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The FBI Has Lied To Congress

bobknight33 says...

Man still schilling for the deep state.

Page had been wrongly accused and was, in fact, working for the CIA, not the Russians.

The Steele dossier was 100% fabricated. All know this but some people need to cling onto this lie, Fools like you.

Muller spent 40 Million and found nothing but low hanging fruit. Again a Big fat ZERO .

Again take you head out of you ass and wipe that shit off you face. You are a fool on the sift.

you a Mr 100% my shit is facts--- No Nope Nada Zip.

newtboy said:

Still rehashing the Carter Page stupidity bob?
“ the Mueller Report concluded that the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated in Russia's interference efforts, but did establish that the Steele dossier was right about Page attending high-level meetings with Russians, even though he denied doing so.”

Pretty sad, especially considering all the convictions of administration officials for crimes against the US…Russian collusion/unregistered foreign agents …that came from it. Edit: Recall, Trump DID have secret meetings with Russian officials about Clinton at Trump tower during his campaign that he then lied about, and was only not prosecuted because the prosecutor said he was too stupid and ignorant to KNOW it was illegal so he couldn’t convict him…but it definitely was an attempt at illicit collusion with Russia that he admits to.

This investigation was thoroughly investigated and the actual investigation did not find what he claimed. Sorry.

Trump’s weaponization of every federal department is public record, from the DOJ acting as his private counsel and jack booted thugs to the IRS directing local police to label any protester an ANTIFA agent unless proven otherwise and hiring violent convicts to “infiltrate” BLM and instigate violence, to Trump repeatedly denying disaster relief to states that he lost in the election, to withholding military assistance to blackmail a foreign leader into investigating and accusing Trump’s political rival’s family, all verified and codified.

These hearings are a total joke, the weaponization of congress, and a pure, totally not serious, rehash of the Durham report that found absolutely nothing actionable, only a very few clerical errors, zero convictions. Republicans simply can’t accept reality. Such a fool you are, buying every lie and ploy, absolutely NEVER removing your blinders.

To summarize- from the Page investigation, if memory serves, there were 36 officials CONVICTED of hundreds of crimes, most involving hiding their strong financial ties to Russia…from the Durham report investigating that investigation came 3 charges that were all tossed out of court for insufficient evidence….nothing burger. Now the idiot Republican house is trying again with the same (lack of) evidence because you can’t accept that you are LOSERS!

When Trump weaponized the federal government you cheered and clapped. You only care because that extreme righty weaponization is ending.

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS. I didn’t even notice how you changed my post to be as idiotic as you.

Teaching 4 grades (do you mean 4th graders?) to be gay…..I want to know exactly how you teach someone to be gay…since you claim to know. Are they putting little boys in dark rooms and having naked women beat them mercilessly? Are they feeding them jello boobs with shards of glass inside? How, exactly, does one teach another person their own sexuality? More evidence you know nothing but talking points you don’t comprehend one bit.

(Btw- I learned about sex by age 6, and homosexuality by age 9 or before. I didn’t have unwanted children, never caught a VD, and didn’t become gay. Knowing the mechanics and consequences of sex, both heterosexual and homosexual, let me make informed decisions that served me well. I did constantly have adult conversations with adults who all were shocked I could hold my own in an adult conversation…including when I audited college courses in 7th grade and was shocked how little college students knew…I was told I was 11 going on 40 repeatedly. There was no reason whatsoever to “shield” me from any knowledge, only a reason to help me assimilate what I learned. I am not unique in that.)

How to kill and get away with it? You mean murder mysteries, history, or critical thinking? I would counter that Trump taught us all how to kill a million Americans through negligence and lies and get away with it, and you would give him a medal. You don’t care about murders. Name the book that reads as a “how to get away with murder” and not “how to get caught committing murder”. The news teaches that, you don’t want to ban news….or do you?

Name the book that glorifies and normalizes debauchery and rape that’s being taught in school….or do you mean the Bible which I agreed should not be taught in schools. Any book that teaches politics of the last 25 years would include those topics to describe Republican politicians.

Parents have a right to stupidly deny THEIR children access to certain knowledge, not to deny it from others. Your love of ignorance is not a mandate for others to remain ignorant. You would return to the dark ages when only (often wrong) church approved “knowledge” was allowed, and that only for the privileged. Just so dumb and ignorant of you.
You want to be ignorant, you be you. You want to make your children ignorant, that’s a perk of being a parent, you can abuse your own children as you see fit (within limits). You want to force other children to be ignorant, fuck right off you braying moron.

bobknight33 said:

Like the Bible?

Books like
Like teaching 4 grades how to be gay?

How to kill and get away with it?

Books glorifying, normalizing debauchery or date rape .

Yep some book should not be in school and it the parents right to challenge the school.

History of the World Part 2 | Teaser

cloudballoon says...

But, but it's a sequel 40 years in the making. It's Mel Brooks! I set my expectation to be TWICE as good - as impossible a task as that may be. They had enough time to polish the script I hope.

We NEED a Part II, like, in 2001 already, covering the last century.

newtboy said:

The lord Jehova has given unto you these fifteen…Oy...ten. Ten Commandments for all to obey!

Please let this be at least 1/2 as good as the original.
*doublepromote *quality old school irreverent funny.

History of the World Part 2 | Teaser

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, the Trump unsupervised PPP “loans” that Cons all took advantage of, then had forgiven (the same rich people who fought against student loan forgiveness)….that has no impact I guess?

Yeah…the timeline says no, not really. The QE and handouts happened in 2020 and early 21 as Tesla was skyrocketing, not what made them crash. You are just blathering.
Remember, you 100% denied the insane unheard of level of QE Trump did had anything to do with inflation, proving you have 0 grasp of economics.
Pumping money into the system is the only guaranteed way to cause inflation, and Trump did it more than any other president in history. He saw it as a way to spend more off the books. In fact, it was an unapproved tax on every American in the form of massive inflation you simply blamed on Biden for years. Kind of hard to swallow your sudden realization that printing money hurts the economy when you absolutely denied it when your guy printed money….over 40% of all money ever printed was printed in 2020. Where was this bob in 2020? It’s true, the money printing by Trump and to a much lesser extent Biden increased inflation significantly…but that doesn’t account for Tesla crashing twice as bad as other car companies.

He’s correct, we will end the fossil fuel industry. Importantly he gave no timeline in your clip. Reality is under Biden oil and gas production is up….but refining capacity down. The only way he could directly effect that is nationalizing oil and gas companies and forcing them to lower their profit margins to pre pandemic levels.
Reality is you were simply lied to, again, we were not a net exporter of energy under Trump. Only during the summer, in winter we imported more than we shipped out in summer. Net importers.

Since you’ve been misled, you should understand Biden only halted NEW leases of federal oil fields until the companies that want them use the leases they already have. Oil companies want to buy the fields but not drill, creating more shortages and higher prices/profits. Biden insists they make use of the land already leased before locking out tens of millions more federal acres from exploitation by their competition or any other use.

We still export oil, and import it. Our refining capabilities went down under Trump when he ok’ed the sale of the biggest refinery in America to the Saudis and they instantly cut production. In 2020, our demand went down, but not below our production.

Oil companies lost a combined $76 billion over 2020, then made over $2 trillion profits 2021 and $4 trillion 2022. Utter bullshit it’s just making their losses back. An outright bold faced lie that relies on ignorance of any facts to be believed.

Trump ok’ed the murder of American citizens by the crown prince, bragged about protecting him from murder charges. Trump gave the Saudis top secret information about dissidents in their country which they paid son in law Kushner $2 billion for then murdered them. These included people working for America.
Trump also sold the Saudis our refining capabilities without which them being pissed would make no difference if we were actually a net exporter (we aren’t, never were) and still owned our infrastructure (we don’t), the evil murderous Saudis would have no leverage at all. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

QE Quantitative Easing
helicopter $ All those Gov Checks that kept people home.

Gas policy. Biden want to kill the oil industry. Transition to cleaner forms of energy is great but you can't just switch off our dependency of oil.

under Trump we were a net exporter of oil. Now we need to import.
oil companies are reporting record breaking profits. But it follows pandemic-fueled losses.
Biden pissed the Saudis over the assassination of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi so they say no oil for you, Joe..

When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, today, Trump’s lawyers were sanctioned for filing frivolous lawsuits for Trump, likely to be disbarred. This is just the first of 11 plaintiffs sueing over the same frivolous lawsuit that the judge has already determined was filed in 100% bad faith with no evidence or crime as pure political theater, abusing the courts and defendants. She’s still facing well over $1 million in damages.

Also today, Trump admitted to allegedly abusing his federal powers to interfere in the Florida election in 2018. He’s saying this to 1) add fuel to his “elections are full of fraud” lie (no fraud found) and 2) to claim DeSantis couldn’t win without his interference, so definitely shouldn’t be the nominee.
So far it sounds like this is another pure tantrum lie from Trump, with no evidence he sent federal agents to “secure” any election in Florida. It is another indicator that he will abandon all rule of law if given another chance, and will illicitly interfere in elections.

Also, thin skinned snowflake Musk is driving Twitter into the ground quickly, driving off users, driving off advertising, firing critical staff, losing his executives, turning verification into a receipt for $8 and nothing else then losing his mind over parody pages, banning even clearly labeled parody, going full perma-ban over his hurt feelings, something he said he would outlaw when he bought it, tried but failed to bring back Trump. Sell your Tesla, he still owes over $40 billion, and all his money is Tesla stock, so he needs to take over $40 billion in cash out of his EV money pit to pay for the other unprofitable business he’s actively destroying at light speed.

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

newtboy says...

Oh no!!!

If you haven’t noticed, I’m not Bob. I decide my positions on my own, and while I’m socially liberal, that doesn’t mean I agree with the “liberal” positions at all times. I’m not insulted at my position being called “conservative”….I’m not tribalistic that way.

EG-I’m pro gun….but very pro regulation.

I’m actually a fiscal conservative, but unlike the right I know that doesn’t really mean the government should only pay for the military and nothing more. I agree with any spending that saves billions or trillions overall, even when it means some people get a free ride.
I think police are a good idea, although I believe they need serious reforms because they have lost their mission completely.
I think public roads are a good thing, as are public water and power systems.
I think national health care is a no brainer that works well in almost every country and saves trillions per year.
I think a safety net is a good idea...give people something to lose so they don’t turn to crime because they have nothing to lose.

Edit: I’ve said most of my adult life that I would be a Republican if only they would. Today’s Con has no resemblance to the Republican party I thought I grew up with (my entire family was hard core R).
Fiscal sanity, gone. Caring about the environment, gone. Supporting facts and science, gone. Supporting small government, gone (except with lip service). Strong and enforced gun regulations to protect gun ownership rights, gone. Strict supporters of law and order, not anymore. Government out of private life, so incredibly gone. Separation of church and state, gone. Fans of democracy, gone. Honesty, not even a memory.
I’m only a “blue liberal” by default. I might be libertarian if they weren’t crazed anti government extremists and almost MAGA.
Dems are the only ones left that really believe in democratic government.

I agree that 40 years+ without parole is cruel, but certainly not unusual or excessive. I never understand why excessively long prison sentences are considered less than the death penalty…I’m claustrophobic, to me it would be 40+ years of panic. I would give myself the death penalty fairly quickly because I’m not brave enough to face that. Swallow my tongue or bite it off, either works just fine and can’t be stopped. I’m really shocked that’s not the norm, but I’ve (clearly) never had to face it.

bcglorf said:

Careful @newtboy, you're sounding a bit like a conservative on this one from the Canadian POV.

A terrorist that shot 12 people in a mosque, killing 6 was sentenced under new Conservative law that allowed sentences like murder to be applied consecutively. More details in the link below, but our liberal dominated Supreme Court ruled the 40 years without a parole chance was "cruel and unusual".

So our gov. will be giving them a chance at parole in 2039.

Judge Locks Up Parkland Shooter for Life, Throws Away Key

bcglorf says...

Careful @newtboy, you're sounding a bit like a conservative on this one from the Canadian POV.

A terrorist that shot 12 people in a mosque, killing 6 was sentenced under new Conservative law that allowed sentences like murder to be applied consecutively. More details in the link below, but our liberal dominated Supreme Court ruled the 40 years without a parole chance was "cruel and unusual".

So our gov. will be giving them a chance at parole in 2039.

newtboy said:

Good job….except that means paying to house him for life.
Death would be kinder and cheaper….especially if it’s at his own hands.

Odd posting from @bobknight33, since MAGA still insists this was a false flag operation, no one died, no one injured, and only crisis actors who were trotted out as a reason to take yer guns.
Marge Green went so far as to chase some of the surviving children,screaming and spitting at them in her rage over their existence and their nerve to want stronger gun regulations after nearly being murdered.

I’m glad at least a few photons of sunlight might finally be seeping in, but I’m not hopeful that the darkness won’t drive them out.

NASA DART spacecraft moment of impact

noims says...

There are also much longer run-ins with and without commentary available.

If you don't want to watch the whole thing, I recommend quickly clicking through time slices of the plain video without commentary ( to see the approach, from nothing to one body, to two, getting bigger, maybe until about 1:40:00. You can then switch to the final 5 minutes on the video with commentary, which is about the 1:10:30 mark here:

I watched it spoiler-free and didn't know what to expect. I was blown away. Let's hope the same thing happened to Dimorphos.

"IT'S CALLED SHUT THE F*CK UP": Officer Has Had Enough

kir_mokum says...

"Two studies have found that at least 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10 percent of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24 percent, indicating that domestic violence is two to four times more common among police families than American families in general."

and this dude for sure hits someone in his family.

BSR said:

Yeahhhh. I'm calling problems at home with the wife.

Why Geography Makes The US Insanely OP

newtboy says...

Excellent question…and I point out that only Trump spent millions of his own money for a $200k job…and his family made BILLIONS with no exaggeration and no assumptions, guesses, or theories, it’s a proven and under investigation fact. Biden didn’t have tens of millions to spend, his son didn’t either much less billions he’s accused of taking, and his family isn’t directly profiting from being in a nepotistic administration, getting “gifts” from hostile foreign powers in the tens and hundreds of millions, or in Jared’s case, BILLIONS from the Saudis.

Trump exhibits every single tenet of fascism-
WIKI- Fascism - a far-RIGHT, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Sounds exactly like the Trump right to me….and an impossibility for the left since fascism is a far right ideology.

Utter bullshit nonsense. Jan 6 alone, before investigating or prosecuting or housing the criminal terrorists cost over $500 million with 5 dead, for just one day of many far right riots. How much damage and cost has the election fraud fraud with its never ending “investigations” by politically connected organizations with zero experience, destroying entire county wide election systems and invalidating thousands of voting machines brought? How much of the near $40 billion wasted on the border fence that isn’t slowing a single immigrant was just stolen by politically connected groups with zero construction experience who promised to build a wall? If you want to add up costs and damage by party, you can’t then just ignore all costs and damages done by the extreme right/Trumpist fascists.
Now, how much destruction, death, and damage are the right promising to create if Trump is indicted? Pushing their followers to prepare to riot violently should the law be applied to their side while still chanting “lock her up” over Clinton who was only accused of 1% the crimes Trump was caught red handed committing….and you don’t see any hypocrisy, nothing wrong at all with demanding prison for any infraction by political enemies and total blanket immunity for their leaders.

You watch too much far right propaganda (the kind that replayed riot videos from years ago claiming they were of Portland burning daily for months…you must have thought Portland was made of asbestos to still be there to burn after week one of that lie, truth is the Portland “riots” were mostly peaceful and were only about a 4 city block area, not the entire city, something else OAN and FOX neglected to tell you), the kind of far right propaganda that never reported on the far right actors caught shooting crowds, lighting fires, shooting cops, setting bombs, etc. Most arsons, nearly all deaths, and 100% of cop killing and bombings during the 2020 riots (that Trump couldn’t stop but did exacerbate) were caused by proud and boogaloo boys trying false flag attacks. They were caught and prosecuted (or killed) committing crimes and blaming blm. There weren’t many BLM prosecutions and fewer convictions because there was no evidence the BLM activists committed these crimes, unlike the right wingers that were convicted of them…but you weren’t told that on OAN. They were dumb enough to carry manifestos explaining the false flag plans.

Dangerous? Hardly. The right perpetrated every instance of domestic terrorism this decade and last. Death threats at unbelievable levels even to the FBI and DOJ (because you’re idiots), showing up at school board meetings armed and apoplectic, refusing public health laws and making the pandemic 10+ times worse…the right is insane and armed and angry and self righteous and ready and willing to retry the civil war (too dumb to know it was the worst thing that ever happened to America and much worse for the confederacy)….nothing is more dangerous.
Violent? The right has that on lock too, 10/10 top gun murder states are red states. Red counties also have higher gun deaths.
Anti-free speech!?! 😂 Don’t say gay…not a Democratic governmental censorship. No CRT- again, not Democratic censorship or rational. Book banning and burning, again, not the Democrats or left.

“I just admit this is true”? Is this a typo or a brain fart? I did not, and do not “admit” or agree anything you said here is true.

Sorry, friendo, you have everything backwards as usual…based on your FEELINGS, not any facts. You just can’t admit you’ve been so wrong, so instead you continue to be wrong. Grow up. Being an adult means admitting mistakes, something you haven’t done once in the time I’ve known you.

You just can’t and won’t see facts or truth, and insist despite all evidence that your side is peaceful…peaceful gun toting and shooting, stabbing and smashing, Molotov and bomb carrying, don’t back down, no compromise, angry, vitriolic, uncivil, murderous mobs demanding their loser despotic dictator be installed as president for life and death to any opposition….not just on Jan 6 too. Ever since Nov 4 2020, Jan 6 was just one bad day of your normal behavior at Trump’s direction for his benefit….but it failed because you’re all really just cowardly snowflakes that ran at the first gunfire, not strong brave patriots fighting for freedom but weak, scared seditionists fighting for a non democratic dictator.

PS- sounds like Toth Senchal is done, failed to get the shareholder support needed to get an extension on their merger that would have brought funding, so no merger, no $1.5 billion in funding, not going public, >$1.5 million in debt and preparing to stiff their vendors in true Trump style. Another failed Trump venture costing his investors millions and leaving his vendors unpaid as usual. Suckers…what idiot gives Trump credit? No bank will.

PPS - how are you likening the right wing switch from “Trump did nothing wrong, nothing burger” to “There’s nothing in the constitution barring Trump from running for president from prison”? I’ve heard various senators and representatives say that now…not just morons on the street but morons in congress. So deep in the cult you think a president that does business through collect phone calls that are monitored and recorded is a reasonable sacrifice to have Trump back. 🤦‍♂️

PPPS- we just got video of Trump’s lawyers with their tech guy being escorted into Georgia election offices by one of the fake electors at the exact time voting machines and the tabulation systems were illegally breached in that office on Jan 7 21 (the day after the failed coup). This happened in multiple states, illegal breaching of voting systems by Trump’s team, harming the nation irreparably, all at Trump’s direction. Wrong is wrong….at what point is wrong enough to stop supporting wrong. I would say there is no wrong so wrong you would drop Trump, not if he’s caught mid ejaculation in the 6 year old boy he is in the process of electrocuting to death to enhance his own orgasm…you would blame the dead boy, not Trump.

PPPPS- Trump just admitted he’s a serious drug addict, addicted to cocaine, meth, crack, heroin, even fentenal. He did this by accusing Fetterman of all those addictions with zero evidence, which means it’s projection 100% of the time. This you guy, a deranged dope fiend and incestuous pedophile who steals top secret documents and spreads them around his property that’s open to the public. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Like I said all governments are corrupt, even ours. Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Why would anyone spend millions just to get a 200K $ /yr job?

Trump is not Fascist, just has a large following.
Jan 6 was 1 day of that went sideways.

During Trump years the left burned looted killed many more. The Left are the dangerous side, inciting violence, anti free speech.

You just admit that this is true.

the danger of abstinence

noims says...

Very well put. I'd far rather the cost of essential services be inflated by bureaucratic inefficiancies than by someone trying to squeeze as much profit as possible out of them. Especially in the west, the former is far less likely to drive corruption.

The video puts across the case so well it definitely deserves a*promote, even though I think the quote and especially the graphic that the French pay "just a little bit more" in taxes is misleading. In Ireland I pay very roughly 40% on all income over 40k (20% on the first 40k), and I think France is about the same. As I understand it, American taxes are more like 20-30% (not than anyone understands American taxes).

cloudballoon said:

True, any government-run programs have a certain waste. But letting Big Corps profiteering run rampant instread proves, time-and-again, that doesn't improve the quality of living for the vast majority of the population a single bit.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Over 40 TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED FOLDERS were found EMPTY and 23 “return to staff secretary/military aid” folders were also found empty (so military secrets) meaning he stole the documents and spread them around, mixed them with personal papers, sold them, gave them away, lost them, or just let foreign agents walk through and take them as a perk of being his guest at Maralago. He did not steal empty folders.

Every day more treasonous, anti American evidence comes to light, every day you squeeze your eyes tighter shut and ram your fingers in your ears and just scream “nonononononononono. Fake news fake news fake news. Lalalalalalala.”

You ignored the election frauds. You ignored the election fraud fraud. You ignored the coup. You ignored and supported the cries for Trump’s reinstatement or another election just because he says so. I’m sure you’ll ignore these hundreds of instances of intentional crimes 10000 times worse than Clinton’s minor mistakes, pretend espionage is nothing, national security is unimportant, and you’ll say they’re only going after Trump for these hundreds of treasonous, firing squad level attacks against America to stop him from running again, not because they’re all death penalty crimes he definitely committed, and likely MUCH WORSE seeing that well over 60 folders are EMPTY, the secrets already disseminated. Those state secrets already in Putin and the Ayatollah’s hands.

Side note: it’s turning out that inflation in red states like AZ and Texas is MUCH higher than blue states….once again, so much for blaming Democrats. Every accusation you lob is an admission.

Also, one of the voting machines that the Republican candidate for Michigan AG stole and tampered with after the 2020 election was just sold on eBay by a man who bought it from Goidwill. His group called Republican clerks claiming to be Republican representatives who needed to inspect voting machines for fraud, and the clerks were happy to turn them over without any paperwork or verification of who they gave them to. His team then disassembled them in air bnbs and hotels (didn’t want their homes or offices to be part of their crime spree) tampered with them, copied the software and photographed (and more) the hardware. The AG has said these machines were damaged, tampered with, and in some cases “lost”. The Republican that led this scam/fraud/election interference is now the Republican candidate for AG.
So, be clear, invalidate him for AG? Or is “wrong is wrong” just a thing you say to distract from supporting criminals in government? If “wrong is wrong”, and this criminal shouldn’t be on the ballot, certainly you can see putting forth an election fraudster as candidate for AG is wrong….so how can you support the criminal, “wrong” Republican Party at all.

Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

Such nonsense. Biden tried to remove the disastrous stay in Mexico policy, but was forced to keep Trump’s border rules until under three fucking weeks ago, dumbshit. He sent more back home to places like Hati than Trump did too. Derp.

Trump’s $40 billion fence hasn’t slowed immigration one percent, as expected. $40 billion more funding to border patrol would have been hundreds of times more effective….but not a monument to Trump.
Not using the border patrol to do useless, expensive political stunts instead of their job helps too.
Good BS blaming someone else. Republicans saying the borders are open is the number one reason people in South America believe it…that’s what THEY say, and why they’re coming now. This lies at least in part at their feet.

Funny how absolutely nothing was the president’s responsibility Jan 2017-21, but now everything in the country is his fault….except the things getting better like unemployment, wages, gdp, covid, the economy, gas prices recently, etc.

Bullshit. Trump never had any program to combat gang violence. Stop lying. His best plan was round up all Mexicans and you’ll get a lot of gang members too, but that’s a horrific and outrageous (and impossible) way to achieve that goal.

Calling them criminals invading is EXACTLY the point of this video, dummy. No one is barging into your house, most aren’t in the drug trade, for the vast majority crossing a line is the only crime they ever committed, and if our immigration/asylum policies were functional they wouldn’t have committed that crime. Just more nonsensical babbling from a ridiculous tool.

Funny how minor crime to save ones life is outrageous to you, but severe treasonous crimes for personal enrichment is a nothing burger. Stupid is as stupid does, and holy shit do you advocate for some stupid shit.

Denying asylum seekers entry was a crime when it started. Do it the right way or you are committing a crime every time you deny one. That’s Trump policy, no problem when he breaks the law, right? You don’t care a whit about law or crime, only about what you can pin on your rivals. Proven time and time and time and time and time and time again. You see no crime ever on the right, and fantasize about non existent crimes from the left, constantly.
Again, Barr lied and obstructed justice to protect Trump who lied and obstructed justice, court findings, but still not a crime because the statutes of limitations expired, right? No crime if they criminally slipped out of legal jeopardy….right?
And you also can’t see the hypocrisy. 🤦‍♂️

Answer this (I know you won’t, you are incapable of ever answering questions unless fed the far right answer, while I address every point you try to make every time)…how much has Abbot wasted on this stunt that hasn’t moved 1/2 days worth of immigrants out of state? Wouldn’t that money be better spent stopping crossings rather than with meaningless political stunts like this and the $10 billion waste of money with his border inspections that didn’t find a single stowaway or drug caches?

bobknight33 said:

Trump working on it, But this administration deiced to stop and keep the doors wide open.

You get what you vote for.
Highest OD rates thanks to Biden's administration.

And so much worse.

Good BS blaming everyone else. Biden administration is the enforcer of the border . This lies at his feet.

Trump was gathering up MS13 member but liberal cites were blocking and hindering.

Democrats like this. You gt what you vote for.

" @bobknight33, with the exception of the crime of illegal entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at levels much lower than citizens. "

That not the point I walk into you house sit on the couch and eat your food.. No crime Right???????

Come in the right way else you are committing a crime.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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