Akin, Legitimate Rape & the Magic Uterus

Created: 1 decade 2 years 6 months 1 week ago
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 6 months 1 week ago
Views: 110

Todd Akin set off a political sh*tstorm when he talked about "legitimate" rape and a woman's body having the ability to shut down during a "legitimate" rape so she rarely would get pregnant.

This playlist is a compilation of all things Akin and Legitimate and Magic Uterus.

It cuts off early -- he says punish the rapist, not the child. No abortion, but what? Death penalty for the rapist? That there is some PRIME pro-life logic I came up with, yeah? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/1... continue reading

posted by Gale Wallis (bareboards2) 1 decade 2 years 6 months 3 weeks ago • 1,073 views • 38 secs

Although the Republican party is currently sending Todd Akin the message that he should leave the race due to his comments about "legitimate rape" and a woman's body's ability to avoid pregnancy from rape,... continue reading

posted by messenger 1 decade 2 years 6 months 3 weeks ago • 1,170 views • 9:58
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