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Comments to ghostcake

d00kie says...

Cheers mate. I just found it a bit of a pain in the arse that the guy thought it was a self link, and then when i told him it wasn't, set about all this crap about promoting war...

In reply to your comment:
The Navy video is cool. I don't see how it's trying to promote the WAR? These retards think that supporting something that is essential to our country, is evil or something. Do they really think the country they live in could survive without a military force.

Fuck they're naive.

In reply to your comment:
nah, just had a mate send me that video..... tax dollars would be useful though.... lol, but nah, i'm in no way affiliated with any war recruitment.

gwaan says...

"supposed injustices " - The appalling treatment of the Palestinians for over fifty years is a very real injustice. The collective punishment of the Lebanese people is a very real injustice. American support for tyranical governments in the Middle East and wider Islamic world is a very real injustice.

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" You do have to be an expert on Islamic law to understand martydom. There is no reward in Islamic law simply for blowing yourself up and killing people. This is simply murder and suicide. You will only achieve your reward if your actions help the Muslim people in their fight against oppression. In other words the main motivation for martydom is strategic."


Ever heard of the phrase "Allahu Ackbar"? "God is great". It has a lot to with religion, and culture. Radical Islam is enstilling a certain mentality in Muslims, and they justify it by the supposed injustices caused by the the West and the Jews. I'm not talking about the peaceful aspects most Muslims adopt, but radical Islam. While some might be motivated solely by political reasons, most Islamic martyrs are generally culturally religious.

gwaan says...

Firstly, I'm not denying the fact that the Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history in many different states - not just Arab or Islamic countries. I'm simply pointing out that the people who condemn the 'terrorist' activities of the Palestinians in their attempt to establish their own state are the same people who forget or deny that the state of Israel was also created in part due to the 'terrorist' activities of the Irgun and Haganah. Similarly, today the Israeli government often use 'terror' activities - including the direct targetting of civilians - to suppress the Palestinians, yet condemn them when they are used against Israel. The same charges could also be levied at Palestinian extremists. However, I do not think that the extremists on either side are acting in the best interest of either peoples.

AIPAC and organisations like it paint the issue as black and white - Israelis are good persecuted champions of democracy, Palestinians are fanatical cold-blooded terrorists. Unfortunately this simplistic black and white myth dominates American politics and media.

I'm not saying this is a black and white issue - I'm fighting to regain the grey!

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"The reason they are 'belligerent' - and if by 'belligerent' you mean not completely passive and submissive in the face of overwhelming acts of hostility, suppression, and terror being committed on a daily basis by the Israeli state - is that there have been over fifty years of violations of Palestinian rights - beginning with their expulsion in 1947-8 mainly as the result of attacks by the official Jewish army, the Haganah, and the Irgun, a terrorist organisation. If you treat a people so badly for so long they will turn into extremists. Israel can only carry on the way it does because of the unquestioning support of America - due in a large part to the power of the Israel lobby in the States (particularly AIPAC).."

Dude, Arabs were harassing Jews long before the Irgun and Haganah were formed. The reason they were formed is because of the ever increasing violence against Jews by Arabs in "Palestine". The Arab world wasn't ready to give the Jews a homeland in the Middle-East. Also, Jews were being expelled from tons of Arab countries, where's the outrage there? The Palestinians could have had their own state long ago, but they decided that the partition plan was unfair and rejected it. 5 Arab countries attack Israel and lose, they still haven't gotten over it it would seem.

Funny how you label the Irgun and the Haganah as terrorists, yet you seem sympathetic towards the Palestinian extremists. Sad.

gwaan says...

The reason they are 'belligerent' - and if by 'belligerent' you mean not completely passive and submissive in the face of overwhelming acts of hostility, suppression, and terror being committed on a daily basis by the Israeli state - is that there have been over fifty years of violations of Palestinian rights - beginning with their expulsion in 1947-8 mainly as the result of attacks by the official Jewish army, the Haganah, and the Irgun, a terrorist organisation. If you treat a people so badly for so long they will turn into extremists. Israel can only carry on the way it does because of the unquestioning support of America - due in a large part to the power of the Israel lobby in the States (particularly AIPAC)..

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Israel affords more right to Arabs than most Muslim countries. And Israel is the bad guy? Fuck that shit. The Palestinians remain belligerent, and thus will remain deprived of certain rights.

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