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Member Since: April 14, 2006
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Comments to Fedquip

evil_disco_man says...

Hey Jeff,

I don't know if you recognize me or not, but I've been following your "Throw Away Your TV" blog for a year or two now. Much respect.

Anyway, a friend on VideoSift has brought to my attention a vile and despicable video. It is not funny and borders (if not runs over) the line of pedophilia. My younger sister was a victim of similar abuse so this really pushes a button with me.

I know you usually post political stuff, and I wouldn't normally think of asking you this, but I feel that it needs more attention. This pervert needs to be exposed. The problem is, the video only has 3 upvotes, probably because it was posted by a lesser-known member. Is there any way you could promote it or re-post it to give it some exposure? I've seen Sifters find out more information about things like this - the show, who the guy is, who we can contact - so I think it would help.

Much appreciation if you can do anything.




dotdude says...

Our own Monster of Ceremonies, gorgonheap, will lead us in a dissection of Doc_M on Friday, April 25th @ 5:00pm MST. All participants are invited to bring their scalpels and other appropriate tools for this siftious endeavor. Medical records and other pertinent information will be made available here.


dotdude says...

A Snipe Hunt

A hunting party, lead by CaptWillard, will depart at 9:00 pm EDT on 4/3/08. The destination is a remote part of the Sift Forest near New Jersey. So practice your snipe mating call and stock up on paper bags.

Click here for further details.


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