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"... In 1971, three student teachers in Minneapolis, MN created a little computer game about westward expansion in the United States. Over 50 years later, The Oregon Trail series has sold more than 65... continue reading

posted by ant 8 months 1 week ago • 6 views • 1:26:56

"Flashback to the holiday season of 2001. After years of filming, the first film in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring, is due to hit theaters, and expectations... continue reading

posted by ant 1 year 10 months 1 week ago • 5 views • 24:24

"Olympic sports are contested in the Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games. They are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. Besides, there are two more Olympics. They are Special Olympics and Paralympics.... continue reading

posted by ant 3 years 3 months 4 weeks ago • 15 views • 2:40

After fourteen years of pretty much uncontested domination, Goodyear saw their reign challenged by a small band of Indiana tire makers named Hoosier Racing Tires. What ensued was one of the bloodiest conflicts... continue reading

posted by bobknight33 5 years 7 months 2 weeks ago • 74 views • 18:28

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