Toyota Terror

(youtube) Terror in our Toyota! Sure looks like the Electronic Throttle Control got stuck, huh? Another case of "UNINTENDED ACCELERATION?" She was only able to control the car with the PRNDL - 3 teenage girls in the car and just pulling into a neighbor's driveway to pick-up during carpool! This could happen to you! The car was totalled, the home has sever damage, and a car inside the home was totaled out and another damaged. Toyota's response: " evidence of any sort of manufacturing or design defect..." You look at this video and decide for yourself!

Yeah... that's a tough one. It's hard to say how it occurred, and because it's hard to say, I could see it being pretty easy for shitty corporate lawyers to dismiss it.
I was skeptical before I read it was a teen driver though, which my fault and unfair to teenagers, but I also wouldn't expect a teenager to accidentally accelerate into a house, and immediately think to continue flipping the fuck out in hopes of convincing someone it was the cars fault. Not in that way, at least.
If this really came down to being the fault of the car, how in the fucking hell are these pieces of shit still on the road?


Check out the tail lights. Brake lights never come on. She was pressing the wrong pedal, which is the typical cause for "unintended acceleration." Stop trying to blame others for your own stupidity.


Even if this was a malfunction, they showed that they could switch from reverse to drive - which means they could slam it in park. And yeah, I didn't see brake lights coming on...

I'm inclined to believe this was a shitty driver spazzing out.


listen closely. you hearing revving sounds from the engine. stuck throttle would not rev with the weight of the car being thrown around (as well as the person with the foot inside.) i drive standard. this happens when i pop the clutch badly and then try to add little gas, the rocking motion then makes me floor and then stop, then floor it again and over and over till i give up on that gear.. i blame wrong peddle breaking. good thing for insurance!

dont let new teen drivers drive heavy cars! DUH!!! WHEN they mess up. they cause too much damage

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