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Member Since: February 18, 2007
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Comments to Octopussy

thegrimsleeper says...

You should try to sift this commercial. It's hilarious.
Let me know if you do.

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
It's a Dutch ad for an insurance company named Centraal Beheer, located in the city of Amersfoort. The text at the end roughly translates as "oops, gotta call Amersfoort." If you do a search for "Centraal Beheer" on YT, you'll find more of their commercials along the same lines, including their most recent, which eventually was never used because the company considered it too controversial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_phH_-e1jTM.

therealblankman says...

That's a pretty serious charge you make. Just who is Islam bashing? Me for posting the video or the film-maker? And just how the hell would you know if the film is Islam-bashing? YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT AND NEITHER HAS ANYONE ELSE. IT HASN'T BEEN RELEASED YET. Apparently you would prefer that nobody would have the opportunity to view it and make up their own mind. Censorship before the fact. Good for you, there's an honest intellectual position to take.

In reply to this comment by Octopussy:
The ban is already lifted: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7262071.stm and I think there are better ways to oppose censorship than to support islam-bashing.

dead_tofu says...

hey, i just uploaded parts of the omid djalili show, he is amezingly funny. to think that the u.s wanna bomb clever people like this one is a joke. u should check it out, greets, dead.

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