LittleRed US

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Real Name: Brianna
Birthdate: June 22nd

Member Since: December 10, 2007
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Comments to LittleRed

raven says...

Oh there was no mistake... I got all yer sly little nudges about my character and age, didn't get that past me, don't you worry about that.

And as for your judgment of my character and behavior I am choosing to ignore that... seeing as how you "belong to the cannon man" (your words, not mine) I don't find your rush to defend him by getting all angry and obnoxious with me as all that surprising.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Since you obviously missed it, that wasn't a "Please, tell me how old you are, because I just have to know." It was a "Since you claim to be 25, please act your age. No one appreciates the 12-year-old you."

I also have gone back through more than two weeks of comments, and have yet to see these "good manners" you claim to be giving away.

I'm really not trying to bother you, or change your opinions on MGR. I'm only saying that in the less than a month that i've actually been a member, I've already witnessed several scathing personal attacks. If you want to have such a "discussion" on someone's personal profile, go for it. But everyone knows it's childish and petty to bring the entire community into an argument you'd like to have about someone else's character. This is an issue between you and him. Or maybe now it's a non-issue. Either way, your mother should have taught you that the proper way to tell someone "You're an ass" should never include anyone but the parties directly involved. I hope for your sake this isn't how you generally conduct your activities.

In reply to this comment by raven:
Much older than you... and, on average, I got so many good manners that I be giving them away... so, your lad must've really done something to warrant the expression of my ire in public... tell him congrats.

Also, if you think that bothering me about this is going to change my mind about things you are sorely mistaken.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Must you pollute someone else's video with personal attacks and name calling? Are you really that ill-mannered?

If you feel that strongly about MGR, there would have been much more appropriate places to say so. Instead, you have nothing at all to say about the video, and start verbal attacks and name calling on a video someone else worked to find? How old are you, really?

In reply to this comment by raven:
Must I explain everything to you? Are you really that dense?

raven says...

Much older than you... and, on average, I got so many good manners that I be giving them away... so, your lad must've really done something to warrant the expression of my ire in public... tell him congrats.

Also, if you think that bothering me about this is going to change my mind about things you are sorely mistaken.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Must you pollute someone else's video with personal attacks and name calling? Are you really that ill-mannered?

If you feel that strongly about MGR, there would have been much more appropriate places to say so. Instead, you have nothing at all to say about the video, and start verbal attacks and name calling on a video someone else worked to find? How old are you, really?

In reply to this comment by raven:
Must I explain everything to you? Are you really that dense?

smibbo says...

thanks, the feeling's mutual. I appreciate your point and the fact that you stated it clearly and without apologies. I'm starting to feel condemned just because I refuse to feel SORRY for the inconveniances that go along with being pretty. I understand their position entirely, which I've stated many times,but since i won't accede that they're in a pitiable position I'm stamped as having "no empathy"? Don't see a one of them being empathetic towards me and MY point. Odd that.... but enough ranting for one day!

Welcome to the sift!

It's usually a lot more quiet aroud here....

persephone says...

One day, when you finally feel you can empathise with all people, you may remember making these unkind words with regret. At 19, I suspect it will take you a while to get there. That's why they say youth is wasted on the young. I was there once too. I'm also still learning to be a human being. Perhaps you could have lurked a little longer, learning from some of the 'ol timers here, about what it means to be a community member, before you jumped in and took a swipe.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Alright. I'll preface this by saying i've long been a lurker, but haven't felt the need to create an account until this madness started. I, too, am female. I've been told i'm attractive. That doesn't mean I complain about it. In fact, I really don't think it's all that terrible.

Take a look at all of this. Can you find a single woman who hasn't chimed in "Oh no! My life is terrible, too. Other people think i'm pretty!" Look really hard. You'll probably only find one, and that's only because she hasn't been on here in quite a while.

Maybe you should all (with the exception of Smibbo) stop posting about how life is oh-so-terrible because you're beautiful. Maybe the problem is that you need your head examined because you don't have the self-esteem to handle compliments.

I am heading into my senior year of Engineering. Needless to say, i'm one of very few females in my classes. In fact, I was one of three in a class last semester. Conveniently, the teacher always had us working in groups, and never had the girls together. Was it awkward? Yes. Was I hit on? Sure was. But I know how to accept compliments, and don't let things like that bother me.

I have a job where I occasionally use my femininity to my advantage. It makes me quite a bit of money. Do I have lecherous, disgusting male customers? Of course. But I don't go complain to everyone else who is female that will listen.

Yeah, maybe all the boys staring at you does get a little old. Sometimes even irritating. But it's not a problem until you make it into one. And if you can't do that, don't dress up. Stop attracting attention to yourself. Stop trying so hard. Why do you do it in the first place? To feel pretty. Women deny it, but everyone knows it's true.

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves, and stop making such a big deal out of nothing. There will always be someone who finds you attractive. Take it as a compliment and move on.

deedub81 says...

Amen to that.

All I heard in that video was "boo hoo, I'm pretty." Who doesn't want to be pretty. Life's hard. Being good looking isn't.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Because I was asked to post here instead...

I'll preface this by saying i've long been a lurker, but haven't felt the need to create an account until this madness started. I, too, am female. I've been told i'm attractive. That doesn't mean I complain about it. In fact, I really don't think it's all that terrible.

Take a look at all of this. Can you find a single woman who hasn't chimed in "Oh no! My life is terrible, too. Other people think i'm pretty!" Look really hard. You'll probably only find one, and that's only because she hasn't been on here in quite a while.

Maybe you should all (with the exception of Smibbo) stop posting about how life is oh-so-terrible because you're beautiful. Maybe the problem is that you need your head examined because you don't have the self-esteem to handle compliments.

I am heading into my senior year of Engineering. Needless to say, i'm one of very few females in my classes. In fact, I was one of three in a class last semester. Conveniently, the teacher always had us working in groups, and never had the girls together. Was it awkward? Yes. Was I hit on? Sure was. But I know how to accept compliments, and don't let things like that bother me.

I have a job where I occasionally use my femininity to my advantage. It makes me quite a bit of money. Do I have lecherous, disgusting male customers? Of course. But I don't go complain to everyone else who is female that will listen.

Yeah, maybe all the boys staring at you does get a little old. Sometimes even irritating. But it's not a problem until you make it into one. And if you can't do that, don't dress up. Stop attracting attention to yourself. Stop trying so hard. Why do you do it in the first place? To feel pretty. Women deny it, but everyone knows it's true.

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves, and stop making such a big deal out of nothing. There will always be someone who finds you attractive. Take it as a compliment and move on.

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