Ornthoron says...

I used to prefer inverted back when I started gaming on the PC, but I have since been peer-pressured by Haldaug into changing. But I still use inverted for flying.

laura says...

I voted "normal" because it seemed like the safest thing to vote for when I haven't a clue what you guys are talking about. I really should learn to play some videogames...nah, nevermind, somebody's gotta do the laundry around here.

NetRunner says...


The real interesting one to ask would be X-axis inversion for the right stick while playing a 3rd person game. There are more than a few that don't let you change it, and there's not a real standard for whether pushing the camera stick right means that the camera moves to its right (meaning the view turns left), or pushing the stick right means the camera moves to its left (meaning the view turns right).

I'm not even sure which I'm most used to. I think the former.

EDD says...

I'm a 100% hardcore inverter. Apart from flight sims and FPS/RPGs I also invert the Y-axis mouse movement in top-down RTS games and Windows.

No, OK, I don't, but this is interesting: 17 to 19? I thought us queers would be vastly outnumbered. Apparently, it's not a 'European thing' either.

rougy says...

>> ^EDD:
I'm a 100% hardcore inverter. Apart from flight sims and FPS/RPGs I also invert the Y-axis mouse movement in top-down RTS games and Windows.
No, OK, I don't, but this is interesting: 17 to 19? I thought us queers would be vastly outnumbered. Apparently, it's not a 'European thing' either.

You know, there are help groups for waifs like you....

MilkmanDan says...

I've used inverted (push forward to look/tilt up) for most of my life. I think I took the controls of a small prop plane for the first time when I was about 5 years old, with inverted / standard flight controls on the yoke. Pilotwings on the SNES and Wing Commander on PC both used inverted flight controls. Quake was probably the first game I played with the mouse being used to control look direction, and I automatically gravitated towards inverted controls for that.

In fairly recent history there have been some conflicts where different games referred to push-forward-look-up with differing names like "normal" "standard" or "inverted", but it seems now that pretty much everybody has settled on that being "inverted" and push-forward-look-up being "normal".

It amazes me that some people prefer "normal" for first person view control, and "inverted" for flight only. I'm so hopelessly and completely thrown off if I attempt to use "normal" look controls that it is hard for me to imagine anyone being able to cope with (let alone prefer) mixing the styles for different applications. But, to each his own!

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