Always Tired

I'm always fall-asleep-at-my-desk tired.  My job can get boring from time to time, but I don't think I should be nodding off while I'm trying to work (or even browse the internet).  I'm trying to pinpoint what's making me so tired.  I don't smoke anymore so that's not it.  I am a very healthy eater.  I try to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and I keep the portions small, so I don't think I'm malnourished or overfed.  Everywhere I look, I read that I should exercise, but I work out 3 to 4 times a week including 40 minutes of cardio per session. I guess I could use more sleep.  I go to bed at around 11 and wake up around 5:30...but plenty of people get less sleep and are fine.

 So why is it I'm nodding off?  Am I that bored?  Is it a combination of things in my lifestyle?  For example, do I need to be sleeping MORE because I exercise?  Or smoke a couple of cigarettes to break up my routine? 

I hate it...I feel like I'm doing everything I can do to lead a healthy lifestyle but I'm still suffering from lethargy. Anybody else have or had these troubles?

EDD says...

The most effective way to ward off feeling tired and sleepy when working a desk job is to deliberately make yourself uncomfortable.

Whenever I have to stay up late in order to work I switch from my comfy computer chair to a wooden bench, open the nearby window and take all my clothes off, put on an S&M outfit and open a webcam link to teh internets. Works like a charm every time, that!

griefer_queafer says...

How many hours of sleep do you average? I am tired often, too. Sometime 8 hours just doesn't feel like enough. Have you ever been diagnosed with depression or been to a therapist? Also, being in front of a computer for long periods can lead to increased tiredness. Do you clench your teeth in your sleep? Also, not masturbating enough makes you tired.

lesserfool says...

If you are eating high carb snacks that might be helping you cope with not getting enough sleep (6.5 hours is pretty light in my book) but can also contribute to depression. We will have more definitive answers in 20 years when the science gets out of the stone age. Until then, maybe hang a crystal in your window or something?

inflatablevagina says...

Ok when it comes to sleep... remember QUALITY! You're still going to be tired if you're not hitting the R.E.M sleep. What I think helps is to have sex and go to sleep. (even though it is so cliche) Your body is fully relaxed and you sleep well. I am sure you already know this... but fact is, if you're not getting it every night you should at least yank it before bed. I have actually heard that masturbation is easier because sex can get the body all ramped up.... but i am a sweet virgin, so what would I know?

blankfist says...

It's a couple things. First, it's the humdrum of your job. You probably are an uninspired, unchallenged company man who works merely for the paycheck.

Second, you need to eat less carbs. A low carb diet will slow you down for the first week or so as your body goes through keitosis. Shortly after you'll be twice as alert as before. Today I had a Fatburger Triple King burger without the bun (which is 1 1/2 lbs of beef), and I feel great! *grips chest* Damn sodium!

Third, new studies are showing coffee is actually good for you. I'm too lazy to look up the study, but coffee and vitamin B is your friend. Take some.

Fourth, 11pm to 5:30am is a sleep schedule for grandpas. Stay out and drink more. Have some cigarettes. Fuck whores. Do something fun instead of being a bore.

There you have it. That should fix what ails ya.

rottenseed says...

1. I have sex and/or beat it everyday
2. I do cardio AND weightlifting
3. How can I be depressed when I'm around all of you all of the time???
4. Blankfist, I don't know if less carbs is a good thing...maybe WHEN I eat carbs is a factor. And I don't have a problem staying awake when I'm out having a good time, just during the work...

Come to think of it that's it. Crappy unfulfilling job and forcing my body awake before it's ready to wake up. I need to get an actual 9 to 5, not a 630 to 330

&hearts &hearts &hearts

peggedbea says...

i am a chronic insomniac. around 2pm everyday i want to die of tired, but cant because i have too much stuff to do.
then as soon as sun goes down i am wide awake and feel like i slept all night, by 4am i am miserable and in pain.

i also exercise everyday.
i rarely have sex, but when i do it doesnt help anyway.
i mostly eat healthy and well.

cant sleep. only tired when the sun is up. phsyically hurt after about 4 am.
ive tried all kinds of things. no idea what else to do by now. its been like this for 3 years.

so what im saying is: youre doomed. welcome.

chilaxe says...

A recent study recommends avoiding fatty foods:

It’s not clear why fatty foods [have been found in this study to cause] a short-term decline in cognitive function. One theory is that a high-fat diet can trigger insulin resistance, which means the body becomes less efficient at using the glucose, or blood sugar, so important to brain function.

"Fatty foods appear to have a short-term effect on exercise performance because the body reacts to high fat content in the blood by releasing certain proteins that essentially make the metabolism less efficient.“It’s thought to be a protective mechanism to get rid of excess fat,’’ Dr. Murray said. “But it was making muscles less efficient at using oxygen and fuel to make the energy needed to run.’’

This is true, BTW: "Also, not masturbating enough makes you tired." In the Classical Era, whole tribes died out because they didn't masturbate enough and thus didn't have enough energy to farm or defend themselves in warfare.

EDD says...

^Hahaha, that is some brilliant info for the lulz, chilaxe. Got any links to theories/research on that?

>> ^chilaxe:
This is true, BTW: "Also, not masturbating enough makes you tired." In the Classical Era, whole tribes died out because they didn't masturbate enough and thus didn't have enough energy to farm or defend themselves in warfare.

imstellar28 says...

>> ^blankfist
Second, you need to eat less carbs. A low carb diet will slow you down for the first week or so as your body goes through keitosis.

I find it quite interesting that we have not only the same (correct ) views on political systems, economic systems, and human rights...but we have the same view on nutritional science. If I had to guess, I would say it must be the personality trait of "intellectual curiosity."

I digress...

rottenseed - take it from me, your friendly libertarian free-market economist nutritional scientist,

You are tired because you are
1. Not sleeping well
2. Not eating well
3. Overexerting yourself
4. Chemically/Biologically flawed

I'm going to take a guess and say 3 and 4 aren't the case, so heres my advice:

To improve sleep:
- Double check the sleep apnea (do you breath through your nose or mouth when sleeping?)
- Do you wake up throughout the night? Even if you are in bed for 8 hours, if you keep waking up you aren't getting good sleep. Try sleeping in a pitch black room - it will help you sleep soundly throughout the night.

To improve nutrition:
- I'm guessing you are on the typical American diet, 70/20/10 Carbs/Protein/Fat aka the fast track to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. While the long term side effect of this diet are quite fatal, the short term side effects aren't so great either: lethargy and lack of energy.
- Food is the most powerful drug known to man. The advice I'm about to give you will not only extent your life, it will increase your energy and happiness while you are alive. Heed this advice for even a single week and you will literally feel better than you ever have in your life:

1. Try not to buy anything with a nutritional label - so avoid flour, sugar, bread, rice, cereal, baked goods any thing which has a "Daily recommended value" listed on it.
2. Shop only on the outside walls of the supermarket. This means fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, beef, poultry, pork, and seafood.
3. Eat these foods 3-4 times a day in approximately the following ratios:

Meat: One serving the size and thickness of your palm
Vegetables/Fruits: One serving equal to what you can hold on both hands
Nuts/Fat: One serving equal to the size of your thumb

These are helpful guidelines, what you are aiming for is increase your dietary intake of protein to induce ketosis with sources such as fresh meat and poultry, increase your intake of monounsaturated fats with sources like olive oil, avocados, and nuts, and replace the glucose-spiking refined carbohydrates prevalent in an American diet with high-vitamin, low GI carbohydrates such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Try this for even 3 days, and you'll see a massive difference.

Fresh cantaloupe and watermelon
Smoked Almonds

Black Forest Ham
Mixed fruit (blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, grapes)
Feta cheese

16 oz grilled rib-eye steak
Green beans
Brazil nuts

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