BoneyD AU

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Member Since: July 7, 2006
Last Power Points used: May 19, 2010
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Comments to BoneyD

kronosposeidon says...

I saw your most recent video: A quality find. I understand about preferring to watch videos over uploading them. That's what I did for months before I joined.

I'll be checking your profile from time to time; trust me.

In reply to this comment by BoneyD:
Thanks a lot for the sentiment KP and taking notice, I'm really flattered!

But yeah, i've been watching the site for a fair while now. I think I enjoy the watching more than the searching the internets for things to post. There's been so much material posted that I wouldn't have even thought of looking for myself... And when I do, I guess it's also slightly a case of second-guessing on what people are likely to vote for - only to see the same vid make it right out of the queue the next day.

I'll try to post more though, sir! (and check my profile more often

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Boney, I've seen that you've upvoted many of my videos, and I appreciate it. So why don't you post some shit too? You've done some good stuff. I've taken notice; I try to check out the vids of my frequent supporters. I've also noticed that you've been a member for a long time. So what are you trying to do? Set a record for the longest time to gold?

So get off your ass. And I mean that in a good way.

kronosposeidon says...

Boney, I've seen that you've upvoted many of my videos, and I appreciate it. So why don't you post some shit too? You've done some good stuff. I've taken notice; I try to check out the vids of my frequent supporters. I've also noticed that you've been a member for a long time. So what are you trying to do? Set a record for the longest time to gold?

So get off your ass. And I mean that in a good way.

8838 says...

No, its like that everywhere. A piece has priority because it takes more time. You just toss your throwie when you got beef with a writer, you wanna be a dick, or its your yard. Any of your stuff has priority if its in your own yard.

maatc says...

Thanks for your opinions. I feel the same about the posted scene, but the trailer leaves a strange feeling in my gut somehow. Too much slapstick for my taste. Not sure I would watch it at the theater.

Here is the trailer for the film: Postal Trailer

There are a few more out there if you do a search for "postal movie" on YT.

Interesting fact: The guy that plays Osama is the same one that played the "Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld.

In reply to this comment by BoneyD:
I'm sorry Patriot, but I thought this was hilarious. Of course, it is in a bit of bad taste, but I think that's the point. You are allowed to (and should) laugh at this sort of scene without diluting your feelings for the actual tragedy. It was well timed and played on the common feeling of doubt that we all feel about our convictions.

We often hear stories of detectives and coroners using dark humour to deal with the horror they see. I think if we cant take a step back sometimes and look at the amusing side in things, then it's a steady road to depression.

calvados says...

I couldn't have said it better myself.

In reply to your comment:
Good on you for posting this, Calvados. I understand the desire to stand by your home team. I believe every aspect of a society should be made visible - warts and all, lest such heinous acts as these go unheard.

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