rgroom1 US

Member Profile

Real Name: fake
Birthdate: January 25th, 1988 (36 years old)
A little about me...
wish i could wipe this account

Member Since: December 18, 2007
Last Power Points used: June 9, 2010
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to rgroom1

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 3 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

alien_concept says...

No worries mate. When you get a replacement embed for it, I'll happily kill mine or get it duped by someone else. Shitter about your star point though, I'll check some of your stuff out see if I can help you with that

In reply to this comment by rgroom1:
>> ^ant:

Isn't this a dupe?

Hey bud, the bill murray mansion is a dupe, but I can't do anything about it since it's death took away my 50th star point.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 50 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

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