gorgonheap US

Member Profile

Real Name: Ty
A little about me...
It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child.

Member Since: June 8, 2006
Email: gorgonheap at hotmail dot com
Last Power Points used: August 17, 2013
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Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to gorgonheap

rottenseed says...

I cannot "unbastard" myself. Once you're born to a single mother you can't be unborn to a single mother. Luckily the internet is big enough for the two of us. Maybe one day I'll find my father...is that you daddy?

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
I hereby *ban you from the internet. Come back when your no longer a bastard.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
First! you %*$$*%* **%#@!!!

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
I stumbled across the sift while making a cheesy ultra low budget ninja movie. For my college film making class. (No I'm never going to post it on YouTube.) I was doing a search for some special effects tips on putting in lightsaber effects. And my Google search pointed out this video to me. After that I lurked for about two or three months and then finally joined.

I think what drew me too it was the maturity of the VS community. I never once saw a "first!" or "You %*$ $*%* **%#@."

rottenseed says...

First! you %*$$*%* **%#@!!!

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
I stumbled across the sift while making a cheesy ultra low budget ninja movie. For my college film making class. (No I'm never going to post it on YouTube.) I was doing a search for some special effects tips on putting in lightsaber effects. And my Google search pointed out this video to me. After that I lurked for about two or three months and then finally joined.

I think what drew me too it was the maturity of the VS community. I never once saw a "first!" or "You %*$ $*%* **%#@."

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