Are you more or less likely to purchase Sun Chips because of their new bag?
^That's annoying, vote option 2 got cut off. Should read "...brings back memories of the 'Moment of hate' from 1984."

I am all for 'greener' everything. And when Sun Chips decided they were coming out with compostable bags, my initial thought was "Well, i know this is just a bit of corporate marketing at work but at least they're doing some good."
That was until heard the new bags...To those who have not heard it, be warned the noise output of these little 1x2 foot receptacles sounds like a giant aluminum foil tarp blowing in high winds.
While picking up groceries today, I stopped and pondered my choices. In one hand, I held my old standby "Baked Lays," the chips that had captured my heart before I was introduced to the devils addiction that is "Harvest Cheddar." In the other hand, every minute movement wracked my ears with cricks and crackles, each of which made me shudder a little. My wife called to me gently "Pick some damned chips already so we can get the hell out of this isle!"
And it was at that moment, I made a decision, not based on taste, or value (the Sun Chips were actually CHEAPER), or compostability. I made a decision based solely on the idea that "I hate how loud this fucking bag is."
Feel free to judge me, but Sun Chips have made a decision, and so have I.

Sun Chips are quite good, but their fat content is still on par with other chips. I usually opt for the Baked Lays for this reason when I do actually buy chips.
I have never even heard of it, but then I rarely eat junk food.
If the new bag tastes better or as good as the old bag, no problem.

Bag tastes better than the ships.
Just kiddin'.
I think the third option, while attractive, is a little harshly stated.
>> ^Issykitty:
If you eat the bag, then alright, otherwise, who the hell cares..
Incidentally this would be in the "not for a poll on the sift" kinda questions, re: earlier discardings of polls. Not that I mind this though.
I am more prone to buying them because of the bag, as its a great advertisement piece, being its different and creates its own little flare of chip history.
I like sun chips, they can come in an onyx crystalline vesicle and I would still buy them.
If people have a problem with the chip bag being so loud I say unto them
" GET YOURSELF A ZIP LOCK BAG " and dedicate it to your chips/sun chips, zip lock will keep them fresher than a chip bag with a clip on top any-day. I mean, you can see the SEAL.
When you live with others and require a sun chip fix, that bag is nothing something you want to handle at 2 am.. or 10 pm. Decant its contents I say DECANT !
Don't eat chips. They are unhealthy.
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting Who fucking cares? It's a bag, get over it dickwad!!!.
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