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Comments to 8775

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 25 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 23 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

schmawy says...

I left a message for Dag. He's the cheese around here. I'll stay on it till it's sorted out.

In reply to this comment by wigerdog:
Yes, Aspirateur is a buddy of mine.
If his account is dead, how can he right a comment?

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Allow me to explain, Wigerdog, because I feel just terrible about the whole business now. The thing is that this is cool place because it's basically run by the users, and we're all about keeping things in order, like a Wikipedia of videos. Some of us take it really seriously. Too seriously sometimes.

So when someone senses that there is something wrong or against the rules, usually someone gets to be a dick about it. In this case it was me.

A couple of members and I were watching what was happening with your account and Aspirateur's, because people have been known to create multiple accounts (sock puppets), and use them to post videos they themselves have created. The biggest sin in this place, this place is sort of the anti-youtube.

We noticed that Aspirateur was posting your videos, and we thought it was you (if it was, knock it off). So I was the cop here, and as I said I feel crappy about it. Fortunately other cooler heads stepped in.

So if Aspirateur was a bud of yours, he or she can probably have an account reinstated by dropping a comment on dag's profie. http://dag.videosift.com/

I hope you understand. My apologies if we were in error.

my comment in thread

schmawy says...

Allow me to explain, Wigerdog, because I feel just terrible about the whole business now. The thing is that this is cool place because it's basically run by the users, and we're all about keeping things in order, like a Wikipedia of videos. Some of us take it really seriously. Too seriously sometimes.

So when someone senses that there is something wrong or against the rules, usually someone gets to be a dick about it. In this case it was me.

A couple of members and I were watching what was happening with your account and Aspirateur's, because people have been known to create multiple accounts (sock puppets), and use them to post videos they themselves have created. The biggest sin in this place, this place is sort of the anti-youtube.

We noticed that Aspirateur was posting your videos, and we thought it was you (if it was, knock it off). So I was the cop here, and as I said I feel crappy about it. Fortunately other cooler heads stepped in.

So if Aspirateur was a bud of yours, he or she can probably have an account reinstated by dropping a comment on dag's profie. http://dag.videosift.com/

I hope you understand. My apologies if we were in error.

my comment in thread

JAPR says...

No problem, I'm not frustrated with you so much as I am youtube. I don't call videos dead anymore unless I go to the actual link it's being embedded from and it's been removed, because youtube can't seem to decide to work right all the time.

In reply to this comment by wigerdog:
sorry buddy
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
It's not, I posted a comment about it the other day. youtube just sucks balls sometimes.

In reply to this comment by wigerdog:

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