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Note to Rudimental: Try to avoid allowing spammers to be responsible for developing your audience. It's easy for word to get out that Rudimental spams the Internet.

@chicchorea, @youtubeyj is lying through his fucking teeth.

He's responsible for Senior Audience Development for the company who focuses on "SEO optimization" (which mean search engine optimization optimization) and tactical cross-promotion for their customers.

This garbage is the worst kind of self-link/spam for Rudimental, by someone who knows exactly how they're attempting to stealthily violate our posting guidelines and is trying hard to bend us over a barrel and violate our collective rectum.

It amazes me that these "reputable" companies still only try to improve their customers' online presence through fucking disgusting, deceitful spam like this bullshit.



youtubeyj has been nominated for banination by lucky760. This may be due to abuse or violations of the posting guidelines. If this nomination is seconded, the account will be permanently disabled.


youtubeyj has been seconded for banination by eric3579. This account will now be disabled. If you would like to appeal this banination, youtubeyj, you may contact the administrators.

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