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Member Since: March 15, 2006
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Comments to michie

Farhad2000 says...


This joke you told. It's the only joke my ex would tell me, she was into corny jokes and that one was her favorite one. Pretty strange that you mentioned the exact same one.

Now am a bit sad.


ok..two sausages are in a frying pan and one of the sausages turns to the other sausage and says ' we've got to get out of here or we're going to get fried alive!' and the other sausage says 'SHIT! a talking sausage!'

johnald128 says...

In reply to your comment:
this makes me fucking sick and angry. our western reputation of being this shining beacon of justice , democracy and civility is going down the toilet so quickly because of these ignorant hick assed morons.

was you being sarcastic? (about the west being a shining beacon of justice , democracy and civility)

nazdorovia says...

Just noticed I never responded to your comment. How wuude. Thank you for the invite! I'm not so good at athletic sports, but I watch quite a bit of (American) football, and I play a mean hand of rummy. Yourself?

deputydog says...

Mate, I hope you witnessed the demolition last night. Now that's what you call liquid football. Perfection.

Your team will never ever play that well. Ever.

P.s. Happy Birthday you big gaylord

HaricotVert says...

Sorry Michie, that wasn't directed at your post. It was directed at the fact that the magician in the video got the first number (the number of pieces remaining on each board) wrong.

In reply to your comment:
'Oops on the first number.'

physical activity is debatable. what is physical exertion? you can sweat, create a very high heart rate and spasm muscles by using just your brain.

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