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Member Since: June 1, 2006
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Comments to conan

geo321 says...

"i tried to submit this yesterday but obviously i'm not able to trim the embed code in a way so that it works. i try submitting every once in a while but never succeed, and now i see the clip itself works so i cannot longer lie to myself and convince me it's not my fault ;-)

You destroyed my well put together building of lies to myself arvana, shame on you :-P."

A few months ago I complained that only higher ranking members could post videos from Vimeo. That was changed and corrected, not solely by my doing but by so many others that wanted to post Vimeo. anyway. I posted a Vimeo video yesterday that came up blank. If this was your experience the problem is that the initial submission box in videosift doesn't read the full code of Vimeo. You have to resubmit it manually.

imstellar28 says...

if someone causes an accident, what difference does the reason make if the end result is the same? how does cause impact effect if it is your life or property that is damaged?

In reply to this comment by conan:
great, i'm looking forward for all those potheads on the streets, each one driving around in 3000 pounds of steel. bad enough we have all the drinkers.

maatc says...

It was actually not too hard!

Took a couple of takes with the built in laptop cam on my macbook (with the "mirror" effect of the photobooth program). Then edited it together. I only took out the saturation in post since it looked boring in color.
The music was added through YouTube via their Audio Swap Feature. (Original has no sound and is a second longer than the track I picked, that´s why it´s slightly off at the end...)

All in all: 2 hours

In reply to this comment by conan:
I have no idea how you did that but i like it

MINK says...

nazi reference: the music

us military reference: the majority of the video

In reply to this comment by conan:
erm... Exactly where is the comparison between Nazi aggression and US aggression? I did see some US flags in there, but i don't think they were used in a specific anti-american way but just because the by far biggest part of military footage (fiction or reality) shows US military and the creators of this video had to take their clips from somewhere. But where was the Nazi reference?

Maybe Mink mixed up the german word for german ("deutsch") with dutch (our northern neighbors)?

What i do like best is the fact that this video mixes two types of "propagandas", scenes that are taken from ads (i guess) and scenes that are taken from anti-war movies. I think it's pretty strong, also because of the great music choice and the very slow change of mood / setting from heroic to horrible.

MycroftHomlz says...

I disagree, but I respect your opinion. I think Putin is still involved in diplomatic relations and foreign affairs. And he is certainly not Russia's equivalent of the Queen of England.

In reply to this comment by conan:
Yes, Putin is prime minister, i.e. head of state. But head of government is Medwedew, so the US president would mostly have to deal with him. Same as with the english queen. She's head of state also, but every political discussion is with Gordon Brown.

Ok, i admit, with Russia and Putin there's this little autocratic thing going on ;-)

He is the prime minister...

Maybe you should read more newspapers.

In reply to this comment by conan:
erm.. Putin? Please Matt, read more newspapers.

10419 says...

the nazi reference in this video was the choice of the music, infact. its an old german song, but the nazis used it frequently in their propaganda radio broadcasts and such; it was almost their "theme song".

but i agree with you, the add is anti-war, not anti american.

In reply to this comment by conan:
erm... Exactly where is the comparison between Nazi aggression and US aggression? I did see some US flags in there, but i don't think they were used in a specific anti-american way but just because the by far biggest part of military footage (fiction or reality) shows US military and the creators of this video had to take their clips from somewhere. But where was the Nazi reference?

Maybe Mink mixed up the german word for german ("deutsch") with dutch (our northern neighbors)?

What i do like best is the fact that this video mixes two types of "propagandas", scenes that are taken from ads (i guess) and scenes that are taken from anti-war movies. I think it's pretty strong, also because of the great music choice and the very slow change of mood / setting from heroic to horrible.

poolcleaner says...

We're in some kind of twisted, satirical hell/matrix, didn't you get that memo?

Actually, my money is on covert alien invasion. About 8 years ago aliens came in the night and shoved us into fleshy-duffle bags where our minds, linked up by technology we cannot even begin to grasp, have slowly degenerated into madness.

In reply to this comment by conan:
I don't believe it any longer. Palin can't be true, i'm convinced she isn't real. This is all just a joke to entertain people.

Eklek says...

Hi! Yes, almost all attributes are there:)
AFAIK there's no dupe..
More trash from all over the world here:
..if you have recommendations for this list let me know..maybe submit your second sift?:)

In reply to this comment by conan:
omg i love that one. i think we already had it on the sift but what do i know ;-) It has it all: Weißwurst for breakfast, the Maß of beer, a Volkswagen burning rubber (though that should rather be a model Golf/Rabbit) and of course the beloved sportsuits. Just so great

Issykitty says...

Your Werra... she is GORGEOUS! I know what you mean, and of course you're going to be partial to Russian Blue because of your Werra.
I am partial to cats that are black and white "masked" marked. My kitty has a black mask and black spotted markings on her back with a black tail. She also has a spot on one of her front legs. I hear her markings are also called "cowcat," for obvious reasons. Cats rule!

In reply to this comment by conan:
Thanks :-)

Her name is Werra, she's Russian Blue. Those are my favourites, although even typing that gives me a bad conscience because i love them all :-)

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
conan... I LOVE the new avatar! MRRROW!

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