geo321 CA

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Member Since: December 3, 2008
Last Power Points used: January 2, 2020
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Comments to geo321

oritteropo says...

Thanks for the *promote

vs5 hasn't changed a whole lot, apart from accepting iframe embeds and adding the *related= command. It does look a bit different, and comment quoting works a whole lot better, but the basics are still the same.

geo321 said:

oh shite! *promote

lurgee says...

So glad to hear this. Cheers ole cum! I just recently missed a show where they preformed along with 3 other but kinda similar bands for $7 in Norfolk VA. The promoter seen that on the book of faces that said that I probably could not make it. He offered to foot the bill for the person who would travel with me to see them. I still had no takers. Mind you that when I seen them a few years ago, The same promoter was at this dive bar in Virginia Beach VA. When we walked into the place he asked us who we were there to see and my friend said "My friend wants me to see Ceremony." The dude said that they were about to hit the stage(late but perfect timing.) He then ask us where we were for and my friend said "Baltimore MD." It was a 5 hour trip man(I really love this band). The dude said "Whoa! You deserve a beer!" and bought us a pitcher of suds. This is a really cool click of musicians in the Mid Atlantic states. You need to clone yourself so I can take you to super cheap but fucking awesome shows.

geo321 said:

Thanks man!

I really like the song you sent me.

lurgee says...

yo dawg! if you like bjork you might like this sir.

pimping audio ain't easy

oritteropo says...

If you were using the submit to videosift applet, you might need to delete it and install the new version. If you were submitting manually and it still didn't work then, er, uhm...

chicchorea says...

...i want to be an unfucker....

No, I looked, not on upcoming and not on your unsifted...?????

geo321 said:

Yeah. I just posted two. Do you see them? I can't. For tonight I'll put it on me being high as a kite.

BoneRemake says...

I love that damn Woo woo woo woo woo sound, reminds me of the oakenfold and van dyk sets from gate crasher and cream etc. from 2000 I used to listen to, of which I still wish I had.

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