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The Day Jesus Returns

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Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, July 4th, 2018 10:02am PDT - promote requested by original submitter shinyblurry.

"Geografía" from 2003 by La Oreja de Van Gogh

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Michael Che Hilarious "Black Lives Matters"

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Blade of the Immortal Red Band - Red Band Trailer

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Tangled~They Never Get The Nose Right

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A Capella THX Logo Theme

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Moon Setting Behind Pico del Teide Volcano. Tenerife

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New Rule: Trump Is Above the Law

RFlagg says...

It clearly says "He could appear" as in he hasn't said it, but could say it. It is following his own example of how he said he could shoot somebody. I know reading compression isn't his strong point, hell, we all know he can only read comfortably about a 4th grade level (though I have no doubt he could read at the typical 9th grade level with a bit more effort on his part), but I'd expect more from some others...

Trump won because Christians hate Democrats, despite the fact the Democratic party is closer to Christ's teachings than the Republicans are. Hell, we almost got a child molester as a Senator because the Christians didn't care if he was a child molester being true, they'd vote for him over the Democrat, who is also notably a Christian man... just doesn't act inappropriately around little girls. The only reason Roy More lost in the end, was because he went the extra mile to say America was last great when we had slaves, and we should get rid of all the amendments but the first 10, like the ones that allowed women and blacks to vote. Now they'll soon have the ability to persecute others for sinning differently than they do, which is modern Christian's goals. "How dare that person be gay, my sin is nothing, their sin is gross, and I don't give a fuck what Jesus said about loving one another, or not tossing stones, or treating others the way I'd want to be treated, I'll treat them with bigotry and hatred, but I'll tell them I love them, I just hate everything about them, because I'm Christian after all, love the sinner, hate the sin." Again, not a direct quote, just what one has to be thinking when they say they don't want equal rights under the law for LGBTQIA+ people, and won't bake them a cake for a wedding, because there can be no other thought process to ignore the golden rule and everything else Jesus taught. Recall, I used to be a hardline Fox news, GOP voting fool, but couldn't reconcile the teachings of Jesus with the GOP... and eventually, because only I seemed to have had that revelation, lost faith in the ass, and even if he is real, I'd still rather burn in hell than be around my family and the rest of the far right for all eternity.

It also has to do with a severe lack of education. 40 some percent of American's believe the universe is 6,000-10,000 years old because their Bible says so. A large number doesn't accept the science of climate change... too many idiots believe Fox news is honest and truthful, because they don't care to learn how to properly vet news and information.

Also has to do with greed. Pure unadulterated greed. People caring more for their pocket books, their job situation, than what will do the most good for the most number of people.

bobknight33 said:

You quoted a racist statement below Care to indicate where it came from?

Old guy's laugh totally upstages comedian (@1:15)

Starship Alamo

bremnet says...

And for 12 bonus points, how many movies can you name that are used in the mashup (without running off to Vimeo of course). I'm 8 out of 12. Most disturbingly, there is a Starship Troopers 3 and a non-numbered 4th in the series. Lots of "throwin' around" money in that franchise I guess.

Hey Incels, women don’t owe you anything

scheherazade says...

The last comment about 'be a nice guy' is interesting.

I was listening to Joe Rogan Experience, and they mentioned something about how the genesis of the 'woman hater' is actually the forever-friend-zoned-nice-guy who gets so fed up with being 'taken for granted'/'shot down' that his niceness turns into hatred

It made sense to me. Essentially, the woman hater is what becomes of a boring nice guy who lacked the patience/endurance to wait for women his age to make their way through all the exciting unreliable men before being satiated (or just getting too old to fetch the interesting men's attention) and finally settling for the nice guy that was boringly always available.

And I get it. It plays into the human natural value system, where things that are scarce are more valuable.

The ahole is fleeting. You can't always have him, and if you do you can't hold him, so he has an element of scarcity, which creates value.

The nice guy will reliably stick around if you go with him, so he is less scarce, so he is less valuable. The lower value in turn makes him more likely to be single and always available, further reducing his scarcity, and further devaluing him, and further increasing his chances of being single. A feedback loop.

I suppose that there is also a 3rd path - the element of nice guys that just stop giving a crap before turning into haters, which makes them more scarce, which actually finally gets them attention, and they stop being single.

(And a 4th path - nice guy finds 'a girl who wants a nice guy from the start'. In my observation this isn't the typical case.)

Cases like this (forever alone nice guy, not specifically Mr Van Driver) are when I think 'arrangement' web sites create a good solution. The guys get to not be lonely anymore, and the women gets taken care of. Kind of plays into the nice guy natural instinct, too.

Amusingly, 'arrangement' may be a better fit for the forever-alone nice guys than 'waiting it out'.
In both cases (waiting vs arrangement) the women are mainly after stability/support.
The older women 'nice guy' matches with by 'waiting it out' would not have picked 'nice guy' if they still had the looks to keep pulling exciting men.
So, if you're gonna be with someone because they want you for support, why not just go with a younger woman and be up front about the situation. If it doesn't work out, either party can walk away. No messy divorce. Seems like a safer and more practical option.

(Not picking on older women, just observing that : as people get older, the single scene becomes more and more 'leftovers' that are 'left over for a good reason'. The odds of finding anyone worth while diminish with time, because the highest quality individuals get retained first. Wait long enough, and you're left with over the hill jaded pragmatists who once may have had looks but now have nothing left to offer. At which point, both 'arrangement' and 'being single' are legitimately better options.)

Regarding Mr. Van Guy specifically, I'm not sure if he had a chance. He had some social anxiety that made him unable to talk to people. So he was likely not gonna get a partner naturally, and was unlikely to succeed among professional peers well enough to get the financial security necessary to be some sugar daddy.

So, yeah, dude was likely a romantic dead end. Possibly even the same mental (brain developmental?) issues that made him unable to talk to people also made him susceptible to getting the sort of crazy tilted that allowed him to run people over. The dude could have actually been fated (circumstantially) to end up in tragedy. Just speculating, wouldn't shock me.


Brinks Truck Spills Money on Highway after Accident

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Hawaii volcano: Mount Kilauea volcano erupts - BBC News

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Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, May 4th, 2018 2:43pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter nanrod.

Skateboarder removes large splinter

artician says...

I was walking back from the bathroom in my home at like 3am one night. It was pitch black. I kicked a small container of toothpicks that had been sitting on the floor and stumbled. One of the toothpicks flipped out of the container and landed straight up just as my foot, and full weight, came down right on top of it. I ended up with the wooden pick sticking straight out of the bottom of my bare foot. They were standard ~2 inch picks, and it was probably buried about 3/4ths the way in. It looked exactly like what this guy had, but it went straight into the tissue of my foot, rather than glancing along side.
My partner drove me to the emergency room right away, and to this day I still feel the elation at learning it hadn't splintered or snapped off in the foot, and they were able to extract it pretty much in the same way he did. I got bonus tetanus shots for being such a good patient.

No Parent Should Have to Have "The Talk."

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Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Friday, August 4th, 2017 8:11am PDT - promote requested by original submitter bareboards2.

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