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Member Since: November 2, 2006
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Comments to bl968

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You can set your profile to show more than 10 videos per page - though not side by side as you describe.

In reply to your comment:
I think that instead of a single column of videos why not increase it to a 2 column view on the queue and main page.

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This would give 20 videos per page instead of the current 10. Maybe give a profile option if someone wants to keep or use the old method. I understand this could be a big load for youtube when people browse pages but it would make the sift much more usable, and reduce some of the scrolling...

bl968 says...

I am a regular reader of Crooks and liars, I get some of my best videos from there That Bill Moyer's interview was great. I may have included it in but I am not 100% sure. I started my site up last June. We recently got added as a news source for Google News. Currently I have an awesome new site design in mind, but I need to find a low cost or free CSS web designer who can do kick butt designs to help me develop it. I regularly mine videosift for high quality videos for the site. I favor documentaries and political stuff.

Fletch says...

Ahh! Very nice website, btw.

PBS does some really good stuff, but CBC seems to churn out quality stuff in quantity. BBC as well. Sad when some of the most informative and relevant programming for Americans comes from outside America. Did you catch Bill Moyers on Bill Maher the other night?

Edit: Oops. It was posted on VS a couple days ago.

bl968 says...

I loved that program. I felt it was very hard hitting and extremely well done.

Video: The fifth estate: The Lies That Led To War Saturday, March 24, 2007
Written by Bill Larson in : Politics, Federal Government, Peace, Corporate Media

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Fletch says...

The CBC (Canada) produces some really good documentaries. If you don't have access to CBC programming, much of their stuff is posted in alt.binaries.multimedia.documentaries if you have access to usenet. Their show, The Fifth Estate, recently featured a story "The Lies That Led to War". Just thought you might like to check it out if you haven't seen it. Here is the first part:

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