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Member Since: April 27, 2007
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Comments to stock_island

stock_island says...

I am a 49 yr. old autistic guy. I pass as normal, and tell no one, except rare friends.
I guess that makes me "aspergers", except that I graduated mid class in 76 in a school where there were "special " classes for the "special" kids. We all called them the retards though. I'd about rather died then be in that class.
I liked your video. I can read but I need to do it over multiple times to get my excellent understandings.
You live in a world where you have support. I did not, and have learned this.....
1. The world is full of stupid people that can barely take care of themselves. An inteligent autistic person has an advantage. The primary difficulty for an intelligent autistic such as us is to believe the absolute and near total mind jammed stupidity of the normal people. It is difficult to grasp, yet trust me, it can be done. You are surrounded by trained monkeys that are building nuclear weapons to bring about a magical event that they "feel " (they feel like rats smell) will gaurantee them an eternal afterlife. Because it is impossible for an autistic (who cannot link their logic and feelings togather normally)to grasp why normal people "feel" this is not just "right", but normal. And of course, being normal is the only standard the normals follow. Jesus's spirit comes into and changes the hearts in Kansas, while in Iraq, the magic heart of Mohammed
is so busy flutting about doing the same. Once you grasp this is not puzzling to the normals (because they think with their feeling's in a way we cannot),you can begin to grasp the enormity of your problem sir.
No one gives a half a rats ass about our autistic problems. O.K., maybe your momma loves you. The rest are wildly retarded beyond almost all comprehension. If only we were all autistic!

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