Isn't it Time to Change Member Levels Again?

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A total of 51 votes have been cast on this poll.

I'm 1 sift away from a gold star, so it must be time to move the goal-post again.

I kid!
Kevlar says...

Let me channel my inner John Boehner and say hell no. How much harder do we want to make it for new members who want to feel some sense of contribution to or ownership in the site? Who really wants to come to Videosift, fresh off the Internet Boat, and have to painstakingly clear 100 videos out of the queue - fighting against gargantuan pqueues while they're at it - in order to be able to confirm a called dupe or add a meaningful tag? I don't see what continually raising the member levels accomplishes aside from making the site more inscrutable and less accessible to newbies.

And in full disclosure: I got screwed too in the last shake-up.

choggie says...

I'm convinced that it's the folks who take voting so goddamn seriously that keep the rest of the pack down here-clicks some never want to be a part of commandeering the vessel-

When I see an enthusiastic patron of the site, who is having fun, I tend to boost them in status as best I can-especially if they don;t sound like some broken fucking record mirroring the sentiments of the bulk of the developmentally disabled here....esp. with outspoken political and religious (atheist) views....two of the most tired subjects on the internet next to bewbs and kittehs.

Whaddya gonna do, kids today are becoming brain-dead retarded adults, at breakneck speeds??!

dannym3141 says...

Pretty well said choggie.

I've been shat upon by removing comment upvotes from counting towards your star level - which really felt like a kick in the ass because i figured videosift was more than "just a place to watch videos". Then later on, i was shafted by the change so that i was no longer a bronze member and couldn't downvote things i found to be bad.

What is the need to do this? It's alienated me twice before, almost left the sift because of it - and what for? To feed some unhealthy obsession with star points? Chirst, hand out new titles for all i care, just don't change the damn star ratings.

KnivesOut says...

Rest assured that I only started this poll to make light of the last time the levels changed, right after I'd attained a higher level. I'm not seriously calling for any changes to be made.

thinker247 says...

Can I fight a Goomba made of razor-wire with nothing but a piece of elastic from my last good pair of underwear in order to receive one giant 50-star-point bonus and make a shiny purple thing show up at the head of my moniker? Or must I settle with continually posting sex tapes starring Lori Petty and Carrot Top in order to achieve a Siftgasm?

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