Holy crap! Latest Robot From Japan

AIST and Kawada Industries unveiled the latest model in their line of humanoid robots Sept 15th 2010. The HRP-4 is designed to look like a slim athlete.

It's an impressive feat, but not as impressive as it seems. The robot wasn't made to respond to any novel dynamic circumstances. It just preformed preprogrammed poses, on a smooth, flat surface. I guess it did a little object tracking too. The real challenge in robotics is dealing with the dynamics, which is why the "big dog" videos by Boston Dynamics are so impressive. Everyone laughs at how it slips on ice, or has trouble getting its footing, but if you put this thing in the same circumstances, it would be a pile of broken circuit boards in no time. Granted, the big dog is quadrupedal, while this is bipedal, which is a much harder problem. Still, it doesn't seem as though they even make an effort to give it dynamic stability. I'm not sure they'll ever get to a decent humanoid robot until they start incorporating more muscle inspired actuators. The servos on these things just don't have the sort of mechanical compliance that allows our sloppy movements to be so forgiving.

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