Should the 2 day delay for dead videos going to the dead pool be changed?
Currently, when a video is declared dead, there is a two day delay before it enters the dead pool and is eligible to be fixed by any bronze star or higher. The reason for this is to give the original submitter a chance to fix their dead video themselves. I see no logic in this at all. In many cases, the original submitter is no longer around. But in all cases, the original submitter can modify the embed code on their own video at any time. In other words, if someone declares a video dead and immediately fixes it with an embed that the submitter doesn't like, the submitter can replace it at will.
I've argued for this change in the past, but the repeat of this recent mistake inspired me to make a poll about it.
Do you also feel inspired to poll people on our discussion about PQs?
^ Yes, but it's too open ended for a poll like this.
It should be immediate... People will forget about it if they have to wait a day to fix the embed
Wouldn't this be a problem for vids that are accidently marked as dead when they aren't? I think you cannot call * notdead on a vid once it is in the deadpool, so this may create a whole new set of problems.
Kind of a one sided poll don't you think?
Not a very non-bias poll
If you pick Johnny’s way, it's what he wants!
If you pick no, "because 2 days can give you time to fix it", this poll makes you feel like an idiot for having that opinion!
Cut out the sub-context and give non-bias choices!
Oh, and "Is Issykitty correct?" Because that could make a difference on how people vote as well - just saying... (I have no idea myself - more info on this process would be nice - Thanks)
). I agree that it ruins the experience of the sift though.
(Edit…) I just checked out your example Johnny, what a mess with that one, I'd say there were a whole series of mess-ups that led up to that debacle. I’d check with Lucky and see if he can’t clean that one up (when he has free time
yes, I constructed the answers in a biased way. No, you are not automatically an idiot if you choose "no", but you better come up with a good reason for it!
Issy - notdead is a valid invocation on a video regardless of its entry in the deadpool. An incorrectly deaded video can be revived with notdead regardless of its location.
>> ^Sagemind:
I’d check with Lucky and see if he can’t clean that one up (when he has free time).
That's the whole point - Lucky and Dag don't have time to attend to every little mistakenly used invocation. That's why they have deferred some of the maintenance of the site to trusted users.
>> ^jonny:
An incorrectly deaded video can be revived with notdead regardless of its location.
But not necessarily from its owner. Better to give it some time where more eyeballs can see it for someone else to step in and notdead it.
>> ^Edeot:
>> ^jonny:
An incorrectly deaded video can be revived with notdead regardless of its location.
But not necessarily from its owner. Better to give it some time where more eyeballs can see it for someone else to step in and notdead it.
Are you being intentionally obtuse? Of course the original submitter can change it - that's the essence of my argument. The original submitter can always "modify video details".
my apologies - I see where you're coming from now. It is indeed possible that a non-starred member could have a video declared dead, then fixed by their own hand, and no way to invoke notdead. AFAIK, the notdead invocation is available to all users for their own submissions.
>> ^jonny:
Are you being intentionally obtuse?
No, I have an eating disorder and I'm rather sensitive about it. I still think I'm as acute as can be though.
I'm strongly for at least some measure of buffer time, otherwise I worry it could be used abusively for someone to get power points. I'd just as soon not have the temptation there, unless the invoker is still restricted for a while?
Oh jonny, you cheeky bastard
I think a different solution may be in order. I can certainly see the advantages in having no buffer time, but it would be ripe for misuse (dead, bad fix, dead, bad fix, dead, good fix 3x star/power points, whichever).
maybe a * dead * fix=url and the fix would only be activated after like 30 minutes, if not fixed by original poster.
Hell, cut the waiting down to 10 minutes, and you've eliminated all real abuse that could be made.
Another potential problem is it opens things up to abuse. Anyone who wants a pp immediately can just invoke dead then change the embed.
Moreover, issykitty's point is very valid. A lot of times a vid is not actually dead at all. Not everyone who invokes is ready to change the embed immediately so invalidly invoking could take a working video offline indefinitely (since some dead videos are never fixed).
Also, I will edit the poll so it's not so biased. I guess we have to add another written rule that should be implied.
>> ^lucky760:
Also, I will edit the poll so it's not so biased. I guess we have to add another written rule that should be implied.
WTF? I was being sarcastic about the poll responses being biased. It's ok for me to put the response about rasch, but not to claim that dead videos are in limbo for 2 days? Whatever.
As for the possibility of abuse, not only is that a perverse way of looking at things, you're talking about getting a single power point. Are we really worried someone is going to go on a spree of promoting other people's vids? Seriously?
>> ^lucky760:
A lot of times a vid is not actually dead at all. Not everyone who invokes is ready to change the embed immediatly so invalidly invoking could take a working video offline indefinitely.
How is that any different now? The notdead command works on vids in the deadpool, doesn't it?
My point is just that there is very obvious potential for real problems with sending videos straight into the deadpool. Another potential issue is in the past people have *strongly* wanted to replace someone's embed with one of their own. If we made deadpool immediate, people could go about changing at will any embed they want. With a delay, at least the submitter has a chance to declare it not dead or change it themselves before the invoker can molest the video without any possible way to stop them.
Aside from that I personally feel strongly a submitter's right to oversee their own video is of great importance. For example, I'd like the opportunity to see if my video is really dead before someone else has the chance to change my embed. I've had several videos flagged dead that were still working. And so what if lots of submitters aren't around to fix their own videos? Lots of other submitters are.
About the biased questions, yes, your 3rd option wasn't too overboard. Sorry for the knee-jerk reaction. I just don't want anyone feeling intimidated about casting a vote one way or the other and acted hastily toward that end.
Not directly related to this poll, but...
How about sifters get an e-mail not only when someone *deads their video, but also when someone fixes the embed code? That way, if they have a dead video they've forgotten about, they can more easily check if the new embed is the right one.
Not everyone logs in every day.
2 days is fine. There is no need for instant dead pool fixes.
I have seen TONS of vids declared dead when they weren't (including once or twice that I've done it myself) Vs. the very few times where dead fixes with the wrong embed have been an issue.
2 days is fine, then dead. Points for whoever can fix them.
I vote for a longer delay! I say a week!
The perfect solution:
Create a * replace=[[embed code here]] command.
gold stars and above should have access to it.
It should immediately replace the embed code of any live, dead, or discarded video, and make the video live again.
You'd need a embed change history, probably
Voting for this poll ended in a tie between Yes - send dead videos into the dead pool immediately. and Yes - send dead videos into the dead pool after 1 day..
we have a tie, now what?
^Well, more people voted for NOT sending videos directly to the dead pool, so I guess a 1 day delay is a reasonable compromise.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
^I agree, that sounds reasonable to me.
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