
Created: 1 decade 2 years 8 months 1 week ago
Updated: 1 decade 5 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 1,019

The show where things go *BOOM!* on a regular basis. Any sifts relating to the antics of the show's presenters can be found here.

'Mythbusters' Adam and Jamie try several methods to defeat an allegedly undefeatable lock that uses electronic fingerprint identification. All of their methods work, including their lowest-tech hack.... continue reading

posted by kronosposeidon 1 decade 7 years 2 months 4 weeks ago • 13,408 views • 2:59

I'd really like to hear what the crazies say about the indisputable proof Mythbusters provided. I'm sure they'll come up with some more fantasies like maybe: Bush faked the landing to steal all the oil... continue reading

posted by lucky760 1 decade 6 years 5 months 3 weeks ago • 4,909 views • 4:16

I'd really like to hear what the crazies say about the indisputable proof Mythbusters provided. I'm sure they'll come up with some more fantasies like maybe: Bush faked the landing to steal all the oil... continue reading

posted by lucky760 1 decade 6 years 5 months 3 weeks ago • 14,670 views • 3:20

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