
Member Profile

Channel: Religion

Member Since: August 16, 2006
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Comments to LadyBug

lisacat says...

Thanks for the welcome LadyBug. I'm still figuring out how all this works, but it sure beats YouTube! So many videos, so little time...

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welcome to the sift, lisacat!!! feel free to kick off your shoes!

lucky760 says...

Replied in the collective:

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just because they don't use guitars doesn't mean that they are not rock & roll!!!

i can't believe that you've only heard this song the first time the night before last, lucky!!!

i voted for the beatboxer!!! i just hope that he doesn't paint himself into that 'keane', 'maroon 5', 'coldplay' type singer ...

Farhad2000 says...

No he doesn't, he looks human while Cillian Murphy looks like the undead. Case in point Red Eye.

In reply to your comment:
how can i NOT vote for this ... my hubby resembles cillian murphy!!!! YUMMMM!

choggie says...

Thanks for the invite....There are so many forms of opiates, religion being as dubious as science......Ha! The understanding of man get s him to the point that he has to say "Oh Fuck", every the twirl, and enjoy the ride......Thank You.

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