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Conor McGregor vs The Mountain
I always spell his name wrong...
Yes...see this fight VS Akebono...weighs were 180 lbs VS 486 lbs
EDIT: Granted, Akebono has a way to go before he's going to carry any 640 kg logs, but he is a 'professional fighter'...of a kind.
Royce Gracie fought at 80kg. Are you telling me he beat someone who was 160kg+?
Remember, I'm not talking about just some big guy, this is the guy that carried a 640kg (1443lb) log!
I'm not saying he's unbeatable (clearly he's not *related= ).
Again, I'm not saying a smaller guy can beat a bigger guy; I get beaten up by smaller people every week!
I'm saying a 66kg guy will have a very hard time hurting a 190kg guy.
(Member Profile)
Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss
My personal journey these past couple of years is one that certainly reflects the points made in both of his videos on the this topic.
I started with modifying my calorie heavy diet in concert with a sustainable fitness level. Diet was straight forward reduce meat, eat more veggies, eat less or no processed foods. I started with walking 5 miles a day and have moved on to jogging that distance every other day.
My optimum weight based on my height and build puts me between 170-180 pounds, the last time I was at the weight was 25 years ago. During those intervening years I had managed to put on as much as 65 pounds of extra weight. With making the changes I outlined above I was able to get back down to 180 pounds in a little less than a year and I have been steady at that weight since. Also... I was able to do all that while hitting my 50th birthday.
Making your goals sustainable in both diet and exercise is the key.
Watch A Beetle Spank A V8 Mustang At The Dragstrip
As per this *related= video, low end torque is quite important too. Doesn't matter what your peak power output is if you don't get it until after your opponent is over the line.
Not the best run for either car, but a clear example of power/weight being the most important measurement to consider when thinking about pure acceleration.
Watch A Beetle Spank A V8 Mustang At The Dragstrip
"home made" 70hp Rat Bike vs 180 HP CBR1000 Drag Racing has been added as a related post - related requested by oritteropo.
Varoufakis: no mandate to sign or reject Troika's proposal
If the ECB pulls ELA, the Greek banking system goes belly up. Again, consequences unknown, but Deutsche Bank for instance didn't seem particularly stable during the last months, so the denial of any contagion risk might have been premature. Additionally, Draghi is tasked with maintaining the stability of the Euro and taking away Greece's last lifeline might just be too far out of his mandate, even for him. Keeping ELA up without increasing the limit will achieve the same result within days though.
If Greece fails to make its payment to the IMF tomorrow, it's at the discretion of Lagarde whether she pulls the plug. Info has been somewhat contradictory, but there should be a 30 day window before the board has to call it a default.
If a default is triggered this week, it's up to the ECB and the EC again. They have shown unwillingness to let things go bust, all the recent months of muddling through should be testament to that.
They cannot have a failed state within Europe without feeding right into the anti-European parties on both ends of the spectrum; they cannot throw Greece out of the EZ; they cannot revitalise the Greek economy without doing a 180 against their own ideology; they cannot let Syriza pull Greece out of the shit without encouraging Podemos. It's an impasse alright.
Should the Greek people vote against the proposal, a proposal that is no longer on the table, it'll be back to negotiations. Should they vote in favour of it, and should it still be available to them at that time in the first place, Tsipras might even get a majority for it in parliament, but Syriza will blow apart right then and there. The left wing cannot agree to further enslavement.
If, however, everything goes sour and Greece does indeed exit the EZ, introduce a new Drachma, the whole shebang, then we're in uncharted terrorities. The situation in Greece would deteriorate even further, given how much they rely on imports, especially of fuel. And the EU, already shaky from the tens of thousands of bodies floating in the Med, the falling standard of living for tens of millions and the sustained unemployment of an entire generation; this fecking union cannot turn the cradle of democracy into a failed state and survive. The governments might be ok with it, but the French people would rip this shit to shreds one way or another, and rightfully so. what does this mean for the rest of the world, when Greece defaults in a few days from now..?
Is Climate Change Just A Lot Of Hot Air?
Or maybe we tackle this from 180 degrees.
As opposed to what is happening, or how likely, we may find common ground on what it is we should actually be doing.
I've already made the suggestion of electric vehicles and fission, fusion or renewables in place of coal as the road away from emissions. Specifically improving li-ion batteries as Tesla is doing is a major step. Researching sodium-oxygen batteries would be even better as they can hold 4-5 times the power and have cheaper materials and recent results have us close to making them viable, so I'd like to see gov money directed there.
For power solar and wind are currently only cost-competitive because the scale is small enough that we get away with treating coal plants like giant batteries covering our baseline. They simply aren't cost effective to scale up for base load yet, and not likely to be for another 10-20 years. We can have a lot of nuclear plants built in that time. With electric cars coming into the picture, we're also going to need that extra electric capacity. I again would strongly encourage more gov money going into French style large scale nuclear power deployment. China's already doing it, even they've had enough of their current coal literally blocking the sun in the sky on them and nuclear is part of their clean air push. We should be encouraging that and following suit out this way.
I also wasn't kidding about Lockheed-Martin's fusion research. A lot of new ideas are out there for fusion confinement plans and Lockheed has publicly declared their intentions to have a demonstration reactor in 5 years time. I'm hopeful, and if that pans out, the roll out of truly cheap and clean power will start in the next decade for the sole reason that fusion under cuts coal for price.
Part of me reason for these measures versus more drastic ones is we need to keep our economies growing because regardless of what we do the next 30 years, the oceans will continue rising that entire time and the mitigation measures we're going to gradually be spending more and more on are gonna required us to have the money to do them.
If anybody's got better suggestions I'm all ears.
Cops doing good deeds
While the 'bad cops' may not represent Lantern, he certainly has tried to represent them here.
Enoch, Mordhaus, Artician, and Lucky pretty much covered everything else, except the idea that, if this video is intended to prove that there are MORE good cops out there than bad cops, Lantern should produce one of these videos every day for the next 6 months to even be in the same league, and even then I would point out that the 180 nice deeds will not erase or excuse one murder or abuse.
EDIT: It looks like GenjiKilpatrick was right, eh?
we realize that these bad cops do not represent you lantern,so do not feel the urge to defend every single cop video.
Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him
If you truly like this site, why do you constantly and consistently denigrate it in your comments?
I would bet that at least 90% of internet trolls would say the same thing...'I'm not a troll, I just hate (or-"have to hold my nose at posting" of 'X') most everything and everyone on or about this site and I'm going to tell you about what I see as it's problems and foibles daily. I have every right to express my opinion.'...yes, you have a right...but they way you go about it makes you a troll, IMO.
If I went to a right wing leaning message board and, daily, told them what misguided morons they all are, and how the site is worthless because it's nothing more than a bastion for the idiot right and all the misguided, America hating morons in it, I would be a troll. It would be obvious that I would not be intending to change minds, only to insult and lambast those I disagree with.
Please to are you different in the way you post here?
EDIT: Ultra left DOJ!!!! I was rolling on the floor at that one buddy, good one.
Almost as funny as you calling yourself "conservative"...what you are is a neo-con...which means you want to return to a past that never existed...a "new" (imaginary) past you wish to conserve...therefore "neo-con".
I am actually an old school republican, which are fiscally 'conservative' (which means we try to conserve our funds by spending them wisely on programs that save money as a whole, like upkeep of infrastructure...not the same thing as removing all spending/taxation)
-and a social liberal (Yes, real republicans are (were) anti-war, anti-corporatist, anti-religion in government, pro-environment, pro-freedom to choose your own morality, actual thinkers. Regan changed all that 180 deg. Now I have NO party that represents me. It's hilarious to hear you guys call me a "lefty" over and over!)
I'm no troll. I like this site It truly bubbles up some truly good videos.
Like the 8-year-old-girl-shows-off-her-impressive-boxing-combination
Truly impressive.
Sure I have to hold my nose when posting of ...
Pro gay
Anti GOD
pro murder ie abortion
Blacks are guiltless in everything
Cops are evil
$15/hr for burger flippers
insert leftist cause here...
Etc, Etc
But I do have the right to point all you falsehoods in these matters. I don't always do since it just wasting my time.
I was right on the gentle giant in saying the cop was correct in his actions and was vindicated by the ultra left DOJ.
Hands up don't shoot was a made up lie.
But that does not matter to the left. All you see is a white cop killing a 16 yr old black boy.
Troll - I don't think so. Conservative- you bet I am.
How to Say Hello to a Woman
My father has Asperger's, though he did get caught very late in life, which had it's own issues. He realized that many of the things we had told him (for quite some time) were indeed very true; and what he once thought was "his truth" was really just a fabrication.
This in turn could make him irritated and possibly angered if you told him something he was doing wrong or how he could change (it takes a "third party" to really change things sometimes). He also could be quite cruel in comments and actions during "family talks". Or just how he approached us and acted towards us when he couldn't figure out the source of his issue(s); like having a doctor visit the next day and not realizing he was going through massive panic attacks, for the simple fact that it was a social meeting. But, since then, with a few years gone by, he has changed a lot. He's now much more calm and much nicer, a literal 180...
This guy I doubt has Asperger's, mostly due to the way he sarcastically remarks over all of his social cues and techniques--the whole video. If an Asperger's could do this, I'm not sure you would even bother calling them Asperger's. Anyway, if you still have doubts, click one the YouTube link, and watch some of his other comic videos; it seems to me like he was playing a *role*--to some degree--in this video, as he seems very different in other videos (and if watched more and more of them, perhaps I'll find one where he acts like a new Persona in that as well).
Oh and this too:
(minor edit-2nd paragraph)
Dude seems like he might have Asperger's syndrome to some degree. Not understanding the proper social dance steps is one of the symptoms.
release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw
OK, so you say my arguments don't hold water because a democrat is in charge of a government organization, and so you imply that means everything will be done properly without obstructionist barriers put up to halt the process, because the fed, and democrats always get the right thing done even when obstructed? That's a new 180 deg. turnabout viewpoint from you.
Actually, many of the laws being enforced by cops were put there, or kept there by police lobbying organizations. The prison guard union (cops) is the biggest, best funded, heaviest lobbying union in the nation. You know this, but you ignore it to spout nonsense.
Acting non-criminally only 99% of the time is 1% too little. If I only don't kill or attack 99% of the people I meet daily, I'm a cut throat thug on a murder mission. Are you so insane you don't get that?
Yes, required by law to be reported, but not enforced at all, with ZERO oversight. That means unless there's incontrovertible proof that's already gone public, they'll deny the charges, intimidate the abused, and have even gone so far as to steal and destroy the evidence of their crimes. Who's going to stop them, fellow cops? I think not.
My citizen complaint was first refused, then obstructed, then ignored. It was NEVER investigated, and no reprimand was ever given to the officer that jerked me out of my car, threw me to the ground, pulled his gun on me, and stepped on my head, all because HE read my license plate wrong and wrongly assumed my car was stolen...that's an assault and battery with a deadly weapon (yes, he was calling me disgusting names and threatening me while he did it, and afterwards) but my hard fought official complaint was never investigated at all. When the follow up is left 100% to the people being investigated, there's no follow up or investigation. That's the system we have today, we must trust the cops (who break the law daily, at least 1% of the time according to you) to police themselves, when it's been proven 99.99999% of the time they won't do that, and will lie, obstruct, destroy evidence, intimidate, and even kill people with honest complaints.
A few police may be fired when they can no longer hide the truth about their actions, but those times are few and far between compared to the proven indisputable situations that warranted far more than firing, as in prosecution, which almost NEVER happens even when they shoot unarmed kids in the back.
None of your arguments stand because Eric Holder is in charge of the entire US Dept. of Justice. He can't get it done? Ridiculous.
And I agree that police work is not the most dangerous job in America. But the difference is this: police officers die enforcing the laws that you put on the books, they die protecting those who cannot or will not protect themselves. This shows that the police act unselfishly, which makes their actions heroic.
Cops aren't perfect, they lose it on occasion, but over 99% of the time, they act within the law to protect the ungrateful (you).
Furthermore, every use of force is required to be documented by any modern law enforcement agency. Every pursuit is investigated to make sure it stays within departmental policy. Every citizen complaint is investigated to make sure the officer's actions are lawful and within policy.
Police officer's are reprimanded, suspended and fired if the situation determines it. There is nothing in this limp video to illustrate this simple truth.
What makes something right or wrong? Narrated by Stephen Fry
"teaches right behavior"....
Do you mean like owning slaves, murdering infidels and heretics, raping women, crusading, inquisitioning, conquesting, etc.... Yeah, great book of morality, and wonderful moral behavior exhibited by it's believers...not.
It's only because people fail to follow the religious ideas wholly that religion is tolerated at all. If people acted like the fanatical Muslims, taking every word as law and acting on it, Christianity would have been outlawed in the US at the inception of the country (indeed, many of the founding fathers seemed to want this, at least in part). The 3 major western religions all require 'holy war' to spread the belief system if read honestly.
What he said is that only psychotics need religion to restrain them from immorality. If you aren't psychotic, religion harms you more than helps you.
Any catholic hospital would qualify as one opened by psychotics, since one of their 10 important rules is "no statues of anything", yet they do nothing but worship statues and icons. They institutionally ignore any 'rule' that's inconvenient, and insist on absolute adherence to any that further their current goals, which may change 180 deg tomorrow. Sure sounds psychotic to me.
Awful lot of hospitals named after saints, as well as a large number of schools. Religion teaches empathy for other people, it teaches right behavior, it teaches the ten commandments, it teaches the golden rule.
Just because people fail to follow those ideas wholly you condemn everyone who believes in any of it.
To replace it you bring in some philosophical sophistry that has nothing to back it up unless it is to say that there is a spark of Godliness behind it all.
It is good that we can agree that people have an innate sense toward empathy but it's an empty box.
All you have to say is that psychotics are restrained by religion, ipso facto, anyone who believes in God is a psychotic.
I don't know too many psychotics who open hospitals, care for the sick/infirm/dying, educate the masses.
Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis on BBC's Newsnigh
Nothing is good about this situation and there is no reason to think this will end in anything but Greek default.
Greece's government, elected by its citizens ran up a large and unsustainable debt which was masked by easy credit before the GFC and fraudulent accounting.
There were many contributors. Corruption, hugely wasteful state owned enterprises, joining the euro zone before they were ready to lose the ability to devalue their currency and lower interest rates, and flagrant tax evasion.
But as a country they're collectively responsible for not demanding the necessary reforms of their politicians to ensure they were not vulnerable to a credit crisis when the GFC hit and lenders began to look more scrupulously at individual European countries rather than Europe as a whole. Equally, Italy is responsible for voting Berlusconi into power for every year their economy recorded negative growth under his government. Spain is responsible for not providing sufficient oversight to bad bank lending leading a huge indebting bailout package.
Some of Syriza's reforms are reasonable. Tackling corruption and trying to break up oligopolies are worthy ideas, but they are unlikely to be easy and yield any immediate benefit. Raising the minimum wage and planning to hire back state workers as they have already promised will almost guarantee they will cease to receive EU funding/ECB assistance and later IMF funding.
The simple truth from the point of view of Germany and other austerity backing Nordic countries is if they buy their loans (and in effect transfer money to Greece) without austerity stipulations, there will be no pressure or guarantee that structural reforms that allow Greece to function independently will ever be implemented. These lender government and by extension its people have no interest in transferring wealth to Greece if it stalls its reforms.
Yes fire sales of state owned enterprises suck but the likely alternative at this point if the Troika lending is stopped is that all other lending stops and Greece defaults. At that point there would be mass loss of state sector jobs and sky-rocketing unemployment relative to what is now being experienced. It would take years of reform for the Greek government to be lend-worthy again. There is simply no trust for any alternative to austerity on the part of north Europe.
Currently Greece has reported positive growth in the past quarter and excluding debt repayments is running a budget surplus. Realistically, yes they cannot pay back the 180% of GDP. The likely way forward is after several more years of real reform they (+ Spain & Portugal) would get better terms from the EU as politically, leaders in Germany and elsewhere will be able to make the case that their objective has been achieved.
The ECB's QE package is in some ways already part of this. What I guarantee won't happen is electing Syriza to oppose bailout terms helping to secure that. Germany et al will quite rightly see that if they acquiesce to Greece they will encourage other populist parties in Spain, Portugal, Italy and France and stall reforms.
Could Germany and others in theory provide a huge cash infusion to Greece, Spain and Portugal now? Sure. And those parties would be voted out in the next election and the terms reversed. Even with the relative stinginess of current loan terms, the likes of UKIP and the National Front with their anti-EU stance, have gained political standing in the EU parliament and will likely see huge boosts in upcoming domestic elections.
Haunting Drone Flight Through Remains of Chernobyl
time lapse video of the biggest sunspot in 22 years
The solar flares are very cool. I suggest watching in HD and full screen for maximum awesomeness.
Also from YT description:
The surface of the sun from October 14th to 30th, 2014, showing sunspot AR 2192, the largest sunspot of the last two solar cycles (22 years). During this time sunspot AR 2191 produced six X-class and four M-class solar flares. The animation shows the sun in the ultraviolet 304 ångström wavelength, and plays at a rate of 52.5 minutes per second. It is composed of more than 17,000 images, 72 GB of data produced by the solar dynamics observatory ( + ( This animation has be rendered in 4K, and resized to the Youtube maximum resolution of 3840×2160. The animation has been rotated 180 degrees so that south is 'up'. The audio is the "heartbeat" of the sun, processed from SOHO HMI data by Alexander G. Kosovichev. Image processing and animation by James Tyrwhitt-Drake.