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Member Since: July 13, 2007
Last Power Points used: July 29, 2012
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Comments to MarineGunrock

smooman says...

reminds me of the "dont tase me bro" guy eh? drama queens

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
I laughed SO hard when that bitch started screaming. Way to go from "super-ultra tough guy" to little bitch in .02 seconds. I've been hit with that same taser and you're right. It's not just a flinching pain but it's certainly not the agony this punk is acting like it is.

>> ^smooman:

ps: having been tased before (among other things) it definitely doesnt tickle, but given the reaction of the man in the video he either has an embarrassingly low pain threshold or is being wildly dramatic

bareboards2 says...

A woman was arrested in the original group. That is what started this whole thing.

It is silly though. You are dead on accurate in your first paragraph.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Someone tell me to STFU if I'm being a d-bag by saying this, but I think that more than (most) people here, I know what freedom really costs, and this isn't taking it away.

The original group was simply broken up. No arrest made. They caused enough of a disturbance there that other citizens were ...disturbed. They were asked to leave and they did. Then there was a law passed that said "No dancing within the memorial" - is this a violation of the first amendment? No. The first amendment protects written and verbal speech. There's nothing in there about dancing.

Was the law stupid? Sure it was. Was it chipping away at our freedoms? No. If you think it is, then why aren't you walking around inside the capitol building with a gun to protest your inability to lawfully carry there? There's a difference between taking away our freedoms and laws designed to bring civility to society. You want the right to dance there? What about the right to contemplate the inscriptions inside the memorial in peace without being disturbed?

This isn't taking away freedoms, it's just making sure that the majority of people (note: democracy works in favor of the majority) won't have to be disturbed.

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