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maatc (Member Profile)

youdiejoe says...

the audio is very low quality, it's mono, 8bit so it's best to look at the camera as not having audio with anything more than a scratch track.

In reply to this comment by maatc:

just wondering: Does the D90 record sound at all and if it does, is it any good?
I am thinking about getting one of these. Everything I read about it so far seems awesome.

In reply to this comment by youdiejoe:
>> ^Farhad2000:
How long can you shoot for exactly? Whats the memory consumption and what format is the video spit out at?
starts saving

The D90 saves the files as AVI, Motion JPEG codec. Files are roughly about 100MB per minute of video. The camera currently allows you to shoot 5 minutes max per video clip, this is reported to be a safety feature to protect the internal parts.

Zonbie just got his 250th brain star!!! Meow Brains??? (Horrorshow Talk Post)

10444 says...

You two ( Zonbie and LadyDeath ) are two genuine sweethearts on here, so WOOHOO for you guys going up like this. :#1: Grats Zonbie!

I suggest a *medical, *Irish, *anime, *8bit, or *indie channel. Medical and Irish I suggest the most, I spat out the other ones to try to inspire creative thinking in your own head regarding it.

No, Not Mario, Not HIM !

Future Crew : Second Reality (Assembly '93)

pho3n1x says...

it IS good, and it's 1993. YOU try making a demo including 8bit sound, 2d and 3d rendering, and contain it all in 64k. and in 1993. so i suppose yes, that is a funny thing, considering that things like this paved the way for future CGI.
maybe you should post something better.


Second Reality is a demo created by Future Crew for the Assembly '93 demoparty. In the PC demo competition, Second Reality placed first with its demonstration of 2D and 3D rendering. The demo was released to the public in October 1993. It is considered to be one of the best demos created during the early 1990s on the PC.
The effects produced by the demo exceeded what were widely believed to be the limits of PC hardware in 1993. Many techniques used by other demos, including Future Crew's own earlier work, were refined and reused in Second Reality. The demo had a soundtrack of Trance music composed by Skaven and Purple Motion using ScreamTracker 3. The degree of synchronization of the visuals with the music was highly impressive for its time.

c64 orchestra

gaffa says...

Westy, I thought you were going to say you hated the masterbation of 8bit music by using classical instruments.
This is like the Cambridge Buskers, that take a group of classicly trained musicians and then have everyone swap instruments. For the audience and the performers - "Now for something completly different"

c64 orchestra

westy says...

OK its fine playing stuff on difrent eqwimpent jsut for the fun of it but people seem to see clasical instrments as something of quality. why would u want to play c64 music on clasical instramants as thay canot reproduce the sound at all to anny degree. it realy anoys me how clasical music is seen as better ore of higher value than anny other form of music. i love the c64 sound and all the 8bit music and all the music we have in games now weather it be clasical ore not. just hate this masterbation of clasical music

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