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12 Monkeys - The TV Series - Official Trailer

Jimmys $100 Tonight Show Bet

chingalera says...

He's more talented a comedian that every tonight show host there's ever been (especially Leno and besides Carson and Steve Allen imltho, but Carson and Allen were another breed of comedian now innit?) He's closer in style to Steve Allen that any of them.
-Yes my opinions are less than humble, imagine that??

DAMN! There's only been 6 tonight show hosts...thought there were more...

"The Tonight Show was hosted by Steve Allen (1954–57), Jack Paar (1957–62), Johnny Carson (1962–92), Jay Leno (1992–2009, 2010–14), Conan O'Brien (2009–10), and Jimmy Fallon (2014–present). Several guest hosts also appeared, particularly during the Paar and Carson eras."

Conans' one funny featherduster though, but you just can't have a red-headed male as host of the Tonight's in some charter somewhere, he never had a chance, he was most-likely always meant to be a filler...

The process of building steam locomotives in 1935

Mad Men - Zou Bisou Bisou

Best Argument about Gay Marriage EVAR (Gay Talk Post)

bareboards2 says...

Thank you Jesus!

Chris rewrote his letter with cleaned up language. His reasoning here:

The letter here (former curse words in all caps):

Dear Emmett C. Burns Jr.,
I find it inconceivable that you are an elected official of the United States government. Your vitriolic hatred and bigotry make me ashamed and disgusted to think that you are in any way responsible for shaping policy at any level. The views you espouse neglect to consider several fundamental key points, which I will outline in great detail (you may want to hire an intern to help you with the longer words):

1. As I suspect you have not read the Constitution, I would like to remind you that the very first, the VERY FIRST Amendment in this founding document deals with the freedom of speech, particularly the abridgment of said freedom. By using your position as an elected official (when referring to your constituents so as to implicitly threaten the Ravens organization) to state that the Ravens should “inhibit such expressions from your employees”, more specifically Brendon Ayanbadejo, not only are you clearly violating the First Amendment, you also come across as a BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE SPARKLEPONY. What on earth would possess you to be so mind-bogglingly stupid? It baffles me that a man such as yourself, a man who relies on that same First Amendment to pursue your own religious studies without fear of persecution from the state, could somehow justify stifling another person’s right to speech. To call that hypocritical would be to do a disservice to the word. SAD PUPPY DOG EYES hypocritical starts to approach it a little bit.

2. “Many of your fans are opposed to such a view and feel it has no place in a sport that is strictly for pride, entertainment, and excitement.” DISAPPOINTED LEMUR FACE WITH SOLITARY TEAR TRICKLING DOWN TO CHIN. Did you seriously just say that, as someone who’s “deeply involved in government task forces on the legacy of slavery in Maryland”? Have you not heard of Kenny Washington? Jackie Robinson? As recently as 1962 the NFL still had segregation, which was only done away with by brave athletes and coaches daring to speak their mind and do the right thing, and you’re going to say that political views have “no place in a sport”? I can’t even begin to fathom the cognitive dissonance that must be coursing through your rapidly addled mind right now; the mental gymnastics your brain has to tortuously contort itself through to make such a preposterous statement are surely worthy of an Olympic gold medal (the Russian judge gives you a ten for “beautiful oppressionism”).

3. This is more a personal quibble of mine, but why do you hate freedom? Why do you hate the fact that other people want a chance to live their lives and be happy, even though they may believe in something different than you, or act different than you? How does gay marriage, in any way shape or form, affect your life? If gay marriage becomes legal, are you worried that all of a sudden you’ll start thinking about DANCING CHUBTOAD? “ALACK AND ALAS MY TOP HAT HAS FALLEN. Gay marriage just passed. Gotta get me some of that DELICIOUS STATE FAIR HOTDOG!” Will all of your friends suddenly turn gay and refuse to come to your Sunday Ticket grill-outs? (unlikely, gay people enjoy watching football too)
I can assure you that gay people getting married will have zero affect on your life. They won’t come into your house and steal your children. They won’t magically turn you into a lustful FROLICKING OSTRICH. They won’t even overthrow the government in an orgy of hedonistic debauchery because all of a sudden they have the same legal rights as the other 90% of our population, rights like Social Security benefits, child care tax credits, Family and Medical Leave to take care of loved ones, and COBRA healthcare for spouses and children. You know what having these rights will make gays? Full fledged American citizens just like everyone else, with the freedom to pursue happiness and all that entails. Do the civil rights struggles of the past 200 years mean absolutely nothing to you?

In closing, I would like to say that I hope this letter, in some small way, causes you to reflect upon the magnitude of the colossal foot in mouth SLIDE WHISTLE TO E FLAT you so brazenly unleashed on a man whose only crime was speaking out for something he believed in. Best of luck in the next election; I’m fairly certain you might need it.

Chris Kluwe

p.s. I’ve also been vocal as hell about the issue of gay marriage so you can take your “I know of no other NFL player who has done what Mr. Ayanbadejo is doing” and shove it in your close-minded, totally lacking in empathy piehole and choke on it. UNFORTUNATELY PHALLIC HEDGE SCULPTURE.

The History of Trivia (the Trivia Behind Trivia)

modulous says...

Seems a little US-centric to me. Jeopardy's run from 1964- to present with a ten year gap is impressive, and I know it says 'one of the...' but in the interests of Trivia there are a number of UK based shows that beat or equal it, and I'm sure other countries can boast likewise: Round Britain Quiz (since 1947, radio), University Challenge (1962), A Question of Sport (1970) and Mastermind (1972, but with a few years gap) are the obvious ones.

I guess we haven't had quite the scandal here that the US has with quiz shows in the fifties/sixties.

JFK De-Flowered a College Intern

heropsycho says...

Dude, seriously?

>> ^quantumushroom:

Despicable as this was, the left is more eager to bury JFK's views on taxation.
“It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now … Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus.”
– Nov. 20, 1962, president’s news conference
More JFK tax quotes here.

Gillian Hills - Zou bisou bisou (1962)

CIA Plan To Conduct False-Flag attacks in Syria Is Revealed! (Conspiracy Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Operation Northwoods 1962-was a planned(never executed, so they say)false-flag op, which described the use of various techniques of creating insurgency with a view to starting a full-scale war. Included in their mixed-bag:Fabricating the hijacking or shooting down of passenger and/or military planes, sinking U.S. ships near Cuba,etc.
\False-flag ops now-a-days, after 9-11, 40 years later??-They (CIA, Mossad,etc.) get better and better and better at what they do, including giving the general public just enough information that they remain completely oblivious to what is actually happening, hence, "What you think you know about a world event or fact of history, is rendered meaningless based on inadequate intelligence(information)."
All they believe the general population "needs to know" is who they will be coerced through manipulation of media into electing. This after grooming and providing a group of candidates that can ultimately be persuaded to follow any agenda they decide.
Iran will be bombed by Israel very soon-The middle east will remain a region controlled through means described above, and your "vote" on the matters, mean "fuck all."

JFK De-Flowered a College Intern

quantumushroom says...

Despicable as this was, the left is more eager to bury JFK's views on taxation.

“It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now … Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus.”

– Nov. 20, 1962, president’s news conference

More JFK tax quotes here.

TYT: Conspiracy to Shut Down Occupy

Yogi says...

>> ^Fletch:

Plan A: Obama. FAILED
Plan B: Occupy movement. FAILING
Plan C: Vote Democrat. PENDING (outlook: grim)
Plan D: Star Chamber. PROPOSED
Plan E: Bloody revolution. INEVITABLE

I disagree that Occupy is Failing. If anything it's getting more and more press all the time. When it was shut down people took to the streets and it is causing a lot of fear in high places. It has to start somewhere and this is the start. If you don't believe me why don't you go back to 1962...when we were in Vietnam and the protests were non-existent.

"Building 7" Explained

marbles says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^ponceleon:
Actually I have no problem with motive. I heard Ron Paul say at the debates that we are spending 20bil to air-condition tents for soldiers in Afghanistan... that 20bil is making SOMEONE really rich, so there is definitely a LOT of profit to be made in war.

I guess I should've been more clear. I agree that there's a full array of means, motive, and opportunity for Bushclan/Templars/Majestic 12, etc. to conspire to make the whole 9/11 attack happen in the first place.
What I don't understand is the way that suspicion has transformed into a decade-long attempt to prove that demolitions brought down the various WTC building. I simply can't fathom why anyone would do that, especially if you were a super-capable secret cabal concocting the entire scenario to manipulate people.
If it was an evil organization who could secretly wire the building with explosives, then why wouldn't they just pop the explosives and blame Al Qaeda for it? Why would they hire/manipulate Al Qaeda into flying airplanes into the building, and then demo the building Hollywood style? It seems like it'd be a huge risk (what if someone found the explosives early or evidence of them after?) for no apparent reward.
The buildings fell because of the planes that got flown into them. The real questions to be asking if you're looking for a conspiracy would be "did anyone seem to know about it in advance who shouldn't have?" or more damningly, "did anyone seem to disregard advance information about it who shouldn't have?"
You know, like someone who ignored intelligence briefings with titles like "bin Laden determined to strike in the US"...

Netrunner, what's your thoughts on Operation Northwoods?

Northwoods was a false-flag operation plan by the CIA in 1962. It called for terrorist attacks like hijacking planes, disguising US fighter jets as Cuban MIG fighters, and killing US citizens.

Journalist James Bamford summarized Operation Northwoods in his April 24, 2001 book Body of Secrets:
"Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war."

The plan was on the desk of JFK and he refused. JFK was later assassinated. The following year LBJ used the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident to go to war in Vietnam. The people that questioned that incident were called conspiracy nuts. But the truth eventually came out, and it will for 9/11 also.

The point is false-flag attacks and government manipulation of evidence is nothing new. And is certainly nothing our government hasn't done before.

What Are Your Personal Top Channels (August 2011)? (Sift Talk Post)

notarobot says...

Here's mine.

Comedy - 1962 votes received (comedy talk)
Canadian World Domination - 1320 votes received (canada talk)
1stTube: the best clips of television - 875 votes received (1sttube talk)
Politics - 872 votes received (politics talk)
Animation - 860 votes received (animation talk)
Music - 824 votes received (music talk)
Happy - 728 votes received (happy talk)
What's Fit to Sift - 634 votes received (news talk)
Dark - 622 votes received (dark talk)
A Bit of Parody - 572 votes received (parody talk)

YOU learn something NEW every DAY ! (Talks Talk Post)

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

Honestly, I'd like to agree with this protest, but I just don't. Gee, I guess sometimes people just disagree. I can live with that.

I do think it's outrageous though, that anyone would even try to compare the discrimination and segregation of an entire RACE of people to a law that bans protesting (including dance) INSIDE the jefferson memorial. The fact that you equate this to black people not being allowed to eat with white people is saddening and laughable at the same time.

I'm not going to argue with you, mostly because I know it's pointless, and also because I don't appreciate that "nigger" bullshit being thrown in my face. The entire argument has been laid out very well by others on the video thread. If you want further discussion about this then take it over there. I'm not interested.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Yeah. Sorry to bring up that stuff dude. You just picked a poor position on this one.

Imagine it's 1962 and your participating in a peaceful sit-in at a diner.

Would you not being ruining the experience for all the white folk trying to eat?

Do you see how that's a shitty argument?

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
I make a post here in disagreement to this "protest" and get told that I'm whiny because I don't like being called a nigger. Awesome. Welcome back to videosift burdy.

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