poolcleaner CX

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Real Name: meow meow meow meow meow

Member Since: May 18, 2008
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Comments to poolcleaner

Mobius says...

First time I pissed myself while on the internet. Thanks.

poolcleaner said:

So what's the problem with not letting niggers into your laundromat? I don't get it. Been like this since as far as my pappy say. We's smarter than them so they don't know the difference. Just other white folk all sensitive like. Sorta'kin to retards or as humans look to them superior alien's in the guise of Thor that I worship waiting for Ragnarok.

kymbos says...

It's hard to appear dumb when your profile pic is Dr Strangelove and you use terms like 'vagina cats' and 'glory holes' while berating the immaturity of the internet. I salute you!
In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
In reply to this comment by kymbos:
You're on a roll. Please keep going...
In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
A humpback whale? Real mature, guys. Next thing you know we're posting videos about sperm whales and vagina cats.

Whew..! Kymbos -- thank GOD, I was worried that I was just posting the first lame thing that came to my head and ignorantly appeared to be some dumb asshole that makes immature, low brow, unapplauded, and not-so insightful comments about otherwise top 10 material.

With your blessing, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Scientologists, this annihilation wave will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever end. Glory! (holes)

lucky760 says...

I guess it depends on the context. Puppies are cute too.

In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
Cute = perceived jailbait

I'll remember that next time I go to flog myself for my sins.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^lucky760:
>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^lucky760:
She looks a bit like Elvira Mistress of the Dark in this video.
I find it odd that everyone finds her so "hot." She's cute and seems like a fun person to hang out with, but not so much hot really.

maybe it's because she IS cute and IS fun to hang out with MAKES her hot?
Shocking, I know, but some people find qualities other than the physical to be hot.

Not quite, but of course it depends on how you choose to interpret the term "hot." The most common application of the word in describing a person is in reference to their physical and, more specifically, sexual attraction.
It's atypical, to say the least, for a person to describe someone as hot in reference to a list of traits excluding their physicality. You hear "Man, that chick is totally just-okay looking and built like a preteen boy, but she is so effing hot, Broseph. I totally don't wanna do her, but I would enjoy hanging out having a conversation and glass of lemonade with her. She's scorching hot! High five!" not so much.
Cute? You betcha. Winning personality? So it would seem. Hot? Mmm... Big negatory on that one, Kimosabe. But let's just agree to disagree.

What isn't physically "hot" about her? It's never dawned on me that she is anything but. Do you mean hot like stick figure vomit faced model hot, cuz that ain't hot -- that's obnoxious. Or do you mean that her body isn't as toned as that of a hot womans? Either we have a different standard of beauty or I'm misunderstanding a piece of the hotness puzzle.

When I look at her I see an adolescent girl, and I don't tend to regard who I perceive to be young-looking, underdeveloped girls as hot pieces of ass. I'm realizing that one key requisite in my standard of hotness is the piece of meat woman must actually look like a (grown-ass) woman, and not a (still-maturing) teenager.

But that's just me.

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Because you are so awesome and have gone out of your way to attend a SiftUp with other members in real life, you have earned your "Meat Space" Level 1 Badge!

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