Dag's Rant

It's almost 2 years since the inception of VideoSift - and I don't think I've engaged in a proper rant in that time. It's high time I spacked out - it's cathartic.

I understand that there are a lot of passionate people in this community. It's one of my favourite things about this place. I actually like reading 5 paragraph long comments- it's never TLDR for me.

But if you feel passionately about an issue pertaining to this community- why not make a Sift Talk post about it? I get some fairly well thought out, interesting screeds in my profile. They might pertain to unfair derision and violations of privacy, the unfairness of mob justice or the ILLUSION OF SIFTOCRACY.

Not to say that I don't like having conversations with you - I do - but for big stuff that effects the rules, philosophy or culture of the site- I think it's better out than in. Have the cojones or ovarias to put it out there for everyone to discuss. - especially if it pertains to me. I have a reasonably thick skin- and I'm not immune to fuck-ups. I can also be an arrogant prick. Look, here's an example:

Darwin save the Sift from angry, idealistic young men who see the world in shades of black and white.

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