. Cicadas are Hemiptera, but spiders aren't.
Roaches and flies aren’t bugs….these all are (but aren’t animated that way)

ant said:

Dude. *bugs

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Even CNN” has been caught knowingly packing their “independent voters” panels with hard core Trumpers they called independents despite the voters saying clearly they intended to vote for Trump and no one else.
This is what happened when CNN went far right with Chris Licht…they abandoned truth to court maga, the anti truth party.

Just 2-3 weeks ago according to maga RFK jr was a “communist Marxist”, a pedophile, the most hard core leftist in the race, and an absolute nut job whose brain was eaten by worms and Trump said even Biden would be much better than RFK jr. while RFK jr called the felon a criminal sociopath who nearly ended democracy in America and would destroy the economy.
He tried to quit weeks ago and endorse Harris for a promise of a job in the Harris administration, and she wouldn’t take his call, and now endorsed Trump (for a guarantee of a job in his administration, exactly what position is yet to be determined)…today after selling out you call him an impressive American hero you proudly stand with (and who may replace Vance next week, he’s already more prominent in the campaign releases).
He didn’t change one bit except for the endorsement, why is he suddenly acceptable? 😂

If Michael Jackson was car

If Michael Jackson was car

This Caused My Downfall

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