frakkin' funny
Updated: 1 decade 3 years 3 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 20,302

Nostalgia Chick talks about Labyrinth. And David Bowie. Jennifer Connelly's in it too. As is David Bowie. Plus there's some singing... By David Bowie. In the end though, it's a wholesome story about... continue reading
posted by davidraine
It would be sweet to earn achievements...
posted by Aemaeth
"In the aftermath of a traumatic team scramble, Scout and Pyro (who is, in the context of this song, female) discuss their feelings for each other. Mercilessly." - YouTube
posted by Hybrid
White boy can SPIT
posted by paulfromcanada 1 decade 4 years 2 months 1 week ago • 5,865 views • 1:28Tawd Dorenfeld animates President LBJ’s fast-talkin’, straight-shootin’, bunghole-relaxin’ custom Haggar slacks order, placed from the White House on August 9th, 1964. From Putthison.com.
posted by oxdottir
to be clear, macs aren't any easier with this.
posted by kasinator
Dude totally trolls an Ibex. Or is the Ibex trolling that dude? Some joke needs to be made about how this is totally a reasoned debate. Or something
posted by djsunkid
The first single of The Lonely Island's 2nd album.
posted by Hybrid

YouTube video title: 'Dear Andrea, I'm going batshit crazy without you.' OMG, I can't stop laughing! W-T-F-!!! Not sure if batshit, or crazy, is more accurate. Nice falsetto!
posted by mintbbb

From his DVD, he's asked what kind of soup he would be. It degenerates from there.
posted by Tingles
I've actually had a few conversations like this one.
posted by nomino
Double XXXX
posted by ponceleon
Kyle Kinane, the opening act for Patton Oswalt on his latest shows, explains why waking up and believing yourself is a mistake.
posted by Imagoamin 1 decade 4 years 6 months 3 weeks ago • 1,860 views