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Real Name: Charlie
Channel: Comic Books

Member Since: July 15, 2006
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Comments to K0MMIE

oxdottir says...

You mean the incest one? Kommie, I don't vote down your videos in general. I like you, and I like your taste in videos. But that....why would I want that on the sift? I was PROUD we kept the train wreck that is that guy out of the sift when everyone else went nuts over his save britney thing. I don't want to hear about incest. I would also vote down videos of people vomiting or goatsee, and from my point of view, that video is emotional goatsee.

So, honest. Please don't be offended. I continue to like and vote madly on your videos. That one ... I really really didn't like. Hence the downvote.

Did I answer about the driveby? It was a considered downvote...

In reply to this comment by K0MMIE:
Drive by down-vote?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I admire your valiant efforts - but lets limit self-link bannage to the last 6-12 months. There were things happening b4 that, that could make the posts valid. eg. Sift Off. Thanx!

dotdude says...

The third roast begins Friday, December 21, 2007 at 9:30ish PM, PST.

Roastee: karaidl
Master of Ceremonies: rottenseed

Look for rottenseed’s kick-off post.


gorgonheap says...

I really need to get back into comics. Whats the story arc for that last part you mentioned? Sounds like it's pretty current.

In reply to this comment by K0MMIE:
While you're correct he didn't become a bad ass ( a TRUE badass ) until he lost his powers, your time-line is a bit off. Cyclops was one of the 198 mutants remaining with his powers, he was not affected by the Scarlet Witches "No More Mutants" curse. It wasn't until much later in Astonishing X-Men (written by bad ass Joss Whedon) when Emma Frost disabled his powers in his brain, causing him to go a little nuts, and start shooting people. As we saw in the last issue of Astonishing he kept his surpressed powers as a ruse, until he decided to blow the head off of the Breakworld leader.

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Cyclops didn't become a badass until he lost his powers after the House of M events. That's when his character got cool.

In reply to this comment by K0MMIE:
It's Cyclops. Leader of the X-Men. Badass.

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