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Member Since: December 29, 2007
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Comments to critttter

schmawy says...

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
>> ^MycroftHomlz:
Hey lets do a song! What do you say KP?
How about I start it off. You do the next line and then send it to someone else. You have to include the other parts of the song. Here it goes... a one, a two, a one two three four-
When you were here before,

Couldn't look you in the eye,

Your homely pinafore,

On the bed of some other guy.

You laughed when I undressed,

srd says...

In reply to this comment by critttter:
Hey srd, I'm a big TalkTalk fan, as soon as I saw your title I upvoted, then I go to play it, and nithin' happened, Me sad. I'll check back in case it was just my problem...

Hi, I just checked the video again. Works for me. . Did you leave the embed sitting for too long? Or maybe (youtubes global cache) had a hickup for you. Anyway, try again if it works now. It would be a shame if it doesn't work, since this is the high quality version.

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