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We Choose to go to the moon

What's your first memory of rock & roll? (Rocknroll Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Growing up in a radio Station, (my mom has worked in the same station my entire life), I have just always been around rock and roll. I remember meeting everyone that came through town, even Wolfman Jack on several occasions. There were so many, and I was young, I don’t even remember names…. You just don’t care at that age when you are around it all the time.

I used to get all the demo records to bring home. I remember at one of my birthday parties (10th?) I gave out 45s as party favors. (Five to each guest.)

My mom had a collection of 5-600 albums and several hundred original 45s with songs like “Robert Mitchum-
Ballad OF Thunder Road (1958), Janie Grant-Greasy Kids Stuff (1962) 45’s by Jan & Dean, Beach Boys, Buddy Holly, Big Bopper, Little Richard, Richie Vallens, Elvis and that era. I remember putting on CCR albums as young as 6 or 7 years old.

My personal first 45s were Kiss-Beth, Jerry Doucette-Mama Let him play, Eagles-Liyin’ Eyes. My first Albums were Kiss, Rock and Roll Over and Bay City Rollers.

Into grade eight, my favorites became stuff like, Billy Idol, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kiss, ACDC, the Ramones, The Cramps, The Moody Blues, Meatloaf, Styx and so much more. At one point I amassed over 1000 albums…

I thinned my selection down after getting married thinning down to around 50-100 albums and cassettes and have regretted it ever since. Music has been such a large part of my and there is a story to go with every song I ever remembered.

My first Rock Concert was Red Rider, opening for them was (Don’t laugh) Honeymoon Suite !!!

Long live the Music!

PQUEUED with 9 Votes! by Krupo (Playlist)

Wipeout - Redneck Banjo Cover

Sagemind says...

This is not a Beach Boys Song - It is the Surfaris

The Surfaris were an American surf music band formed in Glendora, California in 1962. They are best known for two songs that hit the charts in the Los Angeles, California area, and nationally by May 1963: "Surfer Joe" on the A side and "Wipe Out" on the B side of a 45 RPM single. - Wikipedia

That beginning Scream freaked me out, as I dove for the volume controls. I think everyone in the office heard it! lol

Ancestor of 12 monkeys: Chris Marker´s La Jetee

Ancestor of 12 monkeys: Chris Marker´s La Jetee

Little Boxes on the Hill Side (Weeds opening)

notarobot says...

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,1
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

And the people in the houses
All went to the university,
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and lawyers,
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children
And the children go to school,
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university,
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same.

And the boys go into business
And marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

By Malvina Reynolds, 1962.

Ron Paul : Israel Created Hamas!

8266 says...

Here's a list of the military actions the US has been involved in since 1960.

I think he may have a point...

1959-60 -- The Caribbean.
1962 -- Thailand.
1962 -- Cuba.
1962-75 -- Laos.
1964 -- Congo (Zaire).
1959-75 -- Vietnam War.
1965 -- Invasion of Dominican Republic
1967 --Israel.
1967 -- Congo (Zaire).
1968 -- Laos & Cambodia.
1970 -- Cambodia Campaign.
1974 -- Evacuation from Cyprus.
1975 -- Evacuation from Vietnam.
1975 -- Evacuation from Cambodia.
1975 -- South Vietnam.
1975 -- Cambodia.
1976 -- Lebanon.
1976 -- Korea.
1978 -- Zaire (Congo).
1980 -- Iran.
1981 -- El Salvador.
1981 --Libya. in the Gulf of Sidra, claimed by Libya as territorial waters but considered international waters by the United States.[RL30172]
1982 -- Sinai.
1982 -- Lebanon.
1982-1983 -- Lebanon.
1983 -- Grenada.
1983-89 -- Honduras.
1983 -- Chad.
1984 -- Persian Gulf.
1986 -- Libya.
1986 -- Libya.
1986 -- Bolivia
1987-88 -- Persian Gulf.
1988 -- Honduras
1988 -- Panama.
1989 -- Libya.
1989 -- Panama.
1989 -- Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru.
1989 -- Philippines.
1989-90 -- Panama.
1990 -- Liberia.
1990 -- Saudi Arabia.
1991 -- Iraq.
1991 -- Zaire
1992 -- Sierra Leone.
1992 -- Kuwait.
1992-2003 -- Iraq. Iraqi No-Fly Zones
1993 -- Macedonia.
1994-95 -- Haiti.
1994 -- Macedonia.
1995 -- Bosnia.
1996 -- Liberia.
1996 -- Central African Republic.
1997 -- Albania.
1997 -- Congo and Gabon.
1997 -- Sierra Leone.
1997 -- Cambodia.
1998 -- Iraq.
1998 -- Guinea-Bissau.
1998 - 1999 Kenya and Tanzania.
1998 -- Afghanistan and Sudan.
1998 -- Liberia.
1999 - 2001 East Timor.
1999 -- NATO's bombing of Serbia
2000 -- Sierra Leone.
2000 -- Yemen.
2000 -- East Timor.
2001 -- Afghanistan.
2002 -- Yemen.
2002 -- Philippines.
2002 -- Côte d'Ivoire.
2003 -- 2003 invasion of Iraq
2003 -- Liberia.
2003 -- Georgia and Djibouti
2004 -- Haïti
2004 -- Georgia, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen, and Eritrea.[7]
2006 -- Pakistan.
2006 -- Lebanon.
2007 -- Somalia.

Dawkins Conversing (Badly) A Converted Muslim

NordlichReiter says...

Well my friend. I've looked at the evidence and I believe. Cook that in your oven. I'm an inch away from Ph.D. and Dawkins is so plainly a D-bag, it almost makes him the definition of such.

Richard Dawkins has a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford (the wiki is very badly worded), and a Masters in Zoology.

"Dawkins attended Oundle School from 1954 to 1959. He studied zoology at Balliol College, Oxford, where he was tutored by Nobel Prize-winning ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen, graduating in 1962. He continued as a research student under Tinbergen's supervision at the University of Oxford, receiving his M.A. and D.Phil. degrees in 1966, while staying as a research assistant for another year.[13] Tinbergen was a pioneer in the study of animal behaviour, particularly the questions of instinct, learning and choice.[17] Dawkins' research in this period concerned models of animal decision making.[18]"

Jimmy Carter says torture can never be justified

quantumushroom says...

Your questions are important and it's right and good that you should ask them. My answers are deficient but sincere.

And what about principles and ideals? What about being above such barbaric acts?

There are times--mercifully few--where principles and ideas are suspended and barbarity is the order of the day. Survival is literally bestowed to the strongest, the side more determined to prevail.

Sitting in (hopefully) comfortable chairs, discussing things online is a luxury afforded us because other men and women are guarding the gates. When the bullets run out, they go to bayonets. We have forgotten the price of freedom.

You seem to be saying we should match our enemies' crudity blow by blow; a tactic, I'll point out, that will only further validate their actions to them.

You're making a dangerous assumption that this enemy thinks as we do. They do not. Nowhere in the caves are jihadists arguing that if they use homicide bombers on their own people and murder journalists the West will retaliate in kind.

Jihadists can't be reasoned provoke a war with any country that could level them is suicidal. Had a country claimed credit for 9-11, that country would no longer exist. Yet that's what they've done. Insanity.

If you were to give jihadists a block of their own land with the exact same resources as another group, they would find reasons to attack the other group. You would have better luck asking a rabid dog not to bite anyone than you would convincing these folks they're wrong.

Despite the fact they leave us no choice but to destroy them utterly, the West has shown remarkable restraint. There is no comparison between what they do and what we have done.

It's all rather pointless to debate because sooner or later New York will be Nuked York. I can't even say we'll respond with the proper fury then.

Back to something resembling my original topic; I wonder if you'd tell us who you think was a great president? In fact, let's make it more interesting...

- Greatest President of your lifetime and why you believe such.

Reagan. The only President on either side who believed government worked for the people, not the other way around. Everyone, including the poor, was better off when the tax rates were slashed.

- Greatest President of all time and why you believe such.

Every President faces different crises and was a product of his age. Also, it's hard to compare war Presidents with others. Washington deserves the most props.

- A liberal or progressive President whom you admire.

JFK, but the answer is somewhat of a copout, because he wasn't in office for long.

It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now ... Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus."

– John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, president's news conference

"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government."

May I remind you that liberals can choose from almost any president on either side of the aisle for the last 50 years. With the exception of Reagan (where A Dem Congress did the expansion) all of them have expanded government beyond its intended scope and purpose. For crying out loud, Nixon created the EPA!

ROAST X: ITS XTREME!!!! (Parody Talk Post)

mas8705 says...

Who is Rasch? well, I have looked into a few things (I'm going to check more on his videos later...) and here is what I had found out...

1) He looks more destracting that Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka... At least you know when you look at Johnny Depp, you know he is just off, but Rasch looks like he is going to do something rather unpleasant...

2) Rasch doesn't seem to have his words properly placed, or just very stoned... Seriously,

"Someone smoked my eyelids and punched my cigarette."

I'm guessing that having someone punching your cigarette is less painful than smoking someone's eyelid... otherwise, this could explain why he wears wonka sized sunglasses...

3) He is the owner of the Rock & Roll channel, but is that really saying anything? Just look at the History of rock&roll votes...

1. kronosposeidon (3049 votes) 2. Zifnab (2874 votes) 3. mlx (2444 votes) 4. silvercord (2298 votes) 5. Issykitty (2120 votes) 6. Issykitty (1962 votes) 7. dystopianfuturetoday (1727 votes) 8. gorgonheap (1676 votes) 9. JAPR (1285 votes) 10. choggie (1247 votes) 11. swampgirl (1124 votes) 12. lurgee (1090 votes) 13. calvados (991 votes) 14. winkler1 (840 votes) 15. snoozedoctor (733 votes)

The owner isn't even on the top 15! Even Choggie is beating this guy and Choggie is no longer with us... Can you really be proud of being an owner of something you don't have much control over!?!

American Civic Literacy Quiz (History Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

I can't believe only 56 percent of elected officials knew the reason for US/Soviet tension in 1962. Ridiculous.

I had 81 percent, but only because I don't do well with economic questions. All of the others were quite easy.

schmawy (Member Profile)

Atticus Finch's Closing Statement - To Kill A Mockingbird

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

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